Implemented No connection at certain times of the day

Discussion in 'Monster' started by liverpool187, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. liverpool187

    liverpool187 New Member

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    1:23 AM

    I can typically log into the server and play just fine until around 6 at night (central U.S. time).
    I have tried:

    - pinging the server address, which shows me that the server is online.
    - reinstalling the latest java
    - checking the PATH for java to check the correct version is being used.
    - designating the PATH in the launcher (C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
    - deleting the .mineyourmind launcher folder from the roaming file and reinstalling the launcher

    None of these have fixed the issue. Again, I can play just fine in the morning and afternoon here. After 6pm it shows "no connection" from the multiplayer login screen. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. liverpool187

    liverpool187 New Member

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    1:23 AM
    It started early today =[
    I'm almost positive that it is an issue on my end, but I'm not sure what else to try. I have also cycled my router and modem. I posted a picture which shows that the server is up, but my launcher shows no connection.

  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:23 AM
    One thing that might be worth a try next time it happens is open command prompt as administrator and run the command ipconfig /flushdns then refresh the server list in minecraft and see if that has any effect, if not then go back to command prompt and run tracert and post the result here as that should at least indicate how far the connection is making it before it drops out.

    Finally as a last resort I would suggest complaining directly to your ISP as it is more than likely a problem on their end especially considering you say it's only during local "peak time" that you can't connect.
  4. liverpool187

    liverpool187 New Member

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    1:23 AM
    The trace route makes it all the way to the server. I flushed dns as well but I get the same result. Maybe it is my ISP. When the issue happen, I can't connect to any server in Germany. Not just MYM servers. Thanks for the help.
  5. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:23 AM
    Yeah I suggest you call your ISP and see what they say then.
  6. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    1:23 AM
    HI! from over at horizons! me and 2 other people also have this issue, and we have a forum post representing us over in horizons forum, if we find a solution we will share.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:23 AM
    In order to see possible packet loss and the avrg/worst ping you could also let winmtr run for about 20 mins.[DOUBLEPOST=1398542566,1398542503][/DOUBLEPOST]could you guys check if you are all from more or less the same place? and maybe let winmtr run and compare the results
  8. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    1:23 AM
    I let it run for about an hour with +- 5% results but never packet loss[DOUBLEPOST=1398543180,1398543045][/DOUBLEPOST]I am in Arkansas. op-you should check as see if your connection runs through
  9. liverpool187

    liverpool187 New Member

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    1:23 AM
    I'm not sure if I fixed it or not, but I am currently able to log in. I went back and made sure that the correct java folder was specified in the Path. On windows 7 Start->Computer->system Properties->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variables-> (Select Path under System Variables and ensure that the folder your java is in is shown in the directory i.e C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin;). I will update the post if I the problem happens again.
  10. Gevase

    Gevase New Member

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    1:23 AM
    Does the problem come and go for you? it does for me, keep on your toes :)
  11. liverpool187

    liverpool187 New Member

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    1:23 AM
    Yes. And right now I can play but I'm not sure if it was random or my troobleshooting.[DOUBLEPOST=1398723460,1398547479][/DOUBLEPOST]
    The issue has returned, my troubleshooting skills have failed me =[
  12. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    7:23 AM
    Try asking some of your local friends to try connecting at the same time that you are unable to do so and see if they have the same issue, ideally find some people in your area who use the same ISP as you as well as some people who are with different ISPs.

    If you find that there are other people on the same ISP as you who have the same connectivity problems, then you can call your ISP and ask them to look into it, and if by change anyone on a different ISP to you is having the same connectivity problem then you can again call your ISP and suggest that there is a problem further down the line, but equally something they should investigate for you.

    Also, ISPs don't tend to make their customers aware of it unless they have to (because they're jammy like that), but they will often have "gamer profiles" they can switch your connection to (normally free of charge) which makes the connection more suitable for the level of stability that online gaming requires, so that too is something worth enquiring about!

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