Departed - PvE Overworld - PvP all other worlds

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, May 31, 2015.

  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    1:49 AM
    No plugins makes things a bit harder.

    My only issue with a time based pvp/raiding time frame is that what if we decide that Saturdays are pvp day? I work 14hr on saturdays, and would not only be unable to defend my base, but also not able to go raiding. This would make me sad. :(

    I do believe an overworld set to PvE and all other worlds on full tilt PvP makes the most sense.

    I did have another thought, concerning PvP. I have no idea if it would work, or even if it could.

    What if when you join, you are set to a "pvp off" mode. This would allow you to use donator privileges. Also, you would have claims. (My town is a forge mod, not a plugin.) Sounds normal, right?

    Now the fun starts when you toggle PvP on. You loose the ability to use any donator commands. Also, it could never be turned off. And all your claims are deleted. Not what is in them, just the Claims around tour items.

    This would allow both types of players to co-exist, yet still offer the choice on the server.

    (Do not know if forge server side mods would be considered a plugin or not. If so sorry for the derailment.)
    Lawmonark likes this.
  2. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Yea, this mythical, yet to be created plug in, would hook into GP and allow you to schedule the time and date. You could reset the timer for some sort if high fee.

    OK, back to reality. Im with you on this Booker, no one really wants to loose hours of work because they happened across a higher geared player. PvE main worlds PvP others makes sense.
  3. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    5:49 PM
    PvE in overworld, standard mym rules
    Nether PvE as the nether is Hard enough on this pack without the risk of people
    All other dimensions pvp, spawn/portal camping instant ban
    Have rules to differentiate players such as flying players Cant kill non flying ect...
    Maybe have a rule that you CANT use another players portal in there claim meaning if you want to pvp you need to actually run around in those dimensions

    I do like the idea of having a pvp/raiding day but there must be a way to stop raiding on places where the people aren't online
    Maybe having a claim system that protects those that arent online, faction claims must be made for this as well. having taglock could work with that but would probably require modified plugins

    With BooksTheGeek's suggestion I think that could work well, for that to work I think having a world border is key for those that turn pvp on and those that have it off can cross that border. So going from PVE to PVP requires you to stay in this box and leave everything in the other areas
    Last edited: May 31, 2015
    clank444 likes this.
  4. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    one thing i would like people to consider is, we have alot of PVE packs. you can go on DW20, or agarian skies, and be safe and happy working as a team knowing everything is going to be alright.

    departed is about the danger. when u start, everything tries to kill u. once you get some gear you are safe, until u try to get to the next few dimensions and its back to being vulnerable again. point being, an aspect of danger is part of this pack.

    so that said back to the main point. PVP in non-overworld all the time. they can loot your corpse in these dimensions if they wish, because these dimensions are a scary place and you should be prepared. raiding in these dimensions i would still say no. if someone want to build in these dimensions they should have the option, but again they should be prepared for pvp if they do so.

    10 minute cool down on pvp. not sure if this is possible for plugins when they come, but i think we can all agree, dont kill the same guy twice in quick succession is a good rule. 10 minutes gives someone ample time to get more gear, or retrieve their death items if these were not looted.

    turn off player radar for minimaps (is this a server config?)

    When we go public, some form of way to enforce the reading of the rules, not just /acceptrules.

    Problems to consider,
    witchery: if you curse someone in another dimension, they will keep that curse in the overworld. is this a pvp bypass?

    Tinkers: ridiculously over powered for pvp.

    Botania: resolute ivy does not work. you will not keep you items, they will be on your corpes.

    teamwork: until we get plugins, all team fight will probably end with use accidentally putting an arrow in each others backs.

    Raiding : if you want raiding anywhere, it has to be everywhere so you cant stash it. anywhere u have raiding, u need PvP. so if you want raiding at all, u need universal PvP.

    open to public: once this opens up to a great number of people, issues we dont have now will arise. first and formost we dont want mods only dealing with tickets from people with hurt feelings, and dealing with people who went too far. Idealy you want a system that can manage itself with a little moderator interference now and again. This mean any rules need to be clear with the smallest amount of exceptions as possible. for example u cant have a rule against looting corpses in the persons base, cause what defines someones base? looting based on dimension is more clear cut, and can be explained simply in one or two lines, but how would this be policed?[DOUBLEPOST=1433046388][/DOUBLEPOST]
    pvp bypass: if the AOA guns and such can bypass a pvp plugin, then there is no point in have a rule for pvp. in the case that such is true, we will need to decide again wither we want full pvp or no pvp.
  5. clank444

    clank444 Active Member

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    Cant you make at spawn a portal to the nether with pvp allowed and one without pvp and this with all portals? And the overworld PvE? With this everyone would be happy i think because there is a pvp and a non-pvp version of all dimensions then
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I personally believe that the over world should be PvE and the other worlds should be anything goes.

