What annoyed me at that time was the increasing number of cheaters with WallHacks and AimBots... It was unplayable at the time.
Coming from a cs player before it was steam. CS:GO is good I play rarely as I don't know anyone that plays.
CS:GO has a very good VAC protection and is alot better than CS 1.6 because you have ranks and new pretty cool skins for your weapons, and it only costs 11euro[DOUBLEPOST=1433935931][/DOUBLEPOST] I play it , already played 100hours
Oh, that's cool .[DOUBLEPOST=1434005870][/DOUBLEPOST]But there are alot of screaming people in this game.
One day I'll buy that game... I saw you can get banned for some time by killing/hurting teammates This will not end well for me xD
Hmm Could be intresting. I think there might be someway to link CS-GO into the topic of Expanding Mym To other games... But i guess there would need to be a large discussion about that first.
Nope, never because I know that there alot of screaming people there, that probably will destroy your headphones.[DOUBLEPOST=1434033188][/DOUBLEPOST] Well if you leave a started game in competitive mode you get banned
Oh man, could not force myself to play CS:GO more than several hours. I'm (was) hardcore CS:S player (like 10th in my country), got about 6k hours spent in ths great game (86% headshots in my best times).