Market Thread again.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by BookerTheGeek, Jun 19, 2015.


Good list or no?

Poll closed Jun 26, 2015.
  1. Great

  2. Terrible

  3. #Chicken

  4. #Potato

  5. #BlameBooker

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    9:30 AM
    Continuation of previous thread, this list is NOT a list of what can or cannot be sold, but the guidelines to determine what can or not be sold. This is to make it easy for STAFF to come up with the actual list for each pack. As always there are going to be exceptions to these rules that are mod pack specific. These are GENERAL GUIDELINES that staff can follow to determine what can be sold or not. Rules for specific mod packs will override these rules on a per mod pack basis

    The way this works is that the first parts lists what is allowed to be sold, the second part are exceptions to that list, and the third part are examples and explanations.

    Allowed Items Rules:
    1. World Generated items: any item that is naturally generated in the following worlds:
      • Overworld
      • Farming World
      • End
      • Nether
      • Deep Dark (Under dark)
      • Twilight Forest
      • Moo Moo Dimension
    2. Mob Drops from naturally spawning mob from the worlds listed in rule #1
    3. Any Vanilla MineCraft item.
    4. Any item that requires FOUR or LESS steps to go from world gen to that item. See "Example #1"
      • Bucket rule, See "Bucket Rule"
      • Smelting & Crafting counts as a step
      • Mining &/or Harvesting does NOT count as a step.
      • An ingot in hand is assumed to be one step, as from ore cooked in a furnace. This applies even if you pulverized / macerated the ore first and then cooked it.
      • Ingots, See "Metal Explanations" below.
      • Shortest crafting chain applies. It does not matter what mod originally adds the item, or if there are multiple recipes for the same item. The shortest route wins.
    5. Dungeon loot
    6. Any item that is sold by the server on the market for MyM's is allowed to also be sold by players on that particular mod pack.

    Clarification of what is or isn't allowed to be sold on market:
    This list is to clarify what can or cannot be sold on the market. This list overrides the allowed list.

    1. Drops from mobs that require player interaction to spawn such as (but not limited to):
      • Blood magic demons/elementals
      • Gaia/Gaia 2
      • Chaos dragon
      • Summoned Witchery mobs.
      • Exception: Netherstars are allowed to be sold
    2. Any item bound or locked to a player:
      • Blood magic bound items
      • Gaia 2 drops
      • Sir will tanks
      • Locked tesseracts
      • Sigils
      • Relics
    3. Banned or disabled items. This includes any item from mechanics that are banned such as:
      • RF tool Dimlets
      • Mystcraft pages
    4. Botania items not allowed:
      • Anything requiring the elven portal
      • Anything requiring terrasteel anywhere in the recipe chain
    5. The following from Draconic Evolution is allowed to be sold:
      • Ore, dust and ingots
      • Mob souls for mobs that are naturally spawning in vanilla minecraft
      • Up to, and including, Wyvern tools and armor
    6. Blood Magic:
      • Anything requiring a tier 4 alter or above to craft is not allowed
      • Magician blood orbs
      • Any Bound Item
    7. Anything from forestry that has had breeding performed to include:
      • Bees
      • Butterflies
      • Trees
      • This includes the serums to grant traits to bees, butterfly's or trees
      • this does not include world gen hive bees unless they have been breed.
    8. Witchery: Not allowed:
      • Anything from the witchery dimensions
      • Poppets of any sort
      • Taglocks - Even if they are yours
    9. The following items from Thaumcraft may NOT be sold on the market:
      • Vanilla Thaumcraft items that require infusions.
      • Items from thaumcraft addons may not be sold. Examples
        • Thaumic tinker
        • Forbidden Magic
        • Witching gadgets
        • Automagy
        • Thaumic horizons
      • Eldritch eyes may not be sold, even tho they are mob drops.
      • This does leave open the ability to sell duplicated research, but not the tome of sharing
    10. Agricraft seeds are not to be sold
      • You can sell what drops when you harvest the plant, but not the seeds them self.
    11. The following from Extra Utilities may not be sold:
      • Soul fragments
      • Activated division sigil,
      • Anything requiring an activated sigil to craft
      • Cursed earth is allowed to be sold
    12. Anything granting Creative flight
      • This is any form of flight that does not have some sort of fuel cost.
    13. Any component part of a multi-block structure
      1. Exception is tinkers smeltery blocks
      2. A high oven is not a smeltery
    14. Bags and chests sold in any form must be empty
      1. Chests on a Dolly
      2. Chest in a cardboard box
      3. Bags of any sort.
    15. Donator kits can not be sold on the market, but the items in them may be sold as long as they meet the rules.

