Done Interest Waining?

Discussion in 'Departed' started by Ralph_Anthony, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    As much as I like the departed pack, the combination or PvP and no Protection Plugins has made the plugin not enjoyable. I have found playing more and more on another Departed server which is PvE focused and had base protections. Its running 20-40 people on constantly. I like the network would prefer playing here, and have a Tier4+ for myself and one of my kids.

    PLease consider adding Grief Protect, Vote rewards, and making this a challenging PvE experience.
    Decnav likes this.
  2. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Im on and off, but before I sink too much more time into departed I would like to see your suggestions implemented.
  3. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    this is something that I feel like the community as a whole should decide on as this is a community driven pack. Would you mind opening up a poll for this and lets see how the community feels?
  4. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Normally I would agree the PvP vs PvE poll had 32 in favor of PvP, not more than 8 have been on server. Been 3 or less most of the time.

    The only true vote is those that it's by playing.
  5. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    My interest on this was "waining" 20 minutes in :D

    Its not like it maybe isnt a great pack, but the starter city ... ghosts and mobs everywhere, chaindeath. Hard learning curve ight @the start (and the guides dont really help on it) ... maybe im just not that adventure guy :D
  6. R4dwulf

    R4dwulf New Member

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    There are vote rewards you must do /vote redeem to get your rewards (I am not sure if this is in every mod pack.) I do agree on greif protection though but they already have a greif protection but it doesn't protect every grief e.g. My house has been flooded a few times for unknown reasons using witchery
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I have played and do continue to play. Sorry I am not as often as others.
  8. tommypoints

    tommypoints Well-Known Member

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    I'm with Ralph_Anthony's post. My strong preference is PVE and it is a major negative to PVE not having claim protections in the overworld. I don't know why the MYM staff was resistant to adding plugins. Is there a lot of overhead? incompatibility issues with the pack? etc. I find it hard to believe the skilled staff at MYM couldn't add plugins in their sleep unless there was some major issue doing so.

    There was a large drop in participation when the PVP/PVE vote changes were made. It seemed to go from 8-12 down to 1-3. The question is why. Did the PVP players decide it was pointless since they wouldn't be able to punk unsuspecting players in the overworld? Are those even the players that aren't playing anymore? Changing PVP to other dimensions only makes it nearly impossible to find someone to hunt. As it stands there isn't anywhere near enough players in the other dimensions at any point in time to make hunting players there worth it. As a PVE player if someone shows up on my minimap in another dimension...I'd just quit for a while. The only way I see getting myself killed by PVP is if someone camps my portals while invisible (assuming that would keep them off the mini map).

    I think making PVP only in AGS worked because there was a limited number of dimensions with reasonable volume of players. The question I have now for Departed is why are we even bothering.

    Did the player count drop because PVP was made pointless? The endgame is pointless or boring? PVE is still annoying/risky without protection? We are stuck with a crappy in between solution that neither group really likes?

    If we go full on PVE we can do things like make nether paths to various biomes which might help in the annoying need to find and farm various biomes. (assuming we still can't set homes in each).
  9. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    I stopped playing due to lack of time to play, and the limited time I get I don't want to use gaining items just to have someone else take them because they want to, and call it raiding. I dislike minecraft PVP but never had any issues when it was full PVP, so i would play either way.

    So I guess for me all it is missing is some way to prevent others from undoing my work or stealing my items.
  10. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    I am in favor of this aswell, if you want to make it fair to both sides that wanted to have pve and pvp than allow you to turn off protection and NEVER allow it to be turned back on so you can raid all you like. That way those that want a PVE raiding server can enjoy that

    I am fairly sure my place has been raided a week or so ago already which is why I have been hesitant to get back on and redo everything just for it to be torn down again
  11. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    This server is dead, there is not enough players wanting play the configuration now to justify it being there, often 2 or less people on, not sure its been over 3 players in past 2 days.

    When the server started in Beta, I thought the situation of not plugins was temporary, had no idea that was the intent. Departed would make a great PvE pack in normal MyM configurations with Grief prevention, PvE, Farm world, vote rewards, etc. The monsters and bosses are interesting and challenging, as are the alternate planes.

    My only request would be keep /Fly (and /God) off the server, its really meant to have fly removed, or very temporary.

    As comparison, two other departed servers I am considering, are almost always over 20 active players, and they are smaller networks than MyM. As I said I would rather play here, but PvP and No Grief protection has little interest for me.
  12. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    The reason I've got no reason to play the pack is because there's nothing to do, AoA is practically bypassed by Tinkers. Any sort of PvP is who shoots first, wins. Any of the bosses are easily killed because we have flight and deal over 100 hearts of damage 4 times a second...

    The pack isn't dead because of the plugins (though they'd probably help strengthen a communal city), its because FTB straight up lied about not changing the experience of AoA (the only reason they had permission to use it was that they didn't change the general experience of it).
    Lawmonark likes this.
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree with @mynameisAK here.
    FTB hyped the pack to be a balanced and "challenging" pack.
    They failed to balance TiCon weapons and tools with AoA, to be honest the pack would be better without it.

    On paper this pack should have been a hit, but sadly it falls short due the oversights.
    mynameisAK likes this.

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