Ban-Appeal Ideas

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, May 15, 2015.

  1. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    4:51 PM
    True, than perhaps a solution to that along side of Roma's comment:

    Once a Ban Appeal is completed move it to a private section such as we have apps, or had them when I was around. Non-responded apps in a section, than the accepted/denied go into a new one.
  2. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    I feel like this is something that is, and should be, between the Banned Player and the Network. Opening this process up to ALL players just invites more problems than its worth, and takes a simple yes/no process and turns it into a three ring circus.

    I don't actually see an issue with this that would require a change, but...maybe that's just me ^_^
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I completely agree with you there, much better to leave the decision up to a select group of experienced people who's job is to do just that, than put it in the hands of any player with an opinion, especially with the potential for bias (both positive and negative) given that as you said before the decision is supposed to be impartial.
  4. BladeRavinger

    BladeRavinger New Member

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    this may have already been mentioned but here goes, use google forums for ban-appeal submission and decisions are madE internally by relevant staff (inc issuing staff member) then the final decision can be handed back via an admin.

    the banned player should not have be able to comment on there own review and there clearly bias in wanting to be on the server, staff members, though not always, are supposed to be un-bias as really did it hurt us that player a griefed player B... it just gives some of us something to do
  5. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    Sometimes we need more information from the appealing player. the back and forth does help, either to determine their innocence/remorse, or to allow them to hammer the final nail in their own coffin.
  6. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    I'd like to think that if some one is being a massive jerk when mods aren't around, that some one would let the mods know about it.
    I have to agree with this. While yes, it would be nice to have a vote in some ban appeals... I can see an open appeal with other players commenting or voting becoming a complete mess. There are a lot of players who only play on one modpack, and don't play in the same one as the person appealing did. So you'd have to set up some forum groups or structure to allow only those who play on those servers to vote on those ban appeals.

    EDIT: End of sentence didn't happen. Oops.
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    5:51 PM
    this idea of not letting the banned player to give more information after his first post is troublesome, let's say a player (me) didn't put enough information and the staff members asked for more detailed information, how would i be able to deliver that detailed information? hrmm? thats why you need the ability to comment on your ban appeal
  8. BladeRavinger

    BladeRavinger New Member

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    9:51 PM
    very well, i see your point of veiws and agree 80%
  9. _prpl_

    _prpl_ Well-Known Member

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    agrees with chugga (can you believe it :) ) Many will come on saying I've done anything like that. They see the screenshots and say oh well I did do that one... I didnt know you couldnt. It can get lengthy sometimes.

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