Suggestion: Opening Thaumcraft for sales on the market

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Nerrid, Jun 23, 2015.


Do you agree with this change?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Needs to be more restricting

  4. Needs to be more open

  1. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    7:37 AM
    After more messing with Thaumcraft a bit more, and asking other people on TDT I feel I've come up with a simple set of rules that allows Thaumturges to sell their wares on the market without "Breaking" the other mods in the mod packs. This list is only to be applied to thaumcraft items, and the end game item rule still applies.

    1. If it requires a wand better than a greatwood wand with gold caps to craft you can't sell it.
    2. If it is made with an infusion it can't be sold.
    3. You can not sell multiblock structures, or finished wands.

    With these rules Thaumcraft is greatly opened up for trade. As such the player experience should be improved. Any input or suggestions are appreciated, and after some productive discussion the list may be changed.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I know a lot of you Thaumturges may not like the current system too much, but we have had it that way for a long time and for good reason.. it is not about the selling of Thaumcraft items breaking other mods in the modpack, it is breaking the progression of Thaumcraft itself.... put simply if you have not done the research for something then you should not be able to buy and use it.

    Personally I hate doing Thaumcraft research and crafting but that doesn't mean that I don't like some of the items that Thaumcraft (and its addon mods) have to offer, some of them like the equal trade foci for example (which would be sellable under your suggested rules) I think are really useful.. but in keeping with the spirit of how Azanor designed Thaumcraft to make almost all crafting be research dependent I have long since accepted that if I can't be bothered to do the research necessary to unlock those items then I don't deserve to use them.
    ItsNora_ likes this.
  3. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    It would only push their progression so far. They would still have to do their own research and make their own stuff to make any real progress in Thaumcraft itself. The tech mods can sell items that aid progress why can't we do it for the first 25% of the mod? Sure you could sell the equal trade foci, but whats the harm in them mining with it?
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    The harm is they didn't do the research for it so they shouldn't be able to use it.. that is how Azanor designed the mod to work in the single player experience so that is how we designed our rules around it.

    Think of it like this, if it wasn't a game but real life and someone sold you a real magic wand, do you really expect that you would be able to use it properly if you had absolutely no experience with the magic it uses?
    To use a magical tool you must first understand how it works!
    Thus our rules are: if you don't have the research you can't buy/use it.
    BookerTheGeek and Nerrid like this.
  5. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    Alright made a change to the rules. Now if they do have a wand they understand magic, and the seller can explain how the foci works. Other things like golems would be the same way. Alot of the stuff is just "here i put magic in this, it works like this." If you've ever played a table top game like dungeons and dragons it's alot like finding a magical item at a store run by a wizard.
  6. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    Honestly, I think this would work out quite well, due to the fact that many magic-based games do have a store element. It might need some tweaking to get right, but I feel that this is doable, but I also see the staff point of view, saying if you don't research it, you shouldn't be able to use it. I think we should be able to sell shards at least. Them things are everywhere and people who don't do Thaumcraft could sell them off, because for some, they simply sit in one's ME for ever.
  7. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Hmm is thaumcraft Open Source? Because with the time and effort you might be able to create a plugin which checks the players Thauminomicon for progress and then only Displays items which you have unlocked on a Special thaum Market?
  8. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    Chet, even if it isn't Open Source, I am a modder and plugin coder, so I think I could convince him to give me the code to make a plugin, as long as I give him credit for the mod.
  9. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough. But you would need proof of that which can be kept for legal reasons on the server. There would be quite a bit of work involved in this.
  10. _NorthernViolet_

    _NorthernViolet_ The Goth Girl

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    Correct. I always keep records of various stuff to make sure I'm covered. Always a good idea.
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I don't think the source will be shared but there should be a deobf version for dependency usage.
    Anyways I don't think the improvement justifies the work this will require.
    Chetwynd likes this.
  12. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    As slind said.There is way too much work for this. The work amount is way more then the Benefits.Also For this to work it would probably even lag the server every time it has to check the players Thauminomicon to see what has been reserched.
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    *Depends on the Pack

    I feel that anything that requires Infusing crafting should be off limits. But anything under that should be fine...
    AlphaRue likes this.
  14. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    With the infusion limitation I set you can sell people golems, boots of the traveler, things like that. Nothing super great, but still some cool stuff.
  15. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    How would this be possible even if there was no rule? Does this mean you cant sell the blocks to make the structure? For the infusion altar you need mana infused stone (Don't Quote on the name, prob not right xD) That's only 8 stone and a vis shard.
  16. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    You can sell the components, but they would have to put it together for themselves. For example you couldn't sell someone an infernal furnace, but they would be very capable of buying it's components, even with the current rules.
  17. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    Im with @Krhymez on this, no infusion, I would also say no golems, no TT at all, and a few more restrictions
  18. Nerrid

    Nerrid Member

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    I can understand infusions, but why no golems? Also what are these other restrictions? Rules edited, infusions are off the table.
  19. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    basically anything no obtainable without rudimentary knowledge.
  20. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Adding anything that requires research is like spawning in the items, and throwing some iron, gold,myms what ever Into lava, and calling it equal. Mod Progression if added: Broken[DOUBLEPOST=1435200815][/DOUBLEPOST]**Off-Topic**
    400 messages. Yay. I'm most on that leader board xD

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