MMORPG group

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by RomaDaddy, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    First off here are the rules of this discussion
    1. Do not mention a game that must be bought or most have a subscription to play
    2. Only English language games ( there have been a few awesome korean ones in my time but I cant read the storyline so lets keep away from this ^_^)
    3. sty away from suggestions of any kind of MOBA, I get that there are a few out there with rpg like stories with them but I have LoL and Heros of the Storm already I dont need more)

    Now that that is said here is a list of games I already play or have looked into

    Neverwinter Online
    LOTR Online
    Everquest 2
    DC Universe Online
    Path of Exile
    Ragnarok Online 2
    Echo of Soul

    Any other suggestions just let me know...

    Now on to the real reason for this post, I want to get together a group ( maybe even do it with steam) that does MMORPG's. What I mean by this is lets get some guilds/clans/parties/groups, whatever, and get some gaming going. I know I cant be the only person out there that is tired of trying to solo play modded minecraft for the last few years, only to find out that ever pack uses the same basic mods and gets repetitive...
  2. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I won't mention the game because of your first rule of the post but there is a small group of us starting to play, "the game which shall not be named"
  3. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    Yea I know, thats why I am trying to get groups for others that are... free (no online game is free if you want the cool content, but hey its a start XD). If I ever get the money to buy the game I might join yall, it looks interesting. I notice in our steam group people seem to play other games, but not free ones lol.
  4. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    yea I feel you the base game I think it $20 maybe and really if you do the math on monthly subscriptions you only pay 50 cents a day. So if you happen to play for an hour a day you get your moneys worth
  5. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    sadly I am at the point in my life where I look at a $20 bill and say "thats a new game... or 4 gallons of milk/most of a tank of gas". XD
  6. FranCawl

    FranCawl Well-Known Member

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    Well, there is kinda lots of negative talk about it... but where I invested lots of money into is SWTOR. Yes, there is negative feedback. But it isn't actually that bad... Way better than TERA and it has a really good Story. Also promising changes are coming in near future~
  7. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I played SWTOR on release as a pre orderer XD I have cool characters on it that I can't use because I am no longer premium. Thats another one of my issues, I may have enjoyed some games before I