Hello, i'm having a problem with AG+. A problem is a bit of an understatement really, i'm having quite a few problems and it's ruining my experience. Anyway there are two big problems and if they're both resolved then all the rest ofthe problems will just go away. All right, so, i load up AG+ from the MyM launcher as normal and it all goes normally until i try to join the server, as soon as i double click it there's a chance the client will just completely close down for no reason it doesn't even give a warning or show any errors as far as i know. That was problem 1, problem 2 is that the client just randomly stops responding and there is no set time that it does it, it just does not respond. I can play any of the other MyM servers just fine without either of these issues arising, can anybody help me?
If you could go to \AppData\Roaming\.mineyourmind\instances\MyM-FTB-Agrarian_Skies+\minecraft And Upload the most recent Forgemodloader-client file to pastebin we might be able to see what the issue is
Sorry for the late reports, here we go: @Chewt @Geek - Not sure if this is what you meant or not? @Will
I have deleted, uninstalled and re-installed Java atleast three times in the past few days just to make sure so i don't think so
That's the shitty bug we have on b-team, too. The server is sending a corrupted message which is crashing the client when it tries to read it. The big issue here is that we have no idea what the message should say and what mod is sending it. It is a really annoying thing which is happening since the early days of b-team already and we still haven't been able to figure out what the source is.
So this is a problem that's currently unsolvable? .. That sucks Also, if it helps on narrowing it down a bit, before this started happening and when i first started playing AG+ Chicken Chunks gave me a whole lot of hassle when trying to load it up.
Could you try without damageIndicators and let me know if that changes something? (right click the pack, view folder, navigate to mods and delete the mod there) On a side note, do you use optifine? Are you on a mac? Any texturepack?
Yes i can try that, i'll edit this after i have tried it. No, i don't use optifine nor am i on a mac Edit 1: I have tried the vanilla texture pack (basic minecraft) and that causes a few issues and i have used the one provided with the MyM launcher (the one that causes the least issues)
ok thanks. It is really an issue to which no one seems to haven answers. A good google search query would be: "java.lang.ClassCastException: com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive cannot be cast to com.google.gson.JsonObject" minecraft this turns up a ton of reports about this but not a single solution or idea from where it is coming
Alrighty, after removing that mod i tried twice and both times the client shut down randomly after trying to get into the server Edit: Here's the crash-report for the second time if you wanted it (forgot to get the first one)
still happening, hmm. It was a very very long shot. Does this mean it is happening for you all the time? Cause on B-Team it does disappear after some time and latest when the server restarts.
I can and do eventually get on, but this is after 10 - 15 tries and even then it crashes/doesn't respond in intervals of about 5 minutes and then eventually closes down on its own. It seems to be temporarily fixed after a server restart but problems resume after about half an hour or so after the restart..