Market List guidlines suggestions

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by BookerTheGeek, Jun 8, 2015.


Is this list acceptable clear?

Poll closed Jun 15, 2015.
  1. Yes

    17 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  3. Potato!!!

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM
    Due to a continuation of debate over what can or can't be sold on the market, I humbly suggest the following as what is allowed to be sold on the market: (please suggest modifications, I will create a new thread with peoples input in one week. Clarifications to this post will be colored)

    Allowed Items Rules:
    1. World Generated items:
      • This is any item that is naturally in the world, in any of the vanilla dimensions, Twilight forest or Deep Dark.
    2. Mob Drops
      • From naturally spawning mob from the dims listed in rule #1
      • Does not to include any mob drop that require player interaction to spawn said mob, such as Blood magic demons/elementals, Gaia/Gaia 2, Chaos dragon or Witchery mobs.
    3. Any Vanilla MineCraft item.
    4. Any item that requires FOUR or LESS steps to go from world gen to that item. See Example #1
      • Smelting & Crafting counts as a step
      • Mining & Harvesting does NOT count as a step.
      • If the item is considered to be crafted as the forth step, each ingredient used can therefore be the result of up to three previous steps independent of the other ingredients.
      • Smelting of ingots is always assumed to be done in a vanilla furnace as a single step even if you actually put it through a pulveriser or other ore duplicator first, thus turning ore into dust and then smelting the dust is all considered one step
    5. Dungeon loot
    6. Any item that is sold by the server ON THAT MODPACK
    Exceptions to this list, The following can not be sold even if they meet the rules above:
    1. Banned Items. This includes any item from banned mechanics.
      • RF tool Dimlets
      • Mystcraft pages
    2. Anything in Blood Magic requiring a tier 3 alter or above.
    3. Any forestry breed bees / butterflies / trees
    4. Any item from the witchery dimensions / Poppets / Taglocks
    5. Anything in Thaumcraft other then Shards / Thaumium That requires it to be researched to craft / use.
      • Exceptions to this are Shards / Thaumium / Treasure Bags / Thaumium tools
      • Elderitch anything may NOT be sold/traded. To include access to the elderitch dimension. This applies to mob drops or loot bags.
    6. Anything from Draconic Evolution
      • Mob Souls and Draconium Ingots are OK to be sold
    7. Any Agricraft seeds that have any breeding required
      • If it is not 1x1x1, then you cant sell it
    8. Extra Utilities:
      • Soul fragments
      • Activated division sigil, or things requiring an activated sigil to craft
    9. Anything granting Creative flight
      • This is any form of flight that does not have some sort of fuel cost.
    10. Any component part of a multi-block structure

    Example #1

    • Items that are breed have always been prohibited from market. Unless stated otherwise by founder/director I assume this is the way it is going to stay. It does not matter if it easy to get, the point is that it is breeded and therfor not allowed on market
    • If the item is banned, don't sell it
    • If you cant use the item due to what it is used for being banned, don't sell it either. You cant use RF dimmlets, so don't be that guy and sell them to some kid that does not know better.
    • Blood Magic has a built in tiering system. After having many conversations with the BM dev team, MyM staff and my vast personal experience with the mod, Anything requiring a tier three alter to make is not allowed to be sold / traded / gifted. This is where the gating for BM is implament PER the mod author.
    • Soul fragments. Really? A permenant decrease in your health? why would you sell this anyways?
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
  2. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    11:35 AM
    I agree mostly besides two points:

    I would say 6 or more steps, but thats preference

    Current rules is t4 and above and I would say thats fair (to be clear: This means you cannot sell anything thats t4+, that means t3 items work but t4 dont)

    on TDT these are pathethically easy to make.

    Otherwise this is a nice idea.
  3. BigBadBowser

    BigBadBowser Well-Known Member

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    3:35 AM
    I think any Extra utilities items that require the division sigil in the construction, items from banned mods that have no use, and active division sigils should also be on the "Can not be sold" items list

    Other then that i believe this is a more specific list then the one we are currently running off and makes it so that you dont have the thread open at all times to know what should or shouldn't be up

    I also believe it should be noted that you can trade/sell this stuff with players in you personal community and there needs to be a solid definition of was is and isn't classified as a community
    Is it by area you live in is it by sharing supplies is it by your interaction what is it actually by
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM
    Will be added in the next poll.

