Decided Against Tier 5 Donator Godmode removal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MintiPi, Jul 1, 2015.


What version of T5 Donator would you want?

  1. Original (T5)

  2. Modified (T5+)

  3. Original + Modified (T5 or T5+)

  4. Other (Discuss!)

  5. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. MigaMer

    MigaMer Well-Known Member

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    5:27 AM
    Great discussion, everyone.

    I'm in favor of keeping the /god mode. For me this perk was the main reason I joined the MYM network. I've been looking for professionally managed MMC servers with this option for quite some time and finally found MYM. My main reason for using /god is peace of mind when I explore all the great mods in various packs. I don't enjoy Minecraft's combat much, I play different games for the adrenaline fix ;)

    That being said I realize how much harm the /god mode does when it is used to quickly gain advantage over other players. Therefore I would be fine with some limitations. Many good ones were proposed above and I'll add just another one - make /god function only in the Overworld.
    MintiPi and MrWisski like this.
  2. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    I think the whole argument is silly imo, considering there are two facts here that really need to be considered

    - God is an optional use perk
    - People paid for this perk

    Looking at how people use god, I highly doubt that -

    "Addition of
    • Additional OP kits bringing it to 3+3OP
    • Half /heal Timer (5Minutes > 2.5Minutes)
    • Add Witch, Enderman, and Blaze to the right click spawner change menu"
    is a good substitute for removing a perk that many people have donated for, and only donated because of this perk, it's basically taking something good and throwing something half as good on it instead, and I know that sounds ungrateful, but I personally don't find it at all that fair that we're talking about removing something people have paid for.

    This is exactly the same situation as when we all discussed nerfing kits on AG2 a while ago, where we all agreed no because it's an option whether you use it or not, same thing applies here, it's optional

    I vote no to removing godmode overall.

    (Just to note, I'm a tier 5 donator, and I mostly donated because I wanted to help support MyM, but I'm not going to lie, I was very happy for the perks I got in return, and I'm grateful they even offer something in return for me donating)
    Aamia, Rednek_Rage and DuckDastardly like this.
  3. Rednek_Rage

    Rednek_Rage Well-Known Member

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    A few thoughts (non-staff opinions):
    1. God mode is optional. Don't like it, turn it off (requires a small amount of self control).
    2. Tier 5 is not cheap. As such, god mode is the only real advantage that makes it worth that much to some players.
    3. Removing god mode is a slap in the face to those who may have only donated that much in a tiered rank to specifically gain that perk.

    As a tier 5 donor, I would not want to see god mode removed without current donors being grandfathered. Though a lot of great suggestions have been made, the fact remains that people have donated quite a bit of money to gain access to the perk in question. To remove it could potentially cause a lot of problems with the player base.

    Another thing, the so called OP kits would have to be made into actual OP kits to make it worth it. As is the case with toolsplus and armourplus, in most packs mid level enchanted diamond tools and non enchanted diamond armor are far from "OP", due to the fact that most players can have the required diamonds within an hour, and mods make it relatively easy to get the required enchants. I personally have no problem with god mode being limited or removed from new donors, but it would require a restructure of the current OP kits.

    (Everything in this post is my personal opinion as a player, and should not reflect my position as staff)
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  4. MintiPi

    MintiPi Well-Known Member

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    Added a poll to get a more definite result!
  5. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    After reading what's been posted my opinion has been mostly swayed, not entirely, but more towards both systems.

    For the people who already have god-mode, allow them to keep it (they obviously have the option of turning it on and off), however ask that they do not abuse it (killing the Hardcore Ender Expansion dragon 30 minutes into the server opening for example - Temple caller or not, the dragon egg is still required to reset the end, meaning there will still only ever be one Dragon egg in circulation of Hardcore ender expansion servers). But also allow current T5 donors access to the new modified T5 however any after do not get god-mode.

    My reasoning behind this is that most T5's when comparing the accessibility and usefulness between 100% god-mode (only being damaged by void damage, which can be prevented in other ways) and a couple of daily kits of items that can be found elsewhere and spawner's that most packs offer alternatives to spawning mobs or ways to actually spawn them.

    Perm 100% God-mode is incredibly hard on most mod-packs and on others cannot be achieved - I cannot think of anything that can compare between that and anything else that can be given in a donor rank (that I can think of) outside of the realm of stupid (spawning in items e.g.).

    Though on a lot of servers I see god-mode as a hindrance to the idea of the pack (most fun recently I had was on Departed - which literally had no plugins, it was chaos, but it was fun chaos that provided a challenge), Hubris for example, an entire world of taint and dungeons designed to kill you, but the risks are met with rewards. For god-mode, what risks? You walk in, tank the "damage" and take all the items.

    This entire post is my opinion on a system that could work (of which I understand that others may feel that keeping god-mode and getting the modified T5 may feel unfair, but the main reason most donated to T5 instead of just to T4 is for Godmode)
    DuckDastardly and BookerTheGeek like this.
  6. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    If we do end up retiring the 'old' T5, can we call it T5 Legacy? Sounds cool :p
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Um..... Potato.
  8. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    We have actually used a special mechanic on one occasion before which I guess we forgot to consider each time there after, which is that when a new server launches (or a current one is reset) we could disable the use of /god (and perhaps /fly too?) for the first week of the server being live to force everyone to play on semi-equal ground for the first week so that normal players have just as much opportunity to try and rush for objectives like ender dragon as donors, and then after the first week when they have been mostly completed the two perks can be reinstated.

    As a tier 5 donor who like others made that extra donation specifically for /god I vote no to removal, I do however vote that we implement the above system as a permanent feature of our network across all servers going forward ;)
  9. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Very much agree to this, means at the server beginning, everyone is on (nearly) an even playing field.
  10. crazar

    crazar Guest

    I agree with this.. If you don't wanna use it. then don't use it. It's that easy.
    Aamia and Rednek_Rage like this.
  11. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    I really like the sound of this, a lot more than removing the perk completely, instead having it so others that haven't donated takes away a lot of the "P2W" aspect of donating to servers.
    It's a nice chance for both donors and players, although they still have their kits, I think this would definitely balance it a lot more (at least for the first week) for when new servers come out
  12. gamewiz93

    gamewiz93 Well-Known Member

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    As a tier five donator
    • I donated to tier five not for kits, but specifically for god.
    • I like the kits, but that is NOT why I bought tier 5.
    • I do not want to lose my tier five rank god mode.
    If it does get changed i would love to be grandfathered in.
    Aamia likes this.
  13. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I will not be seen on any new servers for the first week if this happens.
  14. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    i will not return to mym if they remove my perks or change them in any way or form.
    Aamia and 19e8 like this.
  15. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    On the first day of a server. I found out that the enderdragon had already been killed. Which im going to assume was done by Donors with /god. I do think it is quite a bit over powered. Maybe have some sort of Time limit on it with a cool down?[DOUBLEPOST=1435842750][/DOUBLEPOST]
    In fact, I think this would come well as another discusion that was brought up about being able to Buy commands without the Tier?
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Depends what server. I have killed her on most of the packs that i played on... that doesn't have Hardcore Ender Expansion.
  17. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Hubris and Cloud 9
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    Chetwynd likes this.
  19. JamesHowell

    JamesHowell Well-Known Member

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    Does god mean infinite LP on bloodmagic? (Sacrifice orb)
  20. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    9:27 AM
    No that still kills you i think.
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