    For a practical example, to make a Steam Dynamo in 3 steps:
    1. Smelt:
      • 11 copper ore into copper ingots
      • 2 iron ore into iron ingots
      • 1 silver ore into silver ingot
    2. Craft:
      • 2 copper gears from 8 copper ingots and 2 iron ingots
      • 1 redstone transmission coil from 1 silver ingot and 2 redstone
    3. Craft:
      • 1 steam dynamo from 2 copper gears, 1 redstone transmission coil, 3 copper ingots and 1 redstone
    If a recipe returns an empty bucket, then the bucket of fluid counts as a single step.
    If the recipe consumes the bucket of fluid, then the bucket starts at step two.

    • Ingots that are created by smelted straight from ore are considered for this as a "Metal". These are one step. This also includes alloys that are made solely with metal such as bronze or manyullyn.
    • Ingots that require a non-metal or non-alloy item to create are considered for the as an "Infused Ingot" are are considered a Two step process. Enderium ingots for example.
    • Converting between ingot/nugget/block forms of the metal does not count as a step.

    • Items that are breed have always been prohibited from market. Unless stated otherwise by founder/director I assume this is the way it is going to stay. It does not matter if it easy to get, the point is that it is breed and therfor not allowed on market
    • If the item is banned, don't sell it
    • If you cant use the item due to what it is used for being banned, don't sell it either. You cant use RF dimmlets, so don't be that guy and sell them to some kid that does not know better.
    • Blood Magic has a built in tiering system. After having many conversations with the BM dev team, MyM staff and my vast personal experience with the mod, Anything requiring a tier three alter to make is not allowed to be sold / traded / gifted. This is where the gating for BM is implament PER the mod author.
    • Soul fragments. Really? A permanent decrease in your health? why would you sell this anyways?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
    Mijikai, Rednek_Rage, Alicatt and 3 others like this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i thought this was dead by now? as the rules were clear and the guy asking for clarification has dissipated, i do think that adding this for the rules will actually still lower what we can sell, and therefore shouldn't be implemented as the current ones are actually pretty fair, we do not need a perfect list anymore, so i don't see the point in added into what we can't sell
  3. darkknight5124

    darkknight5124 New Member

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    bookerthegeek alteration on draconic ur allowed to sell wyvern armour and tools but not any higher
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    1. Draconic Evolution, nothing can be sold with the exceptions of:
      • Ore, dust and ingots
      • Mob souls for mobs that are naturally spawning in vanilla minecraft
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    9:30 AM
    While he has stopped responding to post, the points he raised were good ones, if not voiced very well. Their does need to be a, if not set list, then at least a set of guidlines that can be used to determine what is allowed or not allowed.

    As for being more restrictive, I once again have to tell you to read the entire post before commenting. I am suggesting that we not only actually allow more items be sold on the market, but also open up Thaumcraft to be able to be sold. So unless you are actually going to read something, and make a useful comment, then for gods sake meg shut the hell up.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
    Lawmonark likes this.
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    10:30 AM
    i understand this, but i think a "fair deal" can be made, because the 4 craft rule can make something really early-game "endgame" such as say, an autospawner, which is really mid-game, because of the 4 craft rule, is now considered "endgame" on all packs with MFR & TE, and with a mid-game items (and ones that are obviously so) being classified now as endgame, we have a problem, and not a good one at that, adding exceptions only complicates things more, and the rules shown are also confusing beyond belief, i'm surprised i can understand them! so before you tell me to "shut the hell up" maybe you should think over what is written and find examples that show why your side it correct, not telling me to "shut up" because you think that my thoughts are useless in this case
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    @chugga_fan The above guide is actually allowing more items to be sold. You stated your surprised you can understand them.... but do you really?