    As for things that allow a delayed PvP... we can figure that out as we go along. If you get tagged in the nether, then you have to be ready to deal with the consequences.
  7. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    5:49 PM
    You may aswell just have different servers which has been said

    The killing people cooldown I dont think should be added as its not necessary, for most of these issues the best thing I could suggest is LARGE consequences. So make sure they read the rules and accept, then for any infractions an absolute ban from all mym servers. This server has a large avaliability to be taken advantage of and make the greatest havock to players so punishments Should be equal

    You could have witchery curses turned off, maybe something could be done to wipe all effects when in the over world other than the good ones
    Tinkers is OP especially at mid-endgame where its a 1 hit kill for most everything, ban rapier for armor perhaps would be a good start

    Teamwork addons I actually like in a way, its not just point and fire you have to be careful but as it seems to be pve I dont think this really matters

    Is there any other keep inv items that work?

    With raiding there isnt any good answers, books idea of having pvp a option that must be turned on could be good for those that want it
    Maybe a bit of both of having overworld being the only thing you can turn pvp on and all other dimensions are auto pvp

    Opened to the public is always annoying in any pack, but its needed for mym network to keep growing and you can never get everything working great and the best/only option is to have more mods

    For tagging should we actually do a tag lock as its commonly known? becuase aif anything goes as far as killing people shouldn't we try to help out those that are being ambushed ect... maybe a speed buff to run away easier
    As armor isnt op on this server but the weapons are mostly 1-2 hit kills especially rapiers
  8. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Why is this? Played a number of departed servers with protections Factions, GriefProtect, and even Towny. seem to work fine. outside the normal range issue.

    PvP off Overworld
    Looting Off -- PvP ready players will have only soulbound items and risk nothing, vs non-end game players risk everything.
    Raiding On in other worlds, should not be building bases in Other worlds.
  9. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    PvP: No thanks. (or atleast let us /pvp off)

    Looting: I assume this means grave looting? I'm going to say not in the overworld.

    (Also can we make rules against constant spawn killing if PvP is enabled in the overworld)
  10. MrSquidward_

    MrSquidward_ Well-Known Member

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    Overworld => standard MyM rules(no griefing or raiding)

    Everywhere else => pvp, griefing, raiding, corpse looting, whatever comes to your mind.
  11. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    11:49 PM
    So just going to get rid of any mods that bypass? Because I know of 2 or three in the pack that are big mods and will bypass. Really only choice is PvP or no pvp. Or get rid of the two mods which will destroy the pack and that particular server will not last long at all. No matter what you do its a win/lose situation. That is why PvP is a very sensitive subject cause people who don't like PvP or are scared too and then people who do love too.
    Maybe try a pve server and a PvP server for departed? I mean no plugins are being used so can't be taking much ram or work.
  12. DemonicFury

    DemonicFury Well-Known Member

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    I love that idea, this would be a perfect both worlds. but no sharing player Dat on either worlds.
  13. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Ya that would be a common sense thing I would think not to share player dats between a pve server and a PvP server.
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Its a horrible idea..... If your talking 2 of every dimension.
    It would "better" to just have 2 Departed servers, 1 PvP and 1 PvE. But even This would be a waste of resources.

    My 2 cents, just make it PvE.... and for all you people wanting PvP... just wait for the vanilla server
  15. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    6:49 AM
    I'd have to say that PvP should be enabled in some places and not others.
    • Make Overworld PvE (No PvP, Raiding, Looting or Griefing).
    • Make every other dimension (AoA/Nevermine or vanilla (nether/end) full PvP (PvP, Raiding, Looting and Griefing).
    If anything it should be the other way round, there are many more people wanting PvP than PvE. Its a community driven server and the majority of the community wants PvP.

    My 2 pence, just make it PvP... and for all those wanting PvE... Just go to another MyM server...
    TheDrunkSquirrel likes this.
  16. DemonicFury

    DemonicFury Well-Known Member

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    my 2 cents is we have tons of PVE servers but we have only like 2 pvp servers lets just have it full pvp and let all pve wanting players use all the other mod packs we have! and stop ruining the few PVP servers we do have.
    GiantFaffle and TheDrunkSquirrel like this.
  17. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Note to self: don't disclose base location...
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  18. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    11:49 PM
    By doing so you are denying other players to enjoy something new :/ i still want the overworld being pve and the rest pvp
  19. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I don't like open world PvP and any game, just not sporting. I don't mind where same areas are PvP, so when you go into those areas you can prepare for the event, and bring friends if needed.

    Dropping new players in a world where they will be killed immediately by players already established is just ridiculous. most people will not even stay long enough to complain.
    JamesHowell likes this.
  20. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    11:49 PM
    Pretty sure we said from the start spawn was safe and no pvping in it....and peoples bases were also safe zone cause it be considered "raiding". So preper for the "event when you leave your home.
    mynameisAK likes this.

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