Tiered marketplace

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by jackripper0987, May 11, 2015.

  1. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    5:32 PM
    Again and again over servers the natural progression keeps breaking by market place which gets flooded with midgame-high items at low prices which makes starting a breeze as you can easily get any ore, ore multiplication ect...
    To remedy this I have a possible solution of tiered marketplaces which would subjugate players into low-endgame players. The plugins may need a little or a lot of tweaking so if this seems to get some traction I would love to see what a dev thinks of this

    To implement this idea I have thought of a few ways

    Time Based
    For time based systems hte idea would be simple of having players
    0-3 hours tier one market
    3-5 hours tier two market
    5-10 hours tier three market
    10+ endgame market

    The times would vary a lot on the pack, and this is just an example

    Item Based
    Item based markets revolves around having items which would upgrade you to the next tier, for example

    10 Diamond block to tier two
    2 Manylin blocks to tier three
    AE controller to tier four
    endgame item for endgame tier

    If possible making this crafting could make things better, but the ability to circumvent this is much easier

    Location Based

    Location based is simple, having different dimensions or areas (for instance crash landing) to unlock the next market tier, for example

    Nether for tier two
    The end for tier three
    Deep dark for tier four
    Endgame dimension for endgame teir

    This again would be varied for different packs but the system seems simple, could be easy to circumvent via tpa, or like on Agrarian skies 2

    HQM Bases

    The hardcore quest mod teir would work by possible quests being completed or chapters unlocked.
    There doesnt need to be an example added, but as it may be hard to implement and HQM resetting due to HQM being a crap mod like on Regrowth may not be wise

    This may be hard to implement but I feel it would make the games more enjoyable for everyone, starter to endgame a like. Staffing would only be centralized to making sure engdamge items arent added (if wished) and people arent circumventing. Each implementation would vary depending on pack, and may use a combination of each
    For the player hiu/herself a possible tiered aproach could be to allow buying from their tier down, but only selling from their teir up. Allowing a much more larger market

    I would love to see your thoughts on this matter if feasable, and possible implementations aswell
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
  2. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    i would like to say if this was implempted that time based would be a bad idea. since for some people they go from one modpack to another and the ontime transfers and therefore would be very hard to keep track of. and also some poeple know modpacks like the back of there hand so some people would get endgame really fast but not have endgame market unlocked while some people take forever to get somewhere and would have endgame unlocked but still be midgameish
    AlphaRue and chugga_fan like this.
  3. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    @LucidTheStick @Xfel11 @Slind and @SirWill Would love to hear your thoughts on this, personally as a person with 0 coding experience I say heck yea lets do it but the 4 of you are the experts. :)
  4. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    What I was thinking for time would be to be server specific, so being on Regrowth wouldnt move over to infinity giving endgame market straight away and you must progress and wait to get to it. Although I do see that other people would be faster than others, and a lot of tweaking would be needed to get it right on each server. But I think it still would be a better system than the one added now

    Which end of the spectrum the system would favor would need to be figured out, so either made aorund the slower players meaning endgame would be able to sell higher items in a lower teir. Or made around the faster players, making them sell in the right tier but slower players being able buy from higher markets. Either way there will be some overlap using time implementation

    As regards to implementation of time it would be the easiest, as I believe time spent of x server is already logged by /stats and /stats me
    Adrianfish likes this.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    as the Loctaion based system, i don't like to do kami, so i'd never be able to buy the endgame items, doesn't matter what else i've done, i could have millions of pseudo inversion sigils, and i wouldn't get this, the endgame items part doesnt' make sense, and as a longtime member of the community, the market is there so you can get a boost, say nether stars, a really earlygame item in packs, but these are endgame vanilla technially making them mid-game, but to get to the point of the items allowed on the market, it mustn't be hard, which is why we allow the items to be removed by moderators, and though i'm not part of the staff team, i know, that this can be a very bad idea, say, we aren't midgame but we have a draconic evolution mobspawner, and we need the souls for them, but we're not the tier to get the souls, i can't get that soul now, no matter how much money i have, therefore if a situation like this arises, it's why i think this is a bad idea and it isn't a larger market, it's a same market, infact, it's a smaller market, which is money gets cut from people, which is annoying and everyone would circumvent (like how i circumvent the market cut) using the p2p /pay system, because i want my items, and you do too, and i have more of x item, you're starting off, i want to sell x item for y myms to buy z item, so this is how we are able to buy and sell items, and it's a great system
  6. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Handle it like they handle the spawn portal. Where, you hit a button and have to turn in a certain set of items in order to unlock it. This way, you could turn in some basic metals to unlock the market for basic metals (You did, of course, void some in the process, since they don't get returned), alloys for alloys, etc.
    AlphaRue likes this.
  7. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    My personal opinion - Noones forcing anyone to buy anything. If YOU like to work your way through a mod pack, and savor every moment of it - more power to ya. Not everyone enjoys that, though, for some odd reason. World is full of strange people. I enjoy a good modpack as much as every one else, but there's really no enjoyment to be had by punching down ANOTHER oak tree. If theres cheap wood on the market, you better believe i'll be buying it my first day on a pack.

