Get rid of Cloud 9? Add another pack instead?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Asapps, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    Can you remove the Cloud 9 server. The modpack was created poorly, honestly. Someone just threw in mods that seemed cool yet didn't really have any synergy with the the other mods in the pack. Plus barely anyone plays it, and it'll die sooner than departed did. How about the new "Banished" modpack listed in 'Interesting 1.7.10 modpacks for servers'? It sounds really interesting.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Please fully describe both parts. Why is cloud 9 a bad pack thrown together in your opinion. What does banished do better? How are they comparable? Where do you see players coming from while it isn't listed? Did you play it through yet, cause it might not be compatible for a server environment (depending on the quests)? What makes it better than hubris? Does it include AoA?

    Sorry but I don't bite, yet. ;)
    Bennyboy1695 likes this.
  3. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    Cloud 9 has magic, exploration, and tech all in one pack as well as mods that were just thrown in and don't truly share anything with the other mods. AoA is a new-ish mod that requires quite a bit of server resources to run without lag, and since there's now tech in the pack, such as thermal expansion and MFR, there'll be a severe issue of lag in about 2 weeks. Synergy: People like being able to automate things in a pack that has tech. MFR and Thermal Expansion work together, but people would end up wanting AE in it and Ender IO, Magic and exploration go well together, all 3 don't unless there's more mods in the pack to work with the 2 tech mods. AoA also, isn't very refined and can cause lag as I stated before. I suggest waiting for it to get worked on more so it's more server friendly and works better.
    Banished is a new and upcoming modpack. Has a world like regrowth, crash landing, Hubris, and Agrarian in you don't just spawn into a normal minecraft world and go setup your base. You are thrown into some unknown world that you know nothing about! It's terrifying yet thrilling! I've heard a lot of people talking about it as well and it seems like it'll be a popular pack as with all the other packs I just listed. It also has HQM which everyone enjoys.
    I havn't played any of this 'Banished' modpack though. It was just one suggestion. I mainly just want Cloud 9 to be taken down since it seems like a waste of Mym's resources. For info about the 'Banished' pack though, i'd consult MaelstromPheonix who posted the suggestion for the pack in the 1.7.10 Modpack thread.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    AoA is one of the oldest mods around. If we go from the lag part, we would first need to get rid of infinity, direwolf, agrarian skies.. It has been more stable than most other mods of this size although it is rarely used on servers.

    The issue with hqm packs is, that the quest book resets and there is nothing we can do about it. Packs that come along with hqm are being moved down in priority automatically due to this. As banished is super new and testing just started, I doubt it being more stable than cloud 9. If you haven't played it yet, on what sources do you judge it, what if those are wrong?
    Lawmonark likes this.
  5. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    False statement... I HATE it >_<[DOUBLEPOST=1436532878][/DOUBLEPOST]Cloud 9 is my main pack right now, I have not had too many issues with it overall and I dont think I have ever had lag (as of yet). I get that when new pack are made available to players they get excited to play them, but MyM does not need to keep hosting Alpha and Beta versions of servers that have zero Server tests run on them. And honestly, I would hate to see yet another HQM pack be added.
  6. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    If you think it will die soon, then just wait untill it dies. If it does it will probably get removed anyway. If it doesn't die then it isn't a waste of resources since people play it.
    It's a problem that solves itself. :D
  7. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    *cough* Minecraft: Unabridged server plz *cough*
  8. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    How stable is this pack? i thought it was larger then Infinity.
  9. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    I love cloud 9
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  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Talking about packs.
    Im really tempted to make a pack that has the Uncommon but stable mods. Mods like

    Mo creature
    Ancient warfare
    Minecraft comes alive
    Plant Mega Pack
    Dark Menagerie
    of course building mods.

    I recently started playing Tolkien Craft, i love the beginning where you must trade with NPC to progress.
    It made me start thinking if someone could make a real Adventure mode pack, where at the beginning you couldn't just punch trees. Also if you could enforced trading with npc to progress and to build a kingdom. There is a tiny pack on the Curse Launcher with Kingdom in the title is using the Ancient warfare mod... but not much else.
    FranCawl likes this.
  11. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Mo creatures isn't allowed in any modpack except ftb official packs which is why it's so uncommon
  12. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Referring to the Tolkiencraft 2 thingy-ma-jig, I played a solid 3-4 hours of the pack and thoroughly enjoyed it. Does anyone know any other pack with the same type of style/feeling to it that is also server friendly? I would more than likely not only back you up if suggested as a a server I would be more than happy to personally keep an eye on it server side :D
  13. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    That has "changed" it is allowed in any packs on Curse. Knowing that, i would put the pack there.
    Its also in packs on the ATLauncher like "Fire in the pipe"[DOUBLEPOST=1436541202][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Tolkiencraft is server friendly. Just not public server friendly. Mainly because people grief.
    If you had a trusted group of players, it would be really fun.
  14. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Is there more than one town like the spawn in the pack? I've gone for a walk in it. Just not very far, if there isn't I'm sure there is a way we can admin claim it and still allow players to use the NPC's and such
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    the pack's map has many custom builds. But i guess those also can be claimed from destruction and stealing

    I have recommended this pack in the past. It is one of a kind and has some really cool features. Giving the size of the pack and the nature of the pack. It would need to have a mature player base
    Edit: looks like they fixed the stealing of items in the towns
    Watch this to see the builds
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015
    Chetwynd likes this.
  16. Mytrandir

    Mytrandir Well-Known Member

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    i play cloud 9 and i realy love it its fun even when u have a 99% chance to die 10 times in 5mins :D its still a lot fun .. so i would like it if it would get outside beta state :D
    maybe then would be play more then just only 10-15 peeps XD but hell still one atm best modpacks there
  17. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Bloodbath, you say that they are likely to add things - Why? The pack is designed for two Youtubers to do a letsplay (who are both generally quite new at modded minecraft) and are very slow going. Its unlikely they'll get new mods in because, to them, this pack has an incredible amount of content.

    At most we'll see content in the way of pack updates (purely updating the mods currently on the server) rather than additions of mods.
  18. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Or maybe as they get to know these mods, More mods added.
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  19. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    But considering they have AoA, which, to people new at Modded minecraft, is massive - it will take a while before they think about new mods. Look at it from the perspective of someone that's generally only played vanilla or minigame servers and then sees the actual amount of stuff to do.

    We may regard the pack as small as we've had Ultimate, Monster and Infinity and all the packs in-between (To me these are the best three large packs released by FTB - Even if I have a dislike for Draconic Evolution). But going from a couple of pages in NEI, to 20 or 30 times that, its a big change.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  20. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    The youtubers that this pack is for are not new to modded minecraft. They are new to having their packs available to their viewers. Prior to this they made their own packs. I remember watching Ihascupquake play mods in 2011

    As for the pack getting new mods. Best way to get something done is to go to the source. Watch their videos and comment on what would be cool for them to try. While they are a big channel, they do read comments.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2015

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