it seems that today somebody added world borders to Nether and Deep Dark. most people's bases are outside of that border, so they get moved when they go to those dimensions. a lot of people have quarries placed in the deep dark, and wither cages/farms in the nether that are unreachable now.. we didn't get any advance warning about this border.. is this a mistake?
I am not sure about this, but I think the borders were added because people traveled a lot in the different dimensions to find the new ores that were added after the update. Loading so many nee chunks caused a massive impact on the server and im sure you have expirienced all the time outs.
it'd be nice to let us get our stuff out of there before the border is added.. a lot of people have inaccessible quarries in there that are still running, sending ores to their bases.
@Ash00182 I recommend to remove the worldborders for few days and add a broadcast warning for the few days.
All world borders have been removed. You have 2 days to retrieve your stuff before they are put up again.
Would probably be a good idea to reset those dims too when you put the borders back up if the whole reason people were going that far out in the first place was to find newly generated chunks with ores that weren't part of the world gen when those dims were first generated.
Just wanted to say that it has been 3 days now and the world border is not back. I have asked people and it seems like most people has retrieved their stuff.
I would also suggest removing the announcement about the world border being removed as people can think it still is there.