    Don't play minecraft to beat other people - You never will. Play minecraft for the reasons YOU enjoy, for the people you meet, and the company you keep.
    Alicatt and jackripper0987 like this.
  8. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    You could also have a system where you can only buy an item if you have had 1 of it in your inventory at any time before(would be extremely easy to bypass though)
  9. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    People bypass the very lack of a market itself, anyways, by just warping to each other and lobbing items at one another. Or by using luggages. I still need to test if the Travelling Trunk does it, too.
  10. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    I think it's possible, but it would be quite an amount of work. And I don't think that it's worth it considering the existing bypasses.
  11. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Thumbs up on the Item-based variant, but i see alot of work to do this ;)
  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    A easier way would but to allow only materials (ingots, wood...) in the market not any crafted item.
    A other thing would be that the player who wants to buy an item always requires to have the item he wants to buy in the inventory. So if I want to buy thaumium ingot I need to have at least one in my inventory to be able to buy it. Unfortunately you can also trade the needed items without the market and bypass it with that.
  13. dadadanik

    dadadanik New Member

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    maybe what we can do is make the Market sell higher tier or endgame items for a very large price and not let others sell thoughs items making it so that only if you have been playing for a large amount of time then you will be able to afford it.
  14. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    11:32 PM
    Or you could be like me, saving up a ton of votes, and redeem them all at once for a bunch of MyMs.
  15. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    11:32 PM
    Personanly I would liek to see a sign shop implemented!
    My reasoning for this is as followed:
    End Game items will be much harder to sell as it would have to be over /msg or in chat advertisment!!
    2. Will keep the economie steady and not fluxing (example: I've seen litteraly stacks of Blocks (Maniyulan for example) for 100MYM)
    3. We can chose what is sold and not and at what price. (Ie: 64 iron ignots for say 75mym)
    4. Farms would now be more useful (ie can sell 64 sugarcane for 15mym for example)
    5. Will be nice for player looking for a certain item to be able to go to spawn and buy it instead of grinding it out (Example a crafting recipe needs one more diamond then what the guy has... He can /spawn and buy it instead of going on a mining expedition!)

    1. Myms will become less valuable as the sell shops will probably be abused! -----> Way to fix this: Make adaptable economy as seen on servers such as The Nexus (Ie: Sugar cane value varies depending on the amount being sold/bought.... So someone sells 10 stacks of sugar cane at 15$ a stack the value for the next 10 stacks sold could be 10$/stack.... And vice versa for buying it)
    2. Could be hard to implement as the market system is already in use and so is the economie system. ----> Fix: I would recomend Implementing It on new servers and when servers/maps reset.
    3. With all the mods our packs have the Shops will most likely be huge. -----> Fix: Not much to do about this only Idea I have would be to make markets with only resources and starter items (Ie: Ignots/ores, blocks, farm items, etc).
    4. Will probably take lots of effort to make/code. ----> Fix none :,(
    5. Also we may find more AFK systems being abused for auto farms :/

    Just gonna tag you guys to see what you think! :)
    @Developer @SirWill @Slind
  16. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Trust me...we read posts. No need to tag =)
  17. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    11:32 PM
    :p Ik but wanted to make sure everyone that needs to see it did! So much happends on mym :p
  18. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Tagging them on something unimportant is just a good way to get yourself in trouble, though.
    Mining_Canadian likes this.
  19. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    11:32 PM
    bruh.... its a suggustion it is important... plus im always in trouble rofl xD
  20. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    7:32 AM
    Requires someone who maintains all the shops and resets inactive shops and checks all shop for end game items and setups the shop for each server and and and...

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