Daily Tier Kits....need "adjusting" on Agrarian Skies 2? (poll)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Alicatt, May 17, 2015.


Should the daily donor Tier kits be changed to give less/less powerful "stuff" on Agrarian Skies 2?

  1. Yes

  2. Maybe.

  3. No

  4. Potato.

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  1. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    2:47 AM
    If it has HQM, I will. I have gotten bored of playing regular modded MC and like the way HQM can direct people to play a pack the way the pack author intended
  2. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    it does have HQM, and is in my opinion the best 1.7.10 HQM pack so far.
  3. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    I believe we have /feed as well in the perks list. And I don't want to be an OP, I am an admin for a small community in MC on another server and honestly sometimes detest being one, because it cuts into my play time. Why do you think I play here :)

    And yes I agree, I think that the kits were even more powerful on Crash Landing than they are on AG2, and AG2 with the newest update kinda makes the resource kit a bit less useful early on[DOUBLEPOST=1431908006][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Well hopefully a post is made about the pack when its ready for public use. Wouldn't mind giving it a go.
  4. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    For the kits I think it is fair that it could be that they are nerfed a bit, but as far as the kits I dont see as much of a problem with it. If they want x kit than they have to pay irl cash to get and are completely there choice, what you could do is maybe make the prices higher so only the people that really want them can get them
    But while I am saying this I realize there is a operating cost and it is contingent on donors so the only people I think could make this are Directors/Admins
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    You don't play against other players. Why not just let decide each player if he wants to use it or not?
    There are some players who don't like the start and prefer to skip it for that they can use the kits. If you don't want to skip the start then just don't use them.
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    7:47 AM
    Im sorry but i disagree, While i dont use kits to progress, i can see why other do. You have the option not to use them.
    The server is not a PvP server so they get no advantage over anyone who doesn't use them.

    If you think the kits are op, dont use them. But dont try to stop others from doing so. IF they were not worth buying, no one would buy them and the server would not have income to pay for itself.
  7. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    I dont like the opinion pool, because most of non donators will automaticly pick: Yes, absolutely.
    It is up to donators to decide.[DOUBLEPOST=1431960054][/DOUBLEPOST]And donator perks are already hugely nerfed like: no fly, no heal.
  8. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

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    Well if you really want to get down to it, donor perks are OP anyways, imo...but that's me coming from servers that didn't hand out /fly to people who donated less than $500 and godmode was never given :p But that's another topic for another thread.

    I'd just like to repeat that I am a donor. Tier 4 donor...probably tier 5 sometime in the next couple of weeks. I *love* the perks on regular servers with landmass and too many mods to keep up with. But in *my* opinion (I'm just one tiny voice) the resource kit especially is over powered for these servers that are supposed to be hardcore.

    People could still easily skip the early game with a resource kit that gives them half a stack of saplings, a stack or two of cobble, enough stuff to make a small smeltery, a well, and similar things like this. I don't see the need in giving people half a stack of iron and 8 diamonds right out of the gate and DAILY to boot. Yes, the other things in the resource pack are basically useless until you get further along, but that iron especially, knocks out a good 2-3 days of normal playing time for the average player, when the purpose of the kits is to save a few hours of playtime.

    I guess my biggest thing is like...why bother playing a hardcore skyblock type server if you don't want it to be hard to get started? Isn't that the point? Or at least part of the point?
  9. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    7:47 AM
    Then i would advice of reconfiguring the kits for the proper pack, nerfing sounds tooo harsh.
  10. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

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    "nerfing" is reconfiguring for the pack :p Nerfing just means lowering the potency of something basically xD
  11. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    "Nerfing" kits will make the game only more pay to win. People can still buy as many kits from the /shop with credits as they like. So i dont see a reason of doing this.[DOUBLEPOST=1431963681][/DOUBLEPOST]Doing this nerf will only force people of investing more money into the game for the same fun they had.
    Think again why people payed for their donator ranks in the first place.
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  12. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    I just don't see the point in nerfing them. Shouldn't each person be able to decide for themself whether they will use them or not? It's not a competition, so they only "hurt" the experience of the person who uses them and Noone else, and isn't that their decision to make.
    matijase likes this.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We haven't done much for ag2 in terms of shop implementation yet. We kinda have our global system and only adjust things which are not available. While we go further on the special packs like ag, cl, regrowth.. we haven't done anything with ag2, yet. It was planned to overhaul it with a more stable/finished release.

