B-Team 2

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Thelehpwnage, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    (I didn't know where to post this kind of thread, but, I feel it needs to be said.)

    Okay, look, recently there has been a lot of issues with B-team 2. And, I mean a lot of issues. just yesterday, 6/29, the server had gone down so many times. It was up for 10 minutes, down, up, down... etc.
    Today, on 6/30, it's already gone down several times. Why?

    (I'm not trying to be mean, nasty, etc, but this is getting repetitive and extremely annoying.)

    This modpack is several months old. There should be no reason for constant crashing; the player count doesn't matter, either. There is what, about 10-25 people on normally? That's nothing. Now, if you're talking about the whole network of MyM, then you should say TPPI would crash constantly because there is 160 total people on the network.

    I just want to know why the server's uptime is so rocky for the mere 20 people on it. Also, it doesn't help when the "reboot" takes 10 to 45 minutes just to come back up. Only for it to go back offline in 10 minutes...

    This may seem like a complaint, and it is, but it's a complaint from everybody. I just want to play this modpack, but I can't with the constant crashing. I spend more time in the lobby than I do in the game, it seems.

    I just want to know why it keeps crashing... And if it will be fixed.
    dancestar2002 likes this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    wait TPPI is a server atm o_O and it might be that everyone is very setup on b-team due to it being several months after a reset
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The B-Team worlds are quite old again and our focus is on the future. This means that we optimize the 1.7 servers but not the old 1.6 anymore. We can reset b-team which would reduce the startup time by at least half. One of the major issues is the bad loading performance of griefprevention together with the insane amount of new players on the b-team servers. (100-300 new every day) This sums up to a lot of claims which the 1.6 version of GP is handling poorly. While we run a cleanup from time to time (removing claims from inactive players) the sole amount of new claims each day is keeping it busy.
    Idk man. I hate to do resets.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  4. Thelehpwnage

    Thelehpwnage New Member

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    I don't like resets either- A lot of people don't. But, to the active and loyal (by loyal I mean seen regularly) players, I haven't seen anyone who would want a reset.

    Although, I see a ton of griefprevention claims by one-time players. People who haven't been on for 3 or so months. If I see these bases, should I do a /modreq?
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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