Decided Against Tier 5 Donator Godmode removal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MintiPi, Jul 1, 2015.


What version of T5 Donator would you want?

  1. Original (T5)

  2. Modified (T5+)

  3. Original + Modified (T5 or T5+)

  4. Other (Discuss!)

  5. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    2:44 PM
    That's why I said to disable stuff like that for the first week or so of a mod-pack.. Lol.

    EDIT: or that thing Xfel said.
  2. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    7:44 PM
    It would also mean the End and Twilight ect, As these are the most raided worlds[DOUBLEPOST=1435911224][/DOUBLEPOST]But other then that i fully support the idea of having Words where /god /fly /feed is disabled to make it fair.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
  3. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    3:44 PM
    I honestly would prefer to have it setup this way, both because it will also mediate the raiding of twilight/end by players with godmode, and even with a second farmworld in which /god, /feed, and /fly are disabled those with godmode can still just raid the overworld dungeons whilst those without then still need to deal with the mobs in the farmworld dungeons, this still gives those with god a major advantage over those without, that is unless dungeons were disabled in the overworld, and god was disabled in Twilight and End.
    Demonica6666, Lawmonark and Chetwynd like this.
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I had to have it added.... =).
    What did we start @AlphaRue?

    Too bad i dont have that private message about the potatoes still....haha
  5. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    if mym remove or restrickt /god in any way i want my money back. i payed for /god /fly and no afk kick. they have change the op armour kit to diamond armour LOL op??? no. a op armour is a endgame armour and not a vanilla crap diamond armour.
    Aamia, 19e8 and elemage like this.
  6. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    And you won't get your money back. If you really don't like it that much, you can leave, as your first post implied.

    You donated to the server. A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  7. elemage

    elemage Well-Known Member

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    it wasnt a donation. it was a purchase. people paid money for this in game service and now that investment is being threatened.
    19e8 and Rebelborn like this.
  8. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    Nothing has been decided yet which means there is no guarantee of any change even happening. There is no reason to get upset over an idea that has no confirmation behind it.
    elemage likes this.
  9. Rednek_Rage

    Rednek_Rage Well-Known Member

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    Once again, the whole argument has come down to removing a perk that was paid for, because a few people have no self control. While I feel not having the perk for the first week of a server makes sense, any thing beyond that would be unfair to the people who have paid for the ability to use the perk. As previously stated, if you don't want it, don't use it.
    (Opinions in this post are my own as a player and do not represent my position in staff)
    elemage likes this.
  10. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Did u not read this tos when u donated??

    :We keep the right to change any tier at any time in range and cost without any announcement and approval. "

    They dont have to ask us to change donations. So goodluck getting money back

    EDIT: This says it better 1. We keep us the right to change any packages (e.g. ranks/tiers) at any time in any form (e.g. price, scope, content, kind) without any announcement and approval.

    Taken from Terms of service
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2015
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  11. MintiPi

    MintiPi Well-Known Member

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    Funnily enough the third option caters to both types of T5 players, Allowing people with godmode to keep godmode, or choose the T5+ with different perks with godmode removed. I'm not sure why people are freaking out, it's just a suggestions thread not endorsed by any of the founders. :(
    Xyrik, DuckDastardly and chugga_fan like this.
  12. SephiroMystiere

    SephiroMystiere Active Member

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    It's one of the main reasons i bought and paid so much to have Tier 5 is godmode. I don't use it 100% of the time but it does come in handy alot for me when things get out of hand and some things mess up. I would like to keep it if at all possible. If not the OP kits are not really that OP they also do the same thing of lowering the play value of the game by giving a huge jump and advantage in any modpack as well. So this debate wether or not to keep it is irrelevant. Mod packs like AG, SF, Regrowth,.... to name a few jsut having one resource kit is OP and skips alot of the work needed to start the modpack and gives a bigger jump ahead in the game than just having godmode.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    If the mark2 testing succeeds further we would have a solid ground to build upon auto world resetting. (replacing existing worlds with pre generated once at defined dates, e.g. the end & twilight every Friday night, the farmworld on the first of each month..) This is something I really wanna get to for quite some time already as it would really help with all the progression issues and "empty" worlds. But important to know, this might still be months away.
  14. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    It was not a purchase, at least as far as I've seen. Servers are not required to give you jack for your donations. MyM is very nice and gives you a great reward for donation, but technically they do not owe you anything, not to mention that they specifically state on their page that they reserve the right to change or remove perks at anytime. I'm not in favor of removing /god, but an attitude like that is just begging for it.
    AlphaRue, The_Icy_One and Chetwynd like this.
  15. elemage

    elemage Well-Known Member

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    an attitude like that? ha. funny. it was a purchase. they offered services for a price and i paid that price. i didnt just drop a hundred something bucks at the time and MyM was like omg! we should give that guy some stuff. you are the one with a sour attitude. im not saying they owe me anything or about their ToS. do note my bittered attitude friend that this is asking for opinions on what people think. and anyway if you pay for a service you should get it.
  16. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    It's a donation, not a purchase.
    You support MyM, and in return, they support you supporting them.

    Lets not cause arguments here please, there's really no need for it thank you.
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    by law it is the purchase of the rank for the minecraft account while the content of the rank/tier might change anytime... as described on the page. Anyways it is a bit unrelated to the topic of the post so please focus on it. For those being a little scared about a re-movement it would be highly unlikely if it would affect existing tiers/servers.
    elemage and chaosblad3 like this.
  18. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    I am in favor of removing godmode in specific dimensions(ie: Twilight Forest, The End, and dimensions specific to certain packs like Runic Dungeon Dimension in Hubris), but not removing it completely. It really makes farming up lots of materials/items waaaaaay too easy in the early game, because it allows them to rush those areas without threat of death and then kind of ruins those areas for anyone not having godmode.

    If, as Slind stated in an earlier post, MYM can get auto-world resetting working properly, I believe this honestly removes the biggest issue people have with those that have godmode, areas completely ransacked and then no way for others to get those resources(or makes it even harder on others to find any of those resources since it seems some of those with godmode become a bit overzealous in their clearing of those areas). Until the time of auto-world resets though I think the best compromise is to just turn off godmode in specific dimensions.
    Xyrik likes this.
  19. metalobism

    metalobism Well-Known Member

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    When I donated to tier 5 I did it for 2 reasons.
    1. so that I could support a server that I enjoyed further.
    2. so that I could get access to ./god.
    the reason I wanted ./god in the first place was so that I could show off my skin without getting murdered by mobs every 2 seconds. I find that while I have the resources to make end game armors rather easily I would rather not wear armor than wear it. I also tend to afk alot as i have to help my father with work around the farm. I can see why people would rather it not be a part of the perk system, however it comes down to the fact that most people who bought tier 5 donator status did so for the perks. I find most times that the kits just end up taking up space in my storage if I even bother to grab them due to the fact that they don't have anything in them that couldn't be gotten in a few hours or less. I would love to see the auto reset feature be implemented as it would make this issue pointless. lastly for those who don't want it in the first place I say just use some self control and keep it off.
    Aamia, elemage and Xyrik like this.
  20. Aamia

    Aamia The Most Powerful Warlock

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    I vote no for removing god mode. I spent real money for it (80€ = 303PLN, and 1PLN is same hard to get as 1€)
    and I donated to tier 5 just for god mode. If you don't like god mode, just don't use it. I think there can be limits or something but don't remove it at all because I think almost everyone who bought tier 5, bought it just for god mode (and maybe for compass tp :))
    elemage likes this.
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