You would rather find yourself locked in someones portal where you can't teleport out or go back to the nether? You would be jailed there until someone breaks a block to let you out. Yes, there is a way to prevent that - make a synced portal at your nether coordinates, but there are many that don't know this or don't think about it when stepping into a portal in nether the first time.
people got stuck in other peoples portals without a way out as you can't open the chat inside a portal and the portal is locked with a door. This is way we changed it. Now please tell us what changed for you that you want it as it was?
Slind14, i know that one of the reasons AlienBrain wants the portals reverted back to normal is because he planned on making a nether hub for players he trusts.
No, :/. My guess is something would have to be written to make it individual huh>? Well if it can be done later on I would like that.
Well you could try to tell me more and maybe you convince me that the project of one player is worth more than the portal problem or the time to make it per player.
Well i really just wanted to make a hub for my friends in the nether and have a cool way to access the nether. The whole community could be involved at some point as well if they wanted, but i think if it's too much effort to make this happen i think i could live with it. Although it would be extremely nice if you could pull off the individual settings xD.
unfortunately the hqm mod is build for single player and blocks us from being able to do anything with it.
It's fine, we're getting a reset, i just wish it was sooner than 16 to 18 hours lol. (Gotta feed that addiction :3)
I want to have all the time of the world in order to be able to solve possible problems which always happen even after 4 hours of testing. But this way you have time to think about how to optimize a speed start and how to hide or protect stuff in the nether.