    Anyways, I think a good start would be some suggestions on how the kits should look like.
    Alicatt and BladeRavinger like this.
  14. RabidCadaver

    RabidCadaver Well-Known Member

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    Worth noting, there's also no market, so it's not like the system is being flooded with sprinkle cakes or anything. I think they're fine. It lets me skip that first part where I'm starving to death if I'm not standing under a tree with a crook. It's not long before I'm in a place where automated, I get the resource kit (just about) in extra resources flowing from an autosieve.

    Also, potato.
    DuckDastardly likes this.
  15. MrSquidward_

    MrSquidward_ Well-Known Member

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    Don't change any kit , they are good as they are now, if i didnt had that kits ill never play these servers :D.
  16. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Just to note;
    I edited the pool as the options were "Yes absolutely" and "No way"

    Personally, being a tier5 donator, I've payed for this for two reasons.

    1. Supporting the server. Obviously, this is the reason half of us have donated.

    2. To make my life as a player on the server, faster and easier than what it is.

    Donators, donate so they do not have to go through all the grinding at the start.
    Personally, balanced or imbalanced, it doesn't matter, because what you get from the kit, you can edit yourself.

    You don't like that there are 10 cobalt in the kit? Throw it into a trashcan and you'll never see it again.
    I think both arguments can be used, but in terms of if they're too OP or not, they're definitely not. They're there to make these players that have spent their own money on the server to make their lives easier as a player, have a faster experience in terms of modpack progression.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  17. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Personally I think they should be nerfed a bit but still kept decent enough to make the early game pretty easy.

    Tools should be changed to Flint tools, Toolsplus to Iron, still saves a bit of time at the early game but doesn't skip straight to ardite/cobalt level mining so you still have to upgrade them at some point, also I think instead of bags of holding the tools kit should come with 1-2 of the trophies that unlock inv slots, so it speeds up how long it takes to unlock your full inventory instead of just handing you a 54 slot bag!

    Armour and Armourplus I don't think need to be changed much except for moving the thaumium sword to plus and having a lesser sword for the normal kit.

    Resources and Mobdrops for starters could just have all the amounts cut in half, with perhaps a few substitutions like taking silver, lead and pig iron out and replacing with 32-64 wood, 8-16 dirt, 24-48 bonemeal, and maybe a clay bucket of lava if we're feeling generous.

    As for quick-start kits, that's something I'll have to think about further before making any suggestions.
    chugga_fan and Alicatt like this.
  18. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

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    This is beautiful and exactly what I was talking about. The kits are supposed to make things easier, but not that much easier. I don't have access to /fly on AG2 which means cobalt should be something very hard for me to obtain there, for instance.

    As far as the credit-purchased kits, I wouldn't spend the money on them there anyway, since it seems to defeat the purpose of the modpack imo...so I'm not as concerned there. It was another player's suggestion to add that bit in. I was most concerned with the tier kits.
  19. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    You don't want to use them, that's fine, throw what you think is OP away. Who cares what someone uses out of the kits. If you really want to play this pack the way it was meant to be played, go play single player and govern yourself. I myself play on servers so I get to use things like /back or /home...and honestly those can be just as pack breaking/OP as the kits, if not more so. The kits help us slower minecrafters a lot, otherwise we would be stuck in early game a lot longer. And we know how boring that can be.

    The packs help out early and a few hours in mean very little.

    Again if you don't want/like something in a kit, throw it over the side. Then problem solved for you. This isn't a competition, so what you get out of the kits doesn't matter to me, and shouldn't matter to anyone else.
  20. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

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    1:47 AM
    I really need to change the poll to say "daily tier kits". I think that is where the miscommunication is at with my suggestion. I may just make an entirely new thread /poll and close this one.

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