Had an Ag2 dream

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by dystrophe, May 1, 2015.

  1. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    where everyone (and i mean everyone) had to share an island. nothing got done cause the first thing that got built was an Inn and Tavern x..x

    What are some of the dreams you guys have had about Ag2? or other mods?
    Auvreaeath likes this.
  2. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    5:09 PM
    Interestingly enough I've had a dream very similarly on Agrarian Skies 1 back in the day.
    Album: Kingdom of Trudor [WIP] [Agrarian +] | MineYourMind Community
    A previous Moderator was building that town on Agrarian Skies. Well I went to check it out one day and the same night when I went to sleep I saw: the entire staff team in this small floating island. SirWilli was actually a pig, and Slind was walking him around on a Lead. The other BenS1337 had just lit a house on fire accidentally and was screaming and running around. Zeltchoron and I were just chilling in lawn chairs watching the progress of the town but there was all sorts of wild stuff going on.

    Your dream however, I find it kind of funny that you view the entire community of Agrarian Skies 2 as people who frequently attend Inns and/or Taverns.

    If you ever have time to, I suggest building a Tavern, asking the people on to TPA and then take a screenshot and add it into the gallery. It's make a great community screenshot and a great addition to this thread!
    dystrophe, Mijikai, cbrozak and 2 others like this.
  3. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    only prob is my screen shot key doesn't seem to do anything x..x or i don't know how to take screen shots on this computer (i miss my old one, but it died)
  4. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    3:09 PM
    F2 for Minecraft's screenshot function, Prt Scr for your computer's. In the case of Prt Scr this only copies your current screen into an image, you have to save it yourself.
  5. Lexy2416

    Lexy2416 Well-Known Member

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    6:09 PM
    Have you tried holding down the "FN" button while pressing "F2". (The "FN" button is located beside left control.)
  6. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    4:09 PM
    fn key? surely not the windows key cause i disabled that, kept accidentally touching it and it minimizing whatever game i was playing.. very bad for dungeons
  7. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Bottom row of Keys: Left Ctrl, Windows, Left Alt, Space, Right Alt/Gr, Fn, Dropdown, Right Ctrl. Your keyboard might instead have another windows key or something there, out of all the keyboards I've had, only this last one has a Fn key.
    The Fn key, for me, though, is entirely useless. Hitting F2 normally does the trick. Try entering your control options and changing the Screenshot key to something other than F2, if F2 isn't working.
  8. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    10:09 PM
    To be honest, that sounds exactly like me.. lol
    dystrophe and Auvreaeath like this.

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