Implemented Mystcraft

Discussion in 'Monster' started by ImJinx, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    4:38 AM
    Is the whole mod banned or is there an item in Mystcraft that isn't use able?
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    11:38 AM
    Crafting of descriptive books for creating ages is disabled because particularly on a server this size, allowing age creation is a lag NIGHTMARE!

    However, the ink mixer and the linking books you can make with it are still enabled so you can make books for teleporting within parts of the same server... just don't try using a linkbook you created on M2 while on M+ or the MF quarrying server as that will either crash you potentially corrupting your player.dat (meaning you lose everything in your inventory unless we offer you a rollback) or at the very least it will teleport you to a completely different location that you expect, potentially trapping you inside a wall or something.
  3. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    4:38 AM
    Ok so no mystcraft for me lol thank you for letting me know :)

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