Done Glitch with the shrine

Discussion in 'Pixelmon' started by kandikay, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. kandikay

    kandikay New Member

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    1:58 AM
    Peacey and I went to attempt to spawn a zapdos using the shrine and a filled orb (keeping in mind it took two weeks to actually fully fill it after finding out both gyms and other players do not count) and it glitched to where the pokemon spawned then despawned instantly. We could not break the shrine or get the orb to go about the actions of starting all over. Is there anything that can be done or are we screwed over due to a glitch.

    Thank you for your time and I apoligize for any crass attitude, but seeing as how it is late and this was the last thing we wanted to do before bed it left us in a bit of a mean mood.

  2. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    6:58 AM
    Hey there, Sorry to hear about this but we do have a no refund policy in situations like these. I am going to ask an @Moderator to check it out if not currently busy, just to check if anything was actually placed inside the shrine :). Again sorry for your loss
  3. kandikay

    kandikay New Member

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    1:58 AM
    The orb is still indeed stuck in the shrine as it is, and I'm not going to argue though I will read the rules again just in case of a no return policy. The situation is not a common one but as you may understand it ticked me off something awful due to the fact there was a ton of effort put in to get it that far. It isn't like gen2 and beyond where you have the "just do happens to bump into legendary." and to work hard to get to that point and get nothing, could make anyone a little mad.

    If you know where the Savannah where oiches tower is, the shrine is right by there.
    P.s yes I did read up on the wikis the one time use for the shrine and also wasn't sure if you had the reusable enabled or not. After this incident I assume they are not reusable.
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    6:58 AM
    Hey Kandi, sorry to hear that your shrine didn't work the way it was intended.

    Could you please explain more about the despawn?
    Did the legendary spawn at all or was it just an instant despawn?

    Also -
    Moved to Support forums [PIXELMON]
  5. kandikay

    kandikay New Member

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    1:58 AM
    From what seemed to happen, I do believe it spawned because both I and peacey saw it, but in my persepectve it despawned soon after, Peacey was the person to place it in so he could better explain what happened, however he is currently at work.
  6. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:58 PM
    Could I ask you If perhaps your friend, Peacey, or you, thru a pokeball at it? (in battle or not)
  7. kandikay

    kandikay New Member

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    1:58 AM
    Peacey may have but as for me I did not throw any pokeballs at it
  8. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    6:58 AM
    Unfortunately there is a bug with Pokeballs that when you start a battle with any Pokemon and you start throwing Pokeballs at the Pixelmon, it despawns.

    No idea why this happens, but I'm hoping that it's fixed in the future.
    Could you please confirm that this was indeed the bug, and that your friend threw a pokeball at the legendary?

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