    • Not allowed
      • Anything granting Creative flight.
      • Activated division sigil, or things requiring an activated sigil to craft
  5. BigBadBowser

    BigBadBowser Well-Known Member

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    3:35 AM
    1)I disagree with the 6 steps cause it only takes 2 to make wings in INF and i dont believe you should be aloud to sell them that would be creative flight on the market
    2)I disagree with the giving anyone/selling anyone anything that takes you more then 10 minutes to get and it absolutely takes more then that to level up agricraft plants so i believe that should as well be blocked from trade/sell
  6. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    11:35 AM
    I can level up any agricraft plant from 1/1/1 to 10/10/10 in less then 10 minutes with nothing but a standart watering can and some bone meal.
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM
    • Watering can requires steel
    • Also requires more then 4 steps (Or the six you suggested)
    Breed items as a rule have always been banned from the market.

    The seeds can not be sold. This does not apply to what they grow. So sugar cane is ok, sugarcane seeds would not be.
  8. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    11:35 AM
    I agree with other breeding items, I just dont think that Agricraft seeds on TDT or infinity fit that spectrum since they are just SO easy to get.

    Which is a worldgen product and does not require any steps.
  9. BigBadBowser

    BigBadBowser Well-Known Member

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    3:35 AM
    So you are telling me from start of game with nothing to 10 minutes in you will have agricraft level 10x10x10 food?? if so when can i play with you to see this happen
  10. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    11:35 AM
    Assuming I find a village chest with steel (or on infinity iron) to make the can I can breed seeds to 10/10/10 within 10 minutes yes. I've done it yesterday to demonstrate to @Crhymez and got wheat seeds to 10/10/10 in more or less exactly 10 minutes without bone meal even.

    I want to add by the way I strongly disagree with your 10 minute notion. 10 Minute from the start is for most people nothing whatsoever since they search for a base before.
  11. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    10:35 AM
    I believe the draconic stuff shouldn't all be disallowed as some of it is super easy to craft and mob souls are super easy to get if you have the enchant.
  12. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM
    Allowed items?
    • Draconium Ore / Ingots
    • Mob souls
  13. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    10:35 AM
    Sounds good
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  14. BigBadBowser

    BigBadBowser Well-Known Member

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    I can't completely agree but I can't completely disagree like the draconic pickaxe is easy to craft but it can mine a 3x3 at a super accelerated rate so i disagree that is should be sold and that is just an example not to include the ability to remove and added at will
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM
    That is a discussion for another time / thread. :)
  16. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:35 AM
    This is exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of, the only thing I think should be clarified is the 4 step rule which I would explain as follows:
    1. If the item is considered to be crafted as the forth step, each ingredient used can therefore be the result of up to three previous steps independent of the other ingredients.
    2. Smelting of ingots is always assumed to be done in a vanilla furnace as a single step even if you actually put it through a pulveriser or other ore duplicator first, thus turning ore into dust and then smelting the dust is all considered one step.
    For a practical example, to make a Steam Dynamo in 3 steps:
    1. Smelt:
      • 11 copper ore into copper ingots
      • 2 iron ore into iron ingots
      • 1 silver ore into silver ingot
    2. Craft:
      • 2 copper gears from 8 copper ingots and 2 iron ingots
      • 1 redstone transmission coil from 1 silver ingot and 2 redstone
    3. Craft 1 steam dynamo from 2 copper gears, 1 redstone transmission coil, 3 copper ingots and 1 redstone

    Booker i'm assuming that is what you meant anyway, but I feel that might not be obvious to everyone at first glance ;)
    BookerTheGeek and chugga_fan like this.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM
    Yes, and Ill add it in. We can figure out how to make the list pretty later.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    6:35 AM
    reason their still considered endgame is that it takes effort do you realize that most people won't bother doing that for every single single agricraft plant, because it needs alot of effort you seem to want to, like Crhymez says, push the limit as much as possible, you are getting the list to become larger, because of the fact that you can't apparently use common sense, thanks, for that
  19. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:35 AM
    Hmmn I still think it should still say FOUR or LESS steps in rule 4, I picked a 3 step item for my example because I was too lazy to put together the full list of ingredients for a 4 step item and it was the first thing that came to mind, but I still think it should be 4 step limit altogether, saying three in that line then four in the line below makes it confusing.
  20. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    5:35 AM

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