Info Information on reward bags

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by caithleen, May 3, 2015.

  1. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Reward bags are allready handed out in the quests, but there is not list for items yet.

    Those will come in later when the basic balancing is done.
  2. IanIsTheBoss

    IanIsTheBoss Technician

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    What is the spread of the different types as of 0.0.5 (basic,good,greater,ect)?
  3. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    The bags itself have no spread, e.g. a good one allways rolls in the good rewards category. Right no we have a lot of basic, good stuff, and little greater/legendary.
  4. IanIsTheBoss

    IanIsTheBoss Technician

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  5. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    I forgot to mention : This applies to 0.05a indev, it will be on the server on monday i hope. Right now server is 0.04 without rewards
  6. IanIsTheBoss

    IanIsTheBoss Technician

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  7. KristoffLam_1

    KristoffLam_1 Well-Known Member

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    i wish there is a way for us to make it so the reward bags is like going voting like you either have good or bad stuff like getting ender dragon egg for the least because it has no use for the pack but if the top tier one that you can only get 0.0000000001% at a time is a nether star or something XD
  8. IllyiaSvara

    IllyiaSvara Well-Known Member

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    I personally feel the current reward bags aren't much of a reward.
    Basic reward bags in my mind should give you a little bit of help through the T1 grind, perhaps not direct resources but something that can be broke down into those resource. So its a material that can be processed to give a little helping hand. So say half a stack of Tynian? blocks, some extra redstone (easy enough to get without machines) or other useful block like sand (for glass, expanded sugarcane farm, and SiO2 if processed). Also could include compressed cobble as well. Cobble gen is early early. Even something like free barrels or storage boosts is good for helping remove the grind on one part to refocus resources to another.

    Good reward bags, Direct help with T1/Indirect help with T2. Again reward bag helps to remove the grind but isn't to OP. So say here you get a few ingots or if really lucky some energy conduits/generator. Ingots could be a mix of multiple, for example; 4 gold, 4 tin, 4 iron, 4 aluminium, 4 copper; or in the non mix type 20 ingots of each type. Higher chances of it being a mix, including mixes with greater portions of blocks to be processed like the basic reward just more of them or a wider spread of materials.

    Great probably help with late T2/T3 stuff, course not seen any of these bags and not looked at T3, currently at end of T1, looking at building up for T2. So I'm sure Caith knows what helps with the late T2/T3.

    Epics help with T3 or say a good boost to your resources somewhere.

    Legendary, well if there are any of these, make them legen-waitforit-dary. Something thats a good strong boost to what the quest line its in is related too. If say there is one during the ender IO quest line, then make it so it gives a variety of EnderIO machines/conduits/pipes. Probably outside of the realm of HQM's reward bags, but the general pic can be seen.
    Legendaries should be legendary not just oh really, thats nice I guess it might be useful but well i've already got all this stuff set up and done for this?? In my opinion They often were with AG1 (not tried AG2). Legendaries while nice there didn't exactly feel like a reward on the while

    No bag should have the option to just "troll" you in my mind. I personally dislike when the bags have bad (bad here in terms of real use) or a negligible reward. Makes the whole point of the reward rather meh. Rewards should feel like a reward for the point your currently at.
    If you have to pick between bags, again not a great fan here. This where I like the ideas of you can pick a big and get something good or you can pick a a known reward. So say for the barrel quest (as an example) You could pick to get a few extra barrels or a bag. On the whole I'd like the rewards within the same quest to be equivalent rather than again like AG, some rewards are utterly worthless leaving you with only one real choice. Which is a problem with AG, when people had played it heavily the order of bags became known and then it was a case of ok pick this this and this but not this this and this. Removes the real choice of hmm I'd like this but i'd also like to see what i get here as well. One thing I never liked about multiple reward bags in the same quest as a reward to choose from. Might just be me, but I'd rather my reward isn't wasted by not reading a guide or what not but instead a reward that I felt was a reward at that time.
  9. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Some good input there!

    I think we could see some things like iron and copper chests come in to either be used or decomposed. Tyrian? No way! You got 2 stacks of it in your base! :D

    On trolling : Theres no real trolling reward. The spawn eggs come in usefull in t2. The worst thing i can think of is the marble and limestone but some people like to built with them, so thats why i included them this way.

    Thoo i wont include things that can shortcut the progression to a higher tier. But maybe you could just suggest some blocks in the thread here :

    Done - Community input for reward bags | MineYourMind Community

    I could think of the mentioned chests, perhaps som small amount of gc wires. Perhaps some basic elements like 16 FE.
  10. IllyiaSvara

    IllyiaSvara Well-Known Member

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    Then legendaries could be a quirky item that helps out but still is valuable, could even be some form of collector set of tools/armour with custom names/capabilities.
    Say a tool or weapon or amour with custom NBT data. I've used All-U-Want for making these ingame in the past when testing out, gives slightly less options than nbt, but slightly more options than just enchanting. Allows adding things such as extra health when wearing the armour piece, or a speed mult (can slow down the person or speed them up).
    Since this isn't PVP and only a few legendaries things like the armour could be set as unbreakable so its real collector.

    Could also help add to the lore of lost treasures of old Earth, or unearthed treasures below the other planets. In lore sense.
  11. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    HQM itself has no real support for nbt and i dont feel like adding an extra mod for it. But yeah we could see some more things like a titanium armor piece. Just propose actual items in the mentioned thread please :)
  12. IllyiaSvara

    IllyiaSvara Well-Known Member

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    Not with my magic solution of the ingame custom item maker of All-u-Want (only needed as a mod during making of the actual item to add the data and such, very straight forward and nice UI)
    Just tested it out with the pack and it does work in adding the items by doing it through the use item in inventory selection option as a reward.
    However sadly, modded armours/weapons aren't detected by the mod, though blocks are, didn't bother checking the machines cos why would anyone put say knock back resistance on a machine for :p

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