Market question/suggestion

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Nerrid, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    12:55 PM
    You can suggest it but i would expect it not to happen as allowing the selling of thaumcraft can break a lot of progression in certain packs and break the entire packs in some too
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  2. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    6:55 AM
    I put it in there. Should i throw up a new topic just titled Thaumcraft Market Suggestion?
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    If you can come up with a neat concept that in its best is even more simple then the current one that would be awesome.
  4. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    Sure. Toss me a link to guidelines, or what you want and I'll work on it. Hopefully it'll be good enough to get implemented and open thaumcraft up a bit.
  5. M1NN10N

    M1NN10N Well-Known Member

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    Here is the question I have as I have been following this discussion.

    In Ender IO you have a progression of sorts to the metals Conductive iron, energetic alloy, Vibrant alloy. This is the progression of the mod from the basic to the high tier metal. If according to the rules you can not sell any item from a mod that requires research, why is it ok to sell a metal or machine that is not 1 vanilla or 2 world gen? This rule specifically singles out the magic type mods from being sell able on the open market. While allowing the tech based mods to be sold with little effort.

    I understand the principal behind such a rule however it is very limiting to people that are not really interested in the full scope of the mods but perhaps just a single item or even a few items from a mod. I.E. I use torches to light up my home I keep all the spaces in my area at a light level of 9 lets say, or I could use 1 Arcane lamp and be done with my lighting. The arcane lamp has no other good use other than producing light. According to the rule of no selling items on the market that require research this simple yet very loved item is unattainable unless you progress through thaumcraft.

    Or a situation that happened to me recently I was walking through the overworld searching for resources when all of a sudden I was yanked up and started taking damage, luckily for me and my items I had a jetpack on my person and used it to escape. this was caused by not being able to see that there was a hungry node right in from of me. If goggles of revealing were legal to sell on the market that incident could have been avoided. In this case I am at risk of loosing my items due to my lack of research into thaumcraft. And the unfortunate fact is that the magic mods are for the most part the only mods that add dangers to the basic game play that you can not see (or are so light that it is really hard to see).

    Just attempting to have a healthy discussion on the subject.
    Lawmonark and Nerrid like this.
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree here. I think the Thaumcraft rule needs to be adjusted a bit. It is strict compared the the tech equivalent. For Thaumcraft i would say that Research sharing(unless in team), Top tier armor, Flight items(harness) and other items that are late game TC/addons are of course restricted.

    My personal opinion is most of thaumcraft is not game breaking if sold.

    I wonder how it would work if the rule was.... You can sell anything that does NOT require infusion crafting.
    AlphaRue likes this.
  7. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    You should be able to sell anything on the golemancy page, most of the artifice page, minus the infernal furnace, and arcane bore. Alchemical creations (not the alchemy equipment, but what you make with it). Selling of services say transmuting things, purifying ores, duplicating things (with the recipe to do so). As Krhymez said I am also unaware of what in Thaumcraft is game breaking when people have quarries up and running in what feels like a day or two.
  8. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    What the problem with thaumcraft is that everything you need to do is research---->craft.
    When you do all any tech based mod. You have all the knowledge.
    As all of you know in Thaumcraft you need to gather it the knowledge first to be able to craft something at all.
    Research is also a resource that has do be considered. That's why its so hard to define the rules.
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Simple rule adjustment: If it requires Infusion crafting, then you cant sell. If it doesn't require it then its fair game.
    Everyone knows i am one who fights for the restriction of "end game" items being sold but i do see that mages are getting the short end of the stick when it come to the economy.
  10. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    I agree on that.
    That could actually work. Maybe needs a doublecheck or some added exceptions. I would not see a problem with that.
  11. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    6:55 AM
    You could even go further and base it on how much instability it causes. Anything less than moderate is pretty much more of a look how cool that is. Example would be certain Golem cores.

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