Done mob deletion?

Discussion in 'B-Team' started by Spoilers, Mar 29, 2015.

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  1. Spoilers

    Spoilers New Member

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    so i was on bteam 2 today and out of the blue, my imp 5 banshees and 5 spectres disappeared while i was looking at them, the mob removal hasn't ever removed witchery mobs for me before so i don't think it was that, and i also had 8 of the spectral undead named so i could keep track of the number of them, imps are named as soon as you make a contract. is there anything i could do to get them back, like in eggs or something, so i don't have to go and summon 10 more. also during one of the server crashes i was in the middle of a circle rite of binding and the crash stole my spectral stone. so unlucky here. :`( should i just start over with my summoning and craft another spectral stone or is there a way i could get someone to get them back for me(spawn eggs or nei)?
  2. Spoilers

    Spoilers New Member

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    I'm going to go ahead and summon another imp because i need the trades.
  3. Draykan1024

    Draykan1024 Well-Known Member

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    The site has a strict no refunds policy, which includes mobs and other entities. Sorry, you're going to have to get them again. We've all lost a lot from crashes and other errors.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    that is the exact reason @Constructl0n can't summon death, but the witchery mobs dissapearing shouldn't happen, the reason the mobs get wiped is due to tps issues in the first place
    Zxirl likes this.
  5. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    Yep. I want to fight that 1000 hp armor ignoring lord of the underworld named Death, but it's just on a new level of impossible with all the mob limits that MYM has to keep the server running smoothly.

    But @Spoilers ; i think you can safari net spectral undead and autospawn them in 1.6.4 packs
  6. Spoilers

    Spoilers New Member

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    you can't put any of the witchery mobs into safari nets, and its not just a multiplayer thing even with a safari net launcher in single player you can't put banshees or spectres into them
    its a pain and i lost 1 spectre stone then the server failed my congealed spirit brew so i've lost 10 spirits so far :(
  7. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Id be more than happy helping you trap/kill them, just say when you'll be on the server, and Ill hop on.
  8. Spoilers

    Spoilers New Member

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    nah, with the whole 150 mym's infinite spirits on the market now (which absolutely ruined the witchery economy and made most end game items almost worthless, btw this is called inflation) its way way way too easy to craft spectral stones to hold the mobs, the pout of spirits is for them to be really fricking rare, the rarity of spirits is what gives death's items their value. although with met farming death it won't be too long before he floods the market with overpowered, cheap, end-game items.[DOUBLEPOST=1429596170][/DOUBLEPOST]if someone could at least increase the spirit's price so that getting them isn't way way too easy, it would fix stuff. just remember staff. they may be rare, but that's the whole point, death's items are for people who are willing to put literal months of searching into the game. (like i did) and fyi in newer versions of witchery spirits are even harder to find, and you thought they were hard enough to find already.
    srsly these pay2win witchery nubs is terrible for my sales, maybe i should curse all of my competitors… but I'm not that mean, or am i? hmm

    .Ps plz do something to nerf these dirt cheap end-game items (increase spirits' price to over 300) -_-[DOUBLEPOST=1429596343][/DOUBLEPOST]
    it wasn't a tp error, it was that ground-entities-removal thing that they ran on bt2 (not hostile mob deletion, its ground-entities) it forces all entities loaded to be deleted including most mobs.[DOUBLEPOST=1429596650][/DOUBLEPOST]and connor i already summoned death, i used an entity mover instead of spectral stones. so i don't need to spawn death like that anymore.
    and i will not answer any questions regarding spawning death besides the vanilla witchery way. (a magician doesn't tell the audience how the trick works, although in this case I'm a witch)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    would you mind opening a suggestion topic on this? We always want to get more than one opinion on things and this would allow users to see it and share their opinion.
    Spoilers likes this.
  10. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Selling endgame items isn't allowed. Since I don't play b2 much, would you mind telling me if he does? I have all ready seen him sell death's hand for 10 myms, which I removed, if he continues, tell me
  11. R4dwulf

    R4dwulf New Member

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    Your mobs either despawned, were deleted due to clear lag (which doesn't happen often) or the server crashed and removed your mobs
  12. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    This thread is over a month old. Please start a new one
  13. R4dwulf

    R4dwulf New Member

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    I was just looking through the pages that were 'open'
  14. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    You are looking WAY to far back. Look at the new ones, or don't at all. This post is also inactive.
    chugga_fan likes this.
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