    Go on the server you play on and look at the market. Is there anything on there being sold that is "good". If there is your lucky, People have not been selling much on TDT. This list will open up a whole new market.
    Also do you even sell things?
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    /market listings doesn't exist on AG2, so idk what you are saying? and on TDT almost everything is considered endgame because of all the changes, and yes, i almost always sell things, so before you comment on what i am saying, think it over, as in this case it's kind-sorta incorrect, and if this list will allow more things to be sold (do not count thaumcraft items, this is the thing i 100% agree with on this new list) provide some examples, if you can't find one, i think my point has been proven, if you can, how many other examples can you find?
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    @BookerTheGeek this might need to explained a bit

    1. Any item that is sold by the server ON THAT MODPACK
    Because the server has a /shop that sells a lot of item and machines. Also the server sells god mode and fly (not a fan of this), does that mean that's a loop hole?

    Of course i know the answer is: Sold by server means at a cost of MyMs but some people would get that.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i found an item that isn't on the allowed list here, but 90% of people would agree is only endgame on TDT, so this would be needed to be added (i provided it's example already) but my point is still there, we're being restricted in this list more in everything but thaumcraft, and that is a problem
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    9:30 AM
    Changed to:
    • Any item that is sold by the server on the market for MyM's is allowed to also be sold by players on that paticular modpack.

    Also edited Blood magic to say

    1. Anything requiring a tier 4 alter or above to craft is not allowed
    2. Magician blood orbs
    3. Bound items
    Already fixed[DOUBLEPOST=1434742671][/DOUBLEPOST]Added the following explanation to the crafting rule:
    • Shortest crafting chain applies. It does not matter what mod originally adds the item, or if there are multiple recipes for the same item. The shortest route wins.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
    Lawmonark likes this.
  12. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    I indeed like the idea of having a "Trading Guideline" rather than a list for each specific mod pack.

    It is somewhat along the lines of how trading was being monitored on Regrowth upon release and it worked somewhat "well"

    The only issue I see, which is what I experienced, is people saying "XXX item is not listed anywhere, so therefore I should be allowed to trade it".

    Great idea though :D would love to see something like this put into action.
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Booker, i think the four step rule is a bit much.

    You already know i am against the "end game" items being sold... but four steps is no where near end game.
    For me personally i think the top teir Power Generation items, Flight, God armors...ect are what should not be sold. But everything before should be fine.

    I feel the way we are going.... we will push players away.
    While i may not agree with everything @Magisch was saying... he does have a point from a players point of view. Also the rules above cant be for every pack... each pack is differant,

    Maybe have kitchen sink packs a free for all, but have difficult packs have rules.
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    doesn't matter as shortest availible crafting chain is almost always the TE crafting chain which makes the thing STILL count as endgame, this doesn't work, blanket rules like this are destroyed and mauled because items that are obviously midgame are being classified as endgame, heck! even mana infused diamonds are endgame according to this list! so many things are screwed up by this "four step rule" that it forces many MANY more items to be "endgame"
    Lawmonark likes this.
  15. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    Yes. However, every modpack has its own tweaks. So mana diamonds could be endgame or late midgame in one pack and not in another. This is why we need something along the lines of a 4 step rule, maybe not so strict... but there needs to be a way to more easily say what should and shouldn't be traded and can be written down so that everyone understands how it works.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    something along these lines forces more items to be closed off, and i don't like that, the old lists i think most people agreed with, so why not use them?
  17. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    Well. They work, and they do the job.. but we are opening new servers all the time and closing old ones. Also, more and more mod packs are using HQM and tweaking recipes to make it new and different... this means different items are endgame between packs so there is no just "copy and pasta".

    As for making a new list... let me just say that it is a PITA. Sure any one person can take the time to write down a bunch of items... but when I was trying to get a list of Witchery items it took me a solid 30 minutes just for one mod. Also, the items one person thinks are endgame may not be for another, which means it has to be discussed by multiple staff members...etc..etc..

    The point is; Yes, the old way works. However, a new way may be more efficient and more effective and could cover all servers instead of needing a new list for every new pack.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    no single thing can cover all servers, TDT, literally everything earlygame on your pack is endgame there with any step rule that is reasonable, THAT is why i think it is restrictive
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    M1NN10N and Zxirl like this.
  20. Rednek_Rage

    Rednek_Rage Well-Known Member

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    As staff, these guidelines are great. +1 Booker, excellent job.

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