Request to Add Method to Obtain AE2 Inscriber Press Items on DW20

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Tairgire, May 26, 2015.

  1. Tairgire

    Tairgire New Member

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    12:32 PM
    I was wanting to try out/get started with AE2 but all the meteors in the Overworld have been scavenged already. I've tried asking in chat but the best response I got was something along the lines of, "There used to be some on the market." There don't appear to be meteors in the Farm World (though I'd bet those would be picked over too at this point). It's frustrating that I can't use this mod at all. My best case scenario is to spend $10 for the advanced AE2 starter kit, but I don't want all the things -- I want to do things as properly and normally as possible, preferably without spending any more real life money.

    I'm not sure what to do, though -- have mods/admins put some on the market regularly? Regenerate the chunks with the meteors in them every so often? If something could be worked out, though, that would be great. Thanks.
  2. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    8:32 PM
    Have you tried asking players to help you out? Maybe make you a copy of them as you can do it with an Iron block. Surely someone would gladly help you out.
    Mining_Canadian likes this.
  3. Tairgire

    Tairgire New Member

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    You'd think, but I wasn't successful with asking over the weekend. I'll keep trying every once in a while.
  4. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    That's weird.Most of the players don't mind sharing the presses as then know how hard it can be to get them. Can you contact me when you are ingame I will make you some copies? Note I do this as a player.
  5. Tairgire

    Tairgire New Member

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    12:32 PM
    Well, they didn't refuse. They just didn't respond (other than the one comment I mentioned in the first post). Maybe I'm invisible! I'll keep an eye out for you in-game. Thanks.
  6. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    If you write a review, you can get credits, which you can use to buy the kit ;)
  7. Tairgire

    Tairgire New Member

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    I will write a review, actually -- I was planning on it once I had been around for a little longer and had a better idea of what's what. I'd rather not be given ALL the things though -- just the presses. Mini-kits for things that are harder to get in an SMP environment might be a thing to consider putting in the shop. I'm sure there are other similar trouble spots that arise just from population density. I'd generally rather work for my rewards, though, so a whole kit is kinda overkill. I am very possibly not the norm as far as that's concerned. :)
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    There are normally always presses in the market.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  9. Tairgire

    Tairgire New Member

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    12:32 PM
    Yep, someone said that on the server the one time I got a response. There weren't at the time. There had been a day or two before, for one day, but I'd never done AE2 before and didn't realize they were a thing I'd want. I've only been around for a week. Maybe it's just been unusually sparse this week. I will make it my duty, once I have some, to make sure there's some up when I'm around. :)
  10. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    3:32 PM
    also bear in mind that AE2 meteors can spawn completely underground as well (totally invisible on the surface) - use your meteor compass to find them :D
  11. Tairgire

    Tairgire New Member

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    12:32 PM
    Yeah, I was using the compass plus /rt. I spent multiple game-days doing this, looking at two to three meteors a day. I did find at least one that was totally underground, but it was also already looted. I even hit the world border when I tried walking away from spawn while watching my compass. And I found a meteor sort of near there. And it was looted. I looked at probably a dozen or more meteors. (I'm inclined to say more but it may have just felt like more.) It's actually a pretty neat mechanic and I don't mind getting the presses from someone else at this point. I've definitely done enough work to make it not feel cheatery. It would be neat if the meteors regenned in an SMP environment though.

    Edited to add: I hope this thread doesn't come off as whiny. I was/am frustrated by being gated by something that appears to be outside of my control, but I know that overall, it's inconsequential. I just started playing with Ender IO instead. It's new to me also, which is the fun part for me.

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