Departed - PvP yes/no

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, May 28, 2015.


PvP rule on Departed

Poll closed May 30, 2015.
  1. yes, I want PvP to be allowed (still no raiding/griefing)

    34 vote(s)
  2. no, I want it to be pure PvE

    20 vote(s)
  1. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    6:35 AM
    All things that players will not have during their early play, when they will also lack spare armour sets to get their items back. There is also sometimes little choice over being out in an event, if you are far away from shelter when night falls.

    I play challenge packs for the challenge, but I do not like the idea of punishing a player for something that is often out of their control for what could last 10 minutes, or more when the death occurs underground but close to the player's spawn point. My philosophy is and always will be to punish the player only when they make a mistake that could have been avoided, and punish severely.

    We should probably just have a separate thread for this.
  2. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    I have this issue with this pool that i do not understand. Some of us make items that have a big game breaking potential, if other players got hold of them. So, will players with pvp be able to steal them from our corpses and hide them in chests with no chance of getting the items back or will looting corpes and stealing items from them be unalowed? Or, if i can simply ask does looting player corpses count as raiding?
  3. DemonicFury

    DemonicFury Well-Known Member

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    yeah that is the risk you take when you leave your claim you forget their is like 20 dimension to live in and hide. finding people to kill will not be easy job and you can always rebuild.
  4. budderminer100

    budderminer100 New Member

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    I want PvE but no raiding I have already lost all my stuff
  5. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    Since it counts as raiding, stealing in any form shuld not be allowed then as the pool says:
    "yes, I want PvP to be allowed (still no raiding/griefing)"

    The whitelist is there for players that know these rules and will obey them without the need of stealing prevention mechanics.
    jackripper0987 likes this.
  6. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I am failing to understand how PvP would be practical without raiding. Your mining, fight a mob barely surviving, a player jumps you collects his booty, stores it in a chest. and its gone forever. Some items completely unrelated to combat take days if not weeks to build up, a person actively PvP will never carry those with them, they are never to be recovered, since the base cannot be raided to recover it.

    This a a very challenging mod pack, hate to see it go PvP. If possible have one of each and see which one attracts more players, while on the boards PvP might win a poll, the number of players will show otherwise.
  7. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    Frankly I have several friends who like the thrill of the hunt without even needing the items. But, what of it, even if I were killed and lost my items I'd work and either get them back or, make new ones.
  8. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Then dont kill anyone? I dont like minecraft PVP at all, I find it to be a"who has better gear and clicks faster" fight. For PVP I go play planetside2. But for this pack to function correctly, guns are a must. Guns bypass a PVP toggle we are told and would need to be banned in PvE.

    Most players currently on the server, that I have run across, dont kill on sight. I have not killed anyone and have no plans to do so. So, like the real world where you have the ability to kill people on sight, but never do, apply that attitude to this server. Just be nice, seems to work for me.

    If a problem comes up, im sure it will be handled, this is a MYM server after all
  9. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    I do understand those that kill others on their property though - maybe we could put signs up in various locations stating that if anyone enters without permission they will be killed on sight - I wouldn't mind a few hunts though, i got a taste for it on AG1 in the nether[DOUBLEPOST=1432860047][/DOUBLEPOST]Most of the time i play nice though - for instance someone moved in close to our base and i made them a few things to help them out (cause they were in log armor and i just know that's not going to cut it (bed, a few iron ingots i think it was just what was on me at the time lol, one of the food bags (the ones made of iron pressure plates) and some food) nothing major tide turning, but more than likely will help him/her out some
    jackripper0987 likes this.
  10. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    I would prefer pvp on but no raiding especially on corpses, as recently I had ALL my items stolen after being misled outside my base into a trap where I was taken by surpirse and was 2 endgame people on me where all my items were stolen taking me from midgame to using stone picks. After confronting then being killed a few more times just for fun then saying thanks for the free items and running away
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Is PvP worth it if you are not allowed to loot and spawn/base camp?
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
  12. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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  13. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    I think its fair to say pvp is only good for the victor in no other way

    What if you couldnt loot, spawn camp or constantly stop people from getting there things but allowed pvp. Having each kill give you something? like giving some money to buy stuff
    But could you have a system where you ONLY kill fairly? so no ganging up, no killing new people ect...

    The mobs are hard enough without a load of assholes killing/stealing you[DOUBLEPOST=1432862160][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Thats EASY for you to say when you are the one killing people and stealing there stuff
  14. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    I'd be fine with no spoils and just pvp - it'd give us the option if we wanted to - but i think excessive bullying shouldn't be allowed - although hiring other players for protection might end up being a thing, a contract killing as well
  15. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    My experience as well, both as victor and victim. A successful fight is using the environment to your advantage. The entire point of successful PvP is to not have a fair fight, but to have a situation you are not going to loose. I love head to head and team vs team challenges, where sides are balanced and rely's on player skill. Open world Pvp is just for bullies, gangs and opportunist, nothing I am interesting in joining.
  16. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    The point of pvp to me is to have a fight, thats it
    Just like the point of playing MC is playing MC
    But as your playing MC you will have people that will flay fair and honest, then you WILL get the assholes, bullies, ect...
    and im saying do you want to play that, and going with the analogy of playing MC would anyone want to play with those people (especially as its a fair public server (or will be))

    There is a point where taking the advantages like height and lying, ganging up then stealing differ
    So where is that point, and could you enforce it (even without the large amount of ways to get around that)
  17. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I have been killed on sight a few times, always within a few hundred metres of spawn and sometimes within the spawn town, by a player with late game gear.
  18. Jun_

    Jun_ Well-Known Member

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    If you think back to vanilla MC or any other non grief PvP server the thing is if you die, Your items become Fair Game meaning the person who killed you has the right to take your items. I'm all for PvP this pack is great for it. If you cant take the heat then get off the battlefield.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  19. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Contract killer would be interesting, seeing me and some others are the strongest on that server I would not mind being it. Just so people wouldn't get mad at me. Also I have only killed one or two people and the people me and "my group" have killed are the rivals of ours in the server. We have took items after killing them but so has the other group. In teamspeak we have a lot of allies on that server, if we wanted to kill EVERYONE we would but we do not do so. I only go after people who threaten, take, or kill anyone from group. I came from pvp/faction servers, pvp is fun and challenging. You could always make a PvP timer for when PvP would be enabled on new players so they could get there feet under them and a safe place to live at since raiding/griefing is not allowed. The modpack would be boring without a little pvp in my opinion. But thanks for taking the time to read this.
  20. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    If it is PvP I believe you should not be allowed to raid the grave/items. This leads to players losing everything and quitting the server, which leads to no players and server closes up.

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