Implemented Regrowth Resource scarcity. (Nether/Farmworld/Spirit World/End? Reset request)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by uberwookie, May 13, 2015.

  1. uberwookie

    uberwookie New Member

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    5:48 PM
    I know Regrowth is supposed to be about scarcity, but the Nether, Spirit World, and Farmworld are pretty well devoid of resources now.

    Every day I am on I see a dozen or so people complain about this. Just... putting up my two cents. Thanks. :)
  2. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Isn't the farm world supposed to be void of resources? As for anything you can obtain from the nether, I'm pretty sure the Ex Nihilo and sister mods can let you craft anything you need.
  3. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    By resources in the Farmworld, I would assume @uberwookie is referencing a lack of dead trees, grass and slate. These are all necessary to begin the quests.

    Nether resources are necessary for some quests, for example the Nether Ores quest where players collect one of every ore.
  4. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    The nether to me isnt scarce, it just takes time in general to get the ores

    The spirit world certainly does, I took everything from it when I was hunting for spirits

    Farm wold seems to have enough, wouldnt hurt though
  5. uberwookie

    uberwookie New Member

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    Add nodes to the list of lack of things farmworld should have and is running low on. Also, it is littered with (abandoned) newbie bases with claims and nodes are pretty scarce. The Nether is pretty tough to mine in, possibly because I know of at least 3 bases that link to one nether portal, but even going 700 on each axis the place is full of mine shafts and the nether fortresses gutted. (And I have to date found only 5 nodes in the nether, mapping at least 1k in each direction, 2 of them were claimed or had a jar around them). But in general, yeah, farmworld is pretty well gutted of dead grass and trees.

    [Edit] I am not saying these things are IMPOSSIBLE to come by, mind you, it can be done, but for the quest progression and number of players coming through the server, the resources needed to complete the quests are quite low, ESPECIALLY with 3 quest book resets in two weeks. (counting the 3 in one day last Sunday as one reset).
  6. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    I completely understand your point with scarcity, as for nodes there are plenty out there, but most arent very good and the ones that are (ie hungry nodes) are claimed.

    As for the quest book, there is a large problem with it being reset so often that new players may be found impossible to progress due to constant resets. Although a few mods have pointed out that you can just play without it this isnt entirely the case. As for some thing, ie diamond/emerald seeds you must finish the quests to get one of the essence. To counter this maybe there could be a manual quest system in place, ie chuck items in and get essence out

    For the nether ores scarcity I would point out that things like diamonds are rare at the best case, even at the start it took hours on by hours to get a single one. I would suggest if you have one letting people borrow one to help fix. Nodes in the nether are rare aswell, to help find them fly around lava lakes as they are more pronounced there and I believe only spawn above them

    For portals you just have to live with it, its a basic MC survival problem that cant be fixed without extra plugins to link up portals specifically, even then you still have a proximity. Nether fortress's again get gutted very quickly, so the only way to allow access for all would be via constant resets which isnt something that could happen

    Perhaps to help fix the nether a plugin could be added so a nether portal doesn't appear on the other side and you get /rt that way the mining could be more spread out and chances of getting untouched areas more likely
  7. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    I have probably contributed to the lack of nodes in the farmworld. When I find one and it's not one that I want to keep, I break it for the ethereal essence. It's getting hard to find any nodes that aren't deep underground.
  8. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    although I have broken a few nodes for the essence, as its the only way I could find one of the vis (other than beacons which doesnt work...) I would stop it just to preserve as many as I can
    I am going to setup a my hungry node with a droping mechanism to grow it MASSIVE, then allow anyone to use it on the server also I am close to getting some mana beans so ill distribute them to anyone so essence wont be a problem
  9. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    That would be a nice way for every one to skip that part of quest progression... :mad:
  10. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    I cant remember any of the other quests, but as for diamond essence its a large amount of resources for one essence so they cant get easy diamonds. But to make the seeds they need to do all the quests below to get the stones/essence so it doesnt really matter becuase for this example they cant skip ahead
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Check the oceans
  12. dadadanik

    dadadanik New Member

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    6:48 PM
    Can we make it so that the Farm world resets every 2 weeks for all mod packs to allow easier resource gathering?
  13. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    5:48 PM
    What part of progression is being skipped? A person can still not grow the beans until they grow their own magical forest, anyways.
  14. IllyiaSvara

    IllyiaSvara Well-Known Member

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    The farmworld is pretty much lacking in some of the most needed resources early on. Dead grass and logs.
    It's all well and good to say go search further, but guess what a new player has to their name? Nothing, they don't survive. small bases get built up in an attempt to survive in farmworld, just random teleporting takes you to so many other bases. I've had to go to people, put down dirt and bonemeal it so they could complete the starting quests, just because of the sheer lack of the starting resources now.

    You can't travel a few thousand blocks in a world thats devoid of resources. Remember they won't be able to get food without having completed the first few quests. Monsters are much tougher than their vanilla counter parts. Enough so that if your out at night without equipment your pretty dead.

    Farmworld needs a reset. If not for the nods but for the most basic resources needed to even start the pack.
    Nether, would be nice to get a reset.
    Spiritworld, don't do witchery myself, but many have complained in chat about there being nothing at all. Not just new people to that are but people who have cleared it out themselves.
  15. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    There is a botania flower through thaumcraft that make ethereal essence. Since you cane make villager spawn eggs, shouldn't be long until you get a thaumcraft villager with mana bean trade. Plop down silver wood saplings from quest and hope for a pure nod in one, enjoy your mana bean farm
  16. uberwookie

    uberwookie New Member

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    Spirit world is impossible to progress past in Witchery, which is 1/3rd through the quest line or so. The only wispy cotton I have EVER seen is beyond the world border, and I have explored it a LOT now.

    Basically "helpful hints" at this point HOW to progress Do Not Help New Players.

    There is no -good- reason NOT to reset these worlds. Sure, there are workarounds, but that doesn't encourage new players or keep established ones. To not reset them is, as far as I can tell, just kind of lazy. There are already server resets 12-15 times a day, so its not like it would bother players if it happened once more. Why not reset the farmworld, spirit world and the Nether? Is there any reason NOT to?

    Please, for the love of your players at least reset the Spirit world or implement a mechanic to get wispy cotton because it is impossible right now for a solitary player to get it. I have used up 15 brews of sleeping and only seen it beyond the world border, which I had to run with haste 2, and sash of the sojourner to even get to.
  17. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    World resets are much more involved then that. We need to dedicate CPU and Staff time to pregen then worlds, announce the resets, and proceed with reset. I wish it were as simple as flicking a switch. On that note we are working on ways to improve the situation and make it an easier task.
  18. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    What about a public farm? The wispy cotton can regrow in the spirit world under certain conditions. Only problem would be is how to handle it
  19. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    8:48 PM
    That's the sort of creative thinking I like! Can you start a new thread with a poll in the suggestions area? Let's get a public vote and see what we can do.
  20. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    8:48 PM
    I have an idea I'll test out tonight before I make a poll. Hopefully it will deter greedy players and make it so there is permanently cotton in the spirit world

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