Departed - PvP yes/no

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, May 28, 2015.


PvP rule on Departed

Poll closed May 30, 2015.
  1. yes, I want PvP to be allowed (still no raiding/griefing)

    34 vote(s)
  2. no, I want it to be pure PvE

    20 vote(s)
  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    There are no claims
  2. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    Seems to answer that.

    EDIT: Dangit, ninja Slind
  3. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    6:03 AM
    Huh... Didn;t know that
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    There are no plugins. So this is not an option.
  5. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    I really dislike PVP but it seems the vote is going towards it...bummer.

    Is it possible to control PVP per dimension without plugins?

    Basically, Could we make the overworld NOPVP so that people can build there bases in the open, escape from spawn, not get spawn camped at their bed, not worry about getting killing in their base while crafting,not feel in mandatory to travel really far from spawn, etc.... Then make all the other dimensions PVP.
  6. DemonicFury

    DemonicFury Well-Known Member

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    i support pvp but i think it should be without people spawn camping your base.
  7. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I love the mechanics of this mod pack, but really dislike PvP. Overall if +PvP i'm out.
  8. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    Can we change gamerule keep inventory true but allow pvp? Never played the pack so I don't know the specifics but @Crhymez seems to be the expert so ... Would the pack still work with keep invin on?
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It's a exploration pack with many bosses and a higher difficulties in terms of mob damage and health. Keep inventory could break this. But I haven't played a lot yet, so, its better if others give their opinion about it.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  10. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    Ok well I still voted yes. since it's whitelist people shouldn't be breaking rules. It also sounds like Pvp is a needed part of the modpack.
  11. night3y3s

    night3y3s chaotic constructor

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    Keep inventory would help in being able to resist monsters right after death, most mobs kill you in under a second, which can be a hassle if you try to reclaim your items, especially in different dimensions, as mobs tend to camp teleports.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    There is or will be a way to have Keep items Via advent of ascension
    1.0.0: Lootable bodies | Feed the Beast
    There is a quote from Gorea in the thread that states the reason they used Corpses was because it didnt interfere with AoA's version of keep items. Originally it was said to be tied into a skill level, but i have tested this and its not how you aquire keep invenory/keep tools. It also (if implemented) will only allow you to keep weapons and tools on death.

    That being said, having keep inventory on by the server might break progression since people can just go after a boss over and over till its dead, not worrying about losing anything.

    Also a side note, If you use a TiCon knapsack, you keep all its contents on death. I believe this is currently a bug with corpse mod and im not sure if it will be patched/fixed in future updates.
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    It would also prevent losses from the portal bug, as well as the occasional random loss of items in the corpses.

    Augury would be less useful since the keeping of armour and tools from higher levels would happen anyway, though that function didn't work with Tinker's tools when I last checked.
  14. DemonicFury

    DemonicFury Well-Known Member

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    keep inventory would kill the difficulty and ruin the point of pvp. the only way i would agree to keep inventory if it was only on your claim u get it there.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  15. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    There's no claims as there is no plugins.
  16. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Being camped by powerful mobs when you are trying to get your gear back, while difficult to overcome, is not an enjoyable experience for anybody, in my experience.
    This depends on how you think of PVP. Personally, I would say that it is a competition between players over who is the most powerful with the best tools, which would not be affected by keepInventory. Your view evidently differs, and seems to be more akin to the mindset behind hunting, and the Schadenfreude from causing issues for others.
  17. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Thats why you need to be geared before you try to attempting fighting them. If keep items was on, you would just keep trying to fight mobs you wouldnt normally, because you would lose your items.

    Keeping all your items on death would break the balance and progression. There is suppose to be a way in the pack already to keep tools and weapons on death, but i have yet to find out how.
  18. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Powerful mobs can spawn randomly in the overworld anyway, especially during night events, and even weak monsters like chargers can be quite formidable with no armour and a little lag.

    That's through having a high Augury level. AFAIK it doesn't work properly with Tinker's Construct, however.
  19. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Diamond armor is strong enough for most overworld mobs. And being out at night during events is not wise unless your geared and have strong weapons. Also regen and health potions.
    It sounds like you want the pack to be easier. If i knew i would keep all my items on death, i would play the pack differently. I wouldn't need to plan for anything since i knew i wouldn't lose anything. This would make the pack less of a challenge.

    I'm sorry but i can not agree with the server having keep inventory on.
    Decnav likes this.
  20. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Yea part of the challenge for me since I play real slow and dont have diamond armor yet, is to manage my time ingame, i cant go more than a half days travel from my house without fear of loss. I also have to have a few sets of recovery weapons. Many time i am completely armorless, yet I manage to go days a few ingame days without death while hunting mobs.

    I am enjoying the focus change in this pack from mass acquisition to hunting and exploring. I havent done anny magic mods in over a year so they are all new to me.

    If I were being camped by a player that would defiantly not be fun, but would be greifing on their part.

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