In the Interest of Openness (Tandiian and Domistress)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by SilentBane, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:36 PM
    Dear MyM Community,

    After much discussion we feel like the events of the last few days should be made open to you, as our staff members and players, because we try to hide nothing in an effort to keep maximum transparency. These are the events as they occurred with as much accuracy as can be managed.

    First a little back story for those of you who didn't know or haven't been made aware. The Managers and Directors have spent the past month receiving complaints about a section of moderators that has been referred to by other staff members and players as "the group". We had received complaints against this group for numerous things but had nothing concrete or solid to act upon. This is the last time you will ever hear me refer to the group in this conversations as I have come to realize that as a whole, MyM was wrong to refer to them as that, most of that sub-community are valuable members of both our MyM community and staff.

    (Disclaimer: All times will be given in CDT)

    Player _Cetus recieved a 2 day ban, which was brought to the attention of the Managers by a concerned staff member in relation to the time.

    @LucidTheStick commented on the ban report above stating that we were looking into the situation. He then started to search the logs for information finding what was considered to be bullying and improper use of staff position by @tandiian and @Domistress. Also a statement by Tandiian stating that where the player was building was far enough away from their claim and that he was free to build there if he wanted to.

    I awoke to see the situation unfolding and we as the Managers, Directors, and Founders made the decision that it would be best for the community to dismiss both Tandiian and Domistress because of the numerous complaints coupled with the events of the night prior. I was asked by @LucidTheStick if we could have a conversation with them first, to try and find more information from them before any action was taken. I agreed and we started a conversation. Our mistake was adding all members of the sub-community and not just handling it with the two staff members that needed talking to. This mistake will not be repeated ever again. The conversation turned into mud slinging by both sides which was completely unnecessary. It is my job as a Director to stay above that, something that I didn't do and something that I truly regret

    Domistress elected to leave the staff as she had felt she was treated unfairly. Although that was not the intention of the conversation unfortunately that was the direct result. I still do not feel like anything said in that conversation towards her was anything but truthful.

    I received a complaint from Domistress about Lucid stating that he had sent her a message that said "He was sorry to see her go." She took this as harassment, I went to Lucid to get his side of the story before I returned to her with a result, He had stated that she had told him that everyone on staff thought he was an "horrible individual, and that every single member of staff hated him" This had clearly shaken lucid. This is where I truly got out of line. Seeing Lucid in the shape that he was in frustrated me and made me, well to be perfectly honest, made me redneck mad. I elected at that time to respond to her complaint instead of cooling off and when I rejoined to talk to her she started to go of about Lucid and how she thought of him as a horrible individual and that he was worthless. I unfortunately elected to stoop to her level in that instant and told her that I was not sorry to see her go and that I felt as if she was cancerous to the community as a whole. This was incredibly wrong of me, I should not have let my emotions take over but I was frustrated with seeing my friend shaken to his core because of what had been said to him.

    These actions then saw Tandiian walk away as a staff member. These last few days have been marred with complaints and wrong doings from both parties and anyone who tells you different would be lying. Myself, Lucid or any of the Managers are willing to answer any questions that you have about the events of the last two days and we will answer them openly and honestly as we believe that is the only way to move on from this situation.

    I beg of you to hold nothing against any of the remaining members of the sub community that has long been referred to as the group. They are all amazing individuals who we believe are very dedicated to MyM and are a great asset to our future.

    On a side note: I would like you all to know that Lucid and I both love being here at MyM, we always strive to put personal feelings aside, to focus on what was best for MyM. This is our home as much as it is yours, sometimes we can come across as harsh or mean, but I can assure you that every decision that we make is for MyM.

    These issues die here and now, and are behind everyone involved. Please take no action, make no comment, or treat anyone any differently based on the above.

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