MyM Agrarian Skies v2.x

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Hey together,

    the Agrarian 2.x updates brought us a good update according to multiplayer with the quest mod which works in coop/team now. Because of these changes and a lot of other points we decided to make a full reset to 2.x.
    Tomorrow (in about 16-20 hours, 18.00-20.00 CET) we will shutdown the current agrarian server and open the new one. We worked weeks on changes in order to provide you the best experience we can deliver. A few changes from which most are suggested from more than one person will be included. Below is a list of everything that will change.

    I know that the reset will piss off a few players but pushing these changes without one would be pointless.

    • Nether is the door to the world (required for trading, visiting other players and more)
    • PvP and raiding in the nether, think twice before entering it. (there will be no protections at all, even nether portals can be destroyed but all portals bring you back to your island)
    • Infinite water source is now disabled
    • Thaumcraft difficult mode (easy -> normal)
    • Explosion damage enabled (be careful with creepers/light level)
    • Less hearts to begin with (16 -> 8)
    • RewardBag Shop
    • (Random Item for voting) WIP
    • Increase of heart price at the spawn shop (50 -> 100)
    • Rework of the premium perks
    • No hunger at spawn

    • Command to change the leader of the island @MaxUumen
    • Chunk based biomes @MaxUumen
    • All biomes are now available (even modded) @MaxUumen
    • Master Quests - new extra difficult Quests @MaxUumen
    • Quest Metadata support @MaxUumen
    • a lot of backend cleanup @MaxUumen
    • Teleport delay on ./is home @Slind14
    • MobControl (you will no longer get attacked at places where you can't build) @Slind14

    • Fixed Minetweaker recipes typo that was preventing some recipes from loading.
    • HQM - Party Mode
      Blood Magic - Slight custom change to starting path for those who find blood icky - TY Way of Time
      Ex Aquilo - All crops, leaves, and seeds should now compost
      Extra Utilities
      Tinker's Steelworks

    • New Forestry - Adds custom bee option that does something helpful on skyblock. Use the following command to set your world to the skyblock difficulty. The ignoble bee change only effects ignoble bees in alvearies and apiaries not gendustry machines.
      /beekeeping set 0 AGSKYBLOCK
    • Config changes:
    • Chicken chunkloader requires players be online to work. For offline chunkloading use the MFR chunkloader. Each player can have 2 but they use power to load chunks.
    • Watering can is back.
    • Map changes: The world shipped with the server file has the new SMP map designed by Morvelaira. There are 8 houses. You spawn on a center pagoda, there is a chest with 8 flight potions. Use them to get to a house. Find the houses by going in the direction of the colored paths. Server admins can also set players spawns to the different houses or come up with other ways to handle it. 8 teams or individuals can play on the map at a time. More people will require you making your own SMP map.
    • Party mode is now active and quests can be shared. Server admins will need to decide if they want rewards to be separate or shared in the config.
    • Turned quest mode back to quest and off edit. (lol)
    • Updated:
      Tinker's Construct
      Ex Aquilo

    • Added:
      Big Reactors
      Warp Book

    • Minetweaker:
      Stuff - use NEI :p

    • Quests:
      New quests have been added.
      Loot Tiers have been fixed, no more monster jerky in epic bags or epic loot in basic bags.

    • Config:
      No more pulverizing wool for dye
      TE3 Steel production is off use Steelworks.
    Source - Jaded's changelog
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
    MrRoooo, knoxz, dystrophe and 2 others like this.
  2. AlienBrain

    AlienBrain New Member

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    :3 Challenge Accepted
  3. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    2:32 AM
    few questions
    Are there any items that have been unbanned due to not causing problems anymore? such as draw bridges and mirrors.

    to clarify, mob grieving= true?

    The quest meta data support, will that help stop all the quest-book restarts every time someone crashes the server?

    and finally, What will the config for the HQM be, shared or split loot?
  4. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    10:32 AM
    pretty sure if creepers can blow stuff up mob griefing = true.. obsidian mob mosh pits might be the way to go now lol
  5. jacobz10

    jacobz10 New Member

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    12:32 PM
    I like these new changes
  6. jayz007

    jayz007 New Member

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    whats the ip for the new sever plesae :)
  7. tjd51

    tjd51 New Member

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    I read the post more as explosion damage is intact, not the actual destruction around it. I could be wrong, but why specify damage if he meant mob griefing? Plus endermen already steal enough dirt from me.

    Loving these changes, I'm pretty excited for this!

    edit: Guess I should add that I'm grateful that you guys at MyM are pushing these changes, glad to see these neat things coming. Thanks alot for the update, and keep up the good work!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  8. AlienBrain

    AlienBrain New Member

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    12:32 PM
    So, what version are we going to be running?>
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:32 PM
    1. auto-fisher, drawbridge, vat got removed from the banned item list
    2. mob griefing is on, creepers will destroy blocks same as endermans and mobs added from mods
    3. the quest metadata support is related to the skyblock plugin/the quests we add. Unfortunately the quests from hqm are still all saved in one big file which we can't read. This means if that file gets corrupted all the hqm quests reset and we can't do anything about it. :( I asked more than once for another way of saving the data but it got rejected. We (medium-big servers) seem not to be the target group of the mod.
    4. as you can team up with up to 8 players and would get 8 times the resources we decided to turn it off because of balance. If there would be a setting like the second player would get half and the third quarter we would go with this setting, but this is not the case atm.
    5. the IP will stay the same.
    6. the version will be 2.0.3
    Important: according to the server issues we had today with all servers the release will be a bit delayed. (in 1-2 hours from now)[DOUBLEPOST=1397930408,1397929979][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit: I will make my own island and play on the server after the reset. It will not be much time I will spend but I finally need a bit variety to the server administration and the websites and I love the pack.
    cbrozak likes this.
  10. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    Nice Job, excited for the update.
    Quick Question: Will the 2.0.3 be implemented in the MyM Launcher or do i have to use the standard FTB Launcher for Start?
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:32 PM
    Its already prepared, we only need to execute one cli command and our launcher will update automatically without re-downloading the stuff which didn't change.
    Leglerm likes this.
  12. broke138

    broke138 New Member

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    5:32 PM
    To point 4:
    Does that mean only 1 of the group can take the reward? or what do you mean with resources?
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    # Allow every single player in a party to claim the reward for a quest. Setting this to false will give the party one set of rewards to share.
    B:MultiReward=false[DOUBLEPOST=1397930784,1397930678][/DOUBLEPOST]A small warning I forgot to mention. There might be a bit lag when we open it, this is due to the island generation when a lot of people create new islands within a short time.
  14. broke138

    broke138 New Member

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    Is the skyblock plugin group connected with the mod one?
    Can my friends join me but have their own quests(rewards) -> like it was till now
  15. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    Broke it seems that no one party one set of rewards, not each member their own.
  16. broke138

    broke138 New Member

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    But when they only join my island and not my questbook group, we should have 1 reward per person, because we dont share the quests
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    yes, you can play on the same island but keep the quest book separated.
  18. broke138

    broke138 New Member

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    So we can bypass the rule of getting only 1 reward per group? We just need the items for the quest x the players
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  20. fritzlaf

    fritzlaf New Member

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    When is Reset?

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