Why do people want to see the world (server) burn?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Qintsal, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    I´m just sick when i read "i have 200k diamonds" etc.... WHY? noone needs that much... would be good for the server if you turn your diamond production off at that point. I get that most player are young and think they are "cool" when they have that much stuff but sadly they dont think about the server lag they might produce. Of course you can mass produce without lag as i have seen on infinity at bryan´s base. He had a huge base, lots of stuff and close to no lag. But most people just dont care about the server at all :( Would be great if staff would take actions faster if possible.

    Some examples:
    A few minutes ago AS2 did timeout. When the server was back up after a few mins mobclear did delete 5500 Mobs. It´s obvious a mobfarm out of controll.

    When i tried talking to a player that said "i have 100k of X" i got the response " I do what i want. If i want to break a bedrockium barrel of cobbel ill do it"---few seconds later server timeout, when it was back on the player said it was an "accident".

    Building everything in one chunk...yeah great for the player but cant be good for the server, can it?

    I could write everyday complaints about players violating rules...but it seems pointless when new player doesnt care about rules at all and even several "old" players dont.
    hellopanda101 likes this.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    building everything in one chunk isn't necessarily bad, trust me, and on AS2, you have infinite everything production, if you want to go after players like me, i'll just respond my base isn't that big, some players will tell you that they are living with multiple people, these types of issues have been (sadly) what pushed away other players, and has been one of the largest arguments of MYMs history, @caithleen 's base was targeted for deletion, causing a HUGE, and i mean gigantic, thread, because caithleen lived with someone else on the TDT server (which had 50 slots), and his base took up 4% of the servers resources (a reasonable amount), trust me, the admins find out, and they deal with it (mobwipes, basewipes), thought it has caused massive arguments, some people aren't actually that server conscious, K?
  3. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    if someone is breaking a bedrockium barrel full of cobble that is just malicious, but having extreme production isnt, it can be just to show off which im totally fine with
  4. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I have asked the question of why "bigger is better" for years now in minecraft... The answer I always get is " Well the other ways are too slow, I needed this much.. blah blah blah..." I get the wanting resources fast thing, but why do you all think that you need the max allowed sized anything... ever...? Come on now, yes its cool to have big things, and yes its fun to show off... but not on a live server that has hundreds of players all trying to do the same thing!

    Now I am not saying that awesomely giant decoration builds are not cool, go ahead and build that 300x300x256 castle of castles... But DO NOT fill the thing with 100 of every machine and 20 of every type of monster spawner that are all running non-stop on a constant basis... come on now kids... I know common sense is not that common anymore but really... Build what you NEED not what you WANT, if you have a stockpile of a resource and you are not using it as fast as you are producing it... TURN OFF THE SETUP!

    This is the end of this rant. ^_^

    And I say kids specifically in this because... well, we all know the only ones doing this are under the age of 20 nearly 99% of the time... lets be honest here.
    ItsNora_ and AlphaRue like this.
  5. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    I agree here. I myself test the limits of servers and make my setups acording to their limits, where i try not to make them drop their tps.
  6. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    4% server capacity is double the amount that would be given by 50 players.... 100/50=2. but well, i guess 4 can be ok too since there is close to notime 50 players online. i really dont want to argue alot here...i just needed to get my steam off :D if only one player thinks a little more before building huge and on mass this thread was worth it :)

    usually i build small and close to no automation. the last time i tried to automate everything i started to lag very soon. i dont know if the lag was for the whole server but at least i did lag....its just no fun if its lagging, is it? to avoid it everyone should just build what they need....if you need 200k diamonds, go ahead, make a setup to make them but stop it then...and dont let it run endless with the "iron"- , "copper"-, "and so on"-setup at the same time. would be a better minecraftia for everyone!
  7. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    there were 2 players in the same base, and since it was caithleen's build you know that it was a large base and.... evolved, so you should know that, i automate everything, no admin ever gets on my tail, why? i get told by the mods to modify my setup, and i tweak it, i build it for fun, for resources, so i can automate more cool things
  8. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Sings we are young a
    Agree with pretty much everything in this thread after i got thank 5k of every orè in agrarian 2 i toordown my sieves/hammerer and auto packager
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    those 4% would involve worlds, mobs, player tick update (inventory armor), plugins a lot of things many don't consider right away. On most servers you can count 1-2% solely for each player online, without any bases, running around...
  10. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    uhh what? wrong thread?
  12. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    lol i clicked on this thread expecting people hating mym, completely diferent subject XD and i agree, having big things is cool, but when it causes actual big problems with the server, youve gone too far. on a different subject. has anyone completed the achievement for filling an entire chunk w/ trippple compressed cobble yet?[DOUBLEPOST=1437380095][/DOUBLEPOST]*says the guy whos base in regrowth causes massive lag* lol

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