Horizons: Daybreaker - EMC Values

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Ryan784, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Ryan784

    Ryan784 New Member

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    So, I'm loving the new modpack that was just put out, and the fact that you guys literally got a Server up and running within hours of it being released. To be honest, this is the first time I've even played on any of your Servers - and it's great. The Staff is professional, the players very friendly, I love it.

    On to the reason I'm writing this!

    So, this Modpack comes with the long-lost never-before-seen Equivalent Exchange 3. Well, the newest version at least. My suggestion, specifically regarding EMC, is to give EMC values to missing blocks.

    So, Copper, Tin, Lead, Silver, Industrial Diamonds, et cetera - all items or things that should have EMC, but don't right now. Of course, the value that we give Tin/Copper for example is up to dispute (I say greater than iron, but no more than twice the value) - and not something I'm here to suggest. Frankly, I'm fine with any value, as long as we give it EMC!

    Of course, then there are just some items that literally should have EMC but don't, like Blocks of Redstone, et cetera (I can make a list later if need be, if this goes over smoothly).

    So, short version: Give Tin/Copper/Lead/Silver/other items that are missing EMC values, actual EMC values. It's as simple as a command, even on-Server. Of course, it's up to debate how much EMC value we give them, but anything is better than nothing.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion!
    If you have any questions or concerns/other comments regarding how this would work/balance or arguments to oppose this, I'm more than willing to talk more in depth about it.

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015


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    Agreed, its quite a easy task and it would be helpful, I'm sure theres ways to add different crafting mechanics into the configs so that it automatically chooses the correct EMC! totally agree with ryan though!
    Ryan784 likes this.
  3. Dejyboo

    Dejyboo New Member

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    I would also like to vote 'Yes' for this!
    EPIIC_THUNDERCAT and Ryan784 like this.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    later on pahimar will add support for these items or the modmakers themselves will, so you should be happy just having EE3 as pahimar is adding support for a ton of mods atm
    Rednek_Rage and Lawmonark like this.
  5. Ryan784

    Ryan784 New Member

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    Oh I'm extremely happy even having EE3 on the Server! I'm not trying to put it down in any way or shape or form - I love the Mod. All I'm suggesting is that, until the pack is updated (which could take any amount of time) - I don't see why the Staff can't artificially add in the values that should be there.

    The commands are there for this specific reason. Things break and need fixing (with regards to EMC), and we have the tools to fix them ourselves; at least until the time comes when the pack updates. It's less of a matter of complaining, and more of a "Hey, we don't need to wait!".

    Not to say that waiting for the pack to update is the end of the world - they can take all the time they need. But we do have the commands/tools to add in EMC values, so why not?
  6. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    Would you be willing to compile a complete list with everythings current EMC value along with the things you think need EMC added to it. That way we can look at the lists and consider your suggestion.
  7. Ryan784

    Ryan784 New Member

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    Of course! It would take me perhaps a day, but I can do it.

    As for items that don't have EMC at all, such as Copper/Tin/Lead/Silver - I think leaving that up to the Staff or public opinion would be better. Although, until we decide, I can just put in what values I believe to be fair, so that we have something.

    I'll get on it.
  8. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I ask Gideonseymour if he would. He plans to add EMC values once the feature is added that allows it to be saved across worlds.
    Currently EMC values will save to the world... for example if he makes a world named "new world" it would NOT carry over to other peoples "new world" when used.... This feature will be added later.
    I think its best not to mess with the values untill they work it out. Mainy because EE3 already has too many dupe bugs when your try to mess with the EMC values
    chugga_fan likes this.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Only one concern. EMC duping. Please pay close attention to recipes that allow the product to be converted back to EMC again. There had been many in madpack 2 already. (idk if they added emc value's or not)
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    This will always be a problem with EE3(i believe currently as well), Right now its best not to mess with EMC, let the mod dev and pack author come up with the corrrect values.
  11. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough :)
  12. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    @Slind you guys forgot to both add a changelog and make an announcement for this
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    won't do as long as it is that unstable.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  14. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    just brought it up as i've played like 6hrs on SP, whilst that time could've been better spent on MP lol


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    i asked giddeon to make a basic list of material EMC heres what he came up with,
    • Marble: 1
    • Limestone: 1
    • Andesite: 1
    • Diorite: 1
    • Granite: 1
    • Basalt: 1
    • Teslatite: 32
    • Salt: 32
    • Copper: 128
    • Tin: 128
    • Aluminium: 128
    • Zinc: 128
    • Osmium: 256
    • All EssentialCraft III "Drops": 256
    • Steel: 384
    • Lead: 1024
    • Silver: 1024
    • Ruby: 1024
    • Sapphire: 1024
    • Amethyst: 1024
    • Dimensional Shard: 4096
    Proof:FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion | Page 3 | Feed the Beast
    AlphaRue likes this.
  16. TheUnderTaker11

    TheUnderTaker11 New Member

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    I honestly do not care either way on the modded items getting EMC, if they do, I'm happy, if they don't I'm still fine, but I really think that the vanilla items such as redstone torches ect, and as seeing there is not a list and it still hasnt been done, I feel the need to leave one (for vanilla items)
    -Powered Rail:2,054
    -Detector Rail:261.66666 Continuing
    -Sticky Piston:340
    - Piston:316
    -Block of Gold:18,432
    -Redstone Torch: 36
    -Spruce/Birch/Jungle/Acacia/Dark oak:4
    -Redstone Lamp:1,664
    -Activator Rail:263.33333333 Continuing
    -Block of Redstone:288
    -Weighted pressure plate(light):4,096
    -Gold Sword:4,100
    -Gold Pick:6,148
    -Gold Shovel:2,052
    -Gold Hoe:4,100
    -Gold Helm:10,240
    -Gold Chestplate:16,384
    -Gold leggings:14,336
    -Gold Boots:8,192
    -Gold Apple(regular):16,408
    -Gold Apple(Notch):147,480
    -Redstone Repeater:107
    -Gold Nugget:227.5555 Continuing
    -Golden Carrot:1,844.44444 Continuing
    -Glistening Melon:1,836.44444 Continuing
    -Empty Map:1,312
    -Redstone Comparator:367
    I had started on the potions, but there might be to many ways to craft those and some can be divided by 3 so it's not worth the time.
    I suggest with .4 and .3 continuing and such, you just round it up to be like .55 and .44, but do what you feel like you need to, I double checked each one of these but feel free to check my work, I'm just really wanting to see most of vanilla having an EMC! :D
    Uthael_Killeanea likes this.
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    just let pahimar work on it, oredictionary is hard :/
  18. TheUnderTaker11

    TheUnderTaker11 New Member

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    You keep saying that but who knows when this pack will update to an update where he has it? xD I'm not asking for modded items just vanilla there is no harm in that Chugga
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you need to make sure the items are fair and don't have EMC duping though
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    dupe bugs are an extreme issue here and they are extremely hard to avoid.
    Chetwynd likes this.

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