Decided Against Reset of World of FTB Departed

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Win_J, Jun 2, 2015.


Would you like the FTB Departed world to have a reset and everything to be restarted? When? (Comment

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  1. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    12:38 AM
    I would like to request a reset for the FTB Departed world due to numerous griefing, raiding, and possibly looting of areas typically around the spawn chunks and also outside of the world especially one that has happened recently - Matijase's village being destroyed.
  2. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    I voted maybe due to me not wanting to have to re-do all of the Thaumcraft research again... Takes quite a bit of time to do research and when you've done the identical research literally over a dozen times you really consider "Is this boring research worth it if the servers going to reset...".

    If we're able to carry research over, all for the reset (ASAP tbh), if not however, I don't want to have wasted my time on TC4 and want to keep the map.
  3. Vitaxis

    Vitaxis Yuri Master

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    I voted no because I would rather not have to try to get to endgame again...and with what AK said not to do Thaumcraft and Botania and such again.
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    MyM does NOT like to reset worlds.
    As of right now i say NO, the reasons are the following.

    1. While departed is not a beta pack, the mod AoA is still in development. And the mod author only gave permission to FTB under the agreement that they dont break his mod. What he ment by this was... for them not to use mods that make his mod obsolete or have items that are too powerful for his monsters. I cant say i agree that FTB has done this. ( looking at you TiCon)

    2. We are still "testing" the pack. If we reset the pack... we would take longer to find issues. I think its best to continue our current progress.

    3. YOU can reset yourself.... break all your chest and lava them. Then die and start at spawn again.

    I would only agree on a reset if something changes in the pack that requires it.
    MrSquidward_ and chugga_fan like this.
  5. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    Gotta vote yes because, to be honest, all new players joining are gonna get absolutely destroyed going into pvp areas now, which you have to do to advance the game, because everyone will be endgame... But that's just my opinion, as being new to the server
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    the server has only been up about a week. Does this mean we should reset every week just for new players?
    This pack does not have an end game. Its a building and adventuring pack.
    The Overworld is PVE so you can get to your idea of "end" game in peace
  7. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    3. YOU can reset yourself... break all your chest and lava them. Then die and start at spawn again.
    - The world does not reset though because griefing is permanent unless somebody wants to go around the world and fix every griefed spot
  8. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    just because there was grief, does not mean we now need a reset. Resets are saved for game breaking updates, game breaking bugs, or if the minecraft gods shine on you, after a long time when a fresh world is appreciated (looking at you DW20 server)

    What we are doing at the moment is trying to set the mood of what this pack server will be, how the community responds to it, and how much trust we can be left with.

    I can understand your pain, my botania setup was hit as well, but this is not the time.
  9. fizzydog64

    fizzydog64 Well-Known Member

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    We all know you need to go to the new areas in AoA to get the stronger weapons, and pvp is allowed in there, isnt it? So new players would have to get through a host of people who already did that.

    And second, i'm only saying a reset would be good is because now pvp is allowed, which i'd say is a fairly large change, but w/e you say man.
  10. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    BTW I am not saying that the server should be reset every week but it should be reset now because PLUGINS have been added and RULES have been enforced
  11. Notizbuch

    Notizbuch Owner of a Death Note

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    Why we need a completly reset? We can rebuild the spawnarea and everybody who is raiding and griefing again will be banned. We have since yesterday a plugin that track this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    The stongest weapons in the pack are TiCon, Witchery and Botania. They make AoA weapons obsolete.
    And i have not seen anyone in the dimension where you get the strongest "metal"

    To your second part: PvP was allowed for the first week in ALL dimensions, it was only off for a few days till the vote came in.
    If anything new players have it easier now since the overworld is PvE[DOUBLEPOST=1433255050][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Ok, so plugins were added to track griefers and rules are now enforced.... Im failing to see why this would require a reset.
    Pitschweis likes this.
  13. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    I personally don't see that as a reason to reset a whole server.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  14. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Strongest weapons in the pack are made up of the AoA minerals - the strongest being Skeletal variety (the difference in manyullyn and skeletal bolts being over 60 hearts of damage difference).
  15. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    If you KNOW a building has been greifed. Make a list. Post them on the forums. And we can decide if it needs cleaning up. And im sure some people on the server would be willing to help fix/remove them. Just need to make sure either the owner of the building Knows/no longer plays.

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