Market List Guidelines - Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    Swastika roads are common sense to forbid, because it negatively impacts the experience of other players. So are dupe bugs. So is griefing. Selling things on a market however has no impact on players that do not buy them.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    You don't need to look at the roads. You don't need to dupe. You don't need to buy stuff from the market. Its the same for me, with the difference of the last two ones being seductive.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  3. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    There is a major difference between duping and buying something someone has legitimately made.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Anyways, we have a totally different opinion on this matter, which is totally fine.
    I think it is clear to what we want.
    1. not making it more complex/complicated than it already is
    2. restricting the simple and quick buying of highly endgame items and bypassing major progression
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    where is the impact on the player that does not.. ? I thought that was the reasoning.
  6. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    Buying duped items has indeed no impact on the server. Duping them itself however does and thats the key there.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Furthermore why does it have no impact on the server? It does allow faster progression. Progression normally means that a base is faster built (in terms of automation..) this results in a higher average server resource usage. On top comes the missing experience from progression which probably increases the amount of bad setups. The amount of work ("lag hunting") is being increased for staff, keeping them more busy...
    And that isn't even a thing I'm concerned about.

    You were getting along fine with Reika, someone who is against even the slightest recipe change, progression skip... How in the world? Considering your different believe and energy behind it right now.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2015
    chugga_fan likes this.
  8. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    Reika is not actually that bad a person. We have strong disagreements on some issues, but really in general hes quite nice. One of those disagreements is progression. Thats why I don't constantly bring it up with him. His mods are also quite unique in that sense. btw.[DOUBLEPOST=1433951866][/DOUBLEPOST]
    That means someone still has to do the tech. With duping that is removed. I just don't believe that restricting what people can sell or give makes any sense on a multiplayer server. One of the points of playing on a server to begin with is working with people and helping each other out, even if you don't directly build with them. Its why things like the public wither farm exist.
  9. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Ok. Let me step in here.
    Slind's original goal of this post was to have a positive discussion about the market system and for people to offer up ideas and suggestions. Instead this has been de-railed in to a rant about duping (which is not open for discussion in any sense, let me be quite clear about that) and how you hate the end game rules. I have yet to see a positive remark, suggestions, idea, or comment.
    If you are going to continue in this negative manner or continue to de-rail this thread more, than I suggest you find another thread or forum in which to partake.
    Slind and the MyM as a whole came here to offer positive thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. I won't tolerate the continued arguing and bickering from anyone in this. If you are going to reply then please keep this in mind and I look forward to a more positive discussion.

    I personally dislike the end game items being banned as a player. However I see the reasons for it. To help the server, create progression, positive game play experience, and because the community as a whole likes it. Yet I don't believe I have ever resorted to arguing about it blindly without offer a single suggestion for how to better the system.
    chugga_fan and BookerTheGeek like this.
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I'm not saying you or him is a bad person. We have different believes and that is totally fine. Without drama (birth of different opinions) the existence would be boring.
  11. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    Alright, im done arguing on that level. Do what you will, I have enough of this stuff. Maybe I'll return if you reconsider your stance on that item thing, but Im not here to deliberately change minds, but to have fun. That has ceased for now with this hostile climate.

    In this field its just opinions clashing.

    Final note:

    Having both clear rules that do what you want is almost impossible without very exhaustively defining what endgame and progression means. Both ambiguous terms on which our opinions predictably clash just as much as on the other issues.
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    My intention was never to argue and as you can read multiple times I did try to cut it and asking for other ideas, which never came. Sorry but everyone has things they don't like and would like to see changed but without being able to provide ideas of solutions it won't get far. You can't expect others to make you happy on the cost of others.
    I hope that at one time you read the post again and notice the points were arguing started and were it was tried to end it and from which sides.
    Lawmonark and BookerTheGeek like this.
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    The problem i think you're missing is that you were forcing a step backward, alot of the longtime member's didn't want the ban on selling endgame items, but guess what, we dealt with it, I especially, if you actually knew how the entirety of the rule for endgame item's worked, you'd actually see that this was a well and thought out plan, and to that, i say let this argument die, it's been pointless
    chaosblad3, The_Icy_One and Lawmonark like this.
  14. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Once again, I find myself agreeing with @chugga_fan. I think I must be ill.
  15. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    You never change things for the better without discussion. I think its worth having this argument until its conclusion.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    except the changes we were going to be forced into doing would be for the WORSE, this argument is finished, with the founders against you, the server won't change it's ways, atm it seems to be everyone vs you, i don't think an army of one can beat an army of thousands, js
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    relax :)
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i'm a fast writer, i normally am better at free flow speaking about topics, sorry if it seems bad how i type and if i am angry or not or are confused about it, just the way i am :p
  19. ExposedLeviathan

    ExposedLeviathan Active Member

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    To be honest I like where the end game list is. Means so of the father ins can't just go selling things that take you from 0-1k progression in the server. I like having the servers based on Progression instead of myms. Means you have to work for the things you want, instead of simply stacking up votes. (Trying to follow Lucid's Example)

    To the disagreement: Let the community deal with it. I watched as a person attempted to sell a end-game item an good 7 people turned on him immediately telling him the risks and the dangers to the buyer and the seller of that particular item. It goes to show how if the staff lay down the foundation for the rules, the community helps build the house and enforce it.

    If I completely missed the topic please tell me XD
    Lawmonark, BookerTheGeek and MrWisski like this.
  20. Magisch

    Magisch Patron Tier 3

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    That means then that the server should have no rules against it, and instead the community can step in if they feel like it. Not perfect, but certainly better then the current system.

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