Implemented IC2 Cable issues

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Vernatia, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Vernatia

    Vernatia New Member

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    Local Time:
    2:22 AM
    On the Monster 2 server, I've got a simple system of cables running from a HV solar array, through a MFE, via HV cables, to a second MFE, finally to my ME system.

    The cables keep becoming single entities, rather than the adjoined blocks they should be.
    I haven't seen the problem on the Monster+ server, yet.

    I thought it was due to the server resetting, but even if that was the case, I shouldn't have to replace all my cables and MFE every single time, it is getting annoying.

    I've had the problem once before a couple of weeks ago, using copper cables, in a very small setup (no more than about 6 or 7 cables, all IC2 cables, and a batbox, which all had to be reset, but this problem is far more common in the past week, and I've had to reset the cables 4 times so far, that I've noticed, twice in the past hour.

    Attached Files:

  2. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:22 AM
    I've tried to fix this before as well, spent a few hours on it narrowing it down. It comes down to the mod itself and really there is nothing that can fix it unfortunately. It's caused by unloading the chunk by a player then a machine or chunk loader "stutter loads" the chunk and the wires forget what they are doing. Ender items (Ender quarry, ender tank, ender chest, etc) can cause this, spot loaders, ender items on the other side of a "connection", etc. When we tested the fix for this we removed all those things and put spot loaders throughout the base and it still did it in some chunks while 'fixing' it in others. Sorry I don't know any for sure solution, I wish I did.
  3. Vernatia

    Vernatia New Member

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    2:22 AM
    Hmm, I see...
    I might have a go at converting the EU over to RF or something, haven't had a problem with the cables for that, see how it is handled.

    Thanks for the feedback, it is a rather annoying problem.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Local Time:
    4:22 PM
    the best thing you can do is not putting any chunkloading blocks into the same chunk as the cables. Sorry we can't solve this issue from our end :(
  5. Vernatia

    Vernatia New Member

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    Local Time:
    2:22 AM
    Thanks for the reply,
    Yeah, based on what cbrozak said, that's what I imagined.

    It's a very strange problem, odd that it would happen like that.

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