The Hologram Boss from Essentialcraft 3 crashes the server once spawned in. Can you fix this since the Comp. Guy Suit Chestpiece requires the 4 cores (you get only one core per boss) which are the Multiplication/Division/Subtraction/Addition cores.
I doubt I can come up with a recipe since the boss has a chance to drop one of 6 items that you can get from only hologram. The cores, the Divider's Gun, and the Remote Orbital Strike. My only suggestion is to put it on the market, but it does count as end game. I'll ask around EC3 players for their thoughts (but Im the only one this far into the mod xD)
im actually too wish for this armor to be craftable. ill think about the recipe[DOUBLEPOST=1437209850][/DOUBLEPOST] Addition Core Substruction Core Division Core Multiplication Core Demonic Plate 5938:54 Wind Crystal 5938:55 Nether Star 399 how about this ? its not cheap, cause its end game
The Wind Crystals take forever to make since you have to wait for a long time for the wind tablet to absorb the required energy (10,000). And the demonic plates are decently time taking to make since you have to get a good trade from the Demonic Trader to get the Akronite (or whatever its called).. I like the recipe, but I agree with chugga that the nether stars are pretty cheap. How about using Matter of Eternity instead of the stars?
I shall code a minetweeker fix and ask an admin what they think. give me a few minites also does it crash the playèr or the server[DOUBLEPOST=1437254018][/DOUBLEPOST]does the wind tablet change form as it charges like ids?
The Matter of Eternity doesnt crash anyone. Its a power source and a crafting item for most things in the mod.
I ment the guardian[DOUBLEPOST=1437254271][/DOUBLEPOST]the limitations of minetweeker would require that to be an empty wind tablet I believed
Code: recipes.addShaped(<essentialcraft:genItem:70>, [[<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:plateDemonic>], [<ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:gemWind>, <ore:matterOfEternity>], [<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:plateDemonic>]]); recipes.addShaped(<essentialcraft:genItem:73>, [[<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:plateDemonic>], [<ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:gemWind>, <ore:matterOfEternity>], [<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:plateDemonic>]]); recipes.addShaped(<essentialcraft:genItem:71>, [[<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:matterOfEternity>], [<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:gemWind>, <ore:plateDemonic>], [<ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:plateDemonic>]]); recipes.addShaped(<essentialcraft:genItem:72>, [[<ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:matterOfEternity>], [<ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:gemWind>, <ore:plateDemonic>], [<ore:matterOfEternity>, <ore:plateDemonic>, <ore:matterOfEternity>]]); Unfortunitly i was unable to get the matter of eternity to Be REQUIRED to be charged however it should work if its charged Heres your code @Slind @SirWill
alright, if everyone agree, the final recipe will look like this Addition core Substruction core Division core Multiplication core Demonic Plate 5938:54 Wind Crystal 5938:55 Matter of Eternity 5938:4
shouldnt the X design be for multiplication and the cross be for addition? XD seems like it would make more sense, at least for those two. I mean this by saying the red part sticks out more in the pattern for looks
if your going with the purple part being the "design" of them then it looks fine, I was just saying that the red sticks out more as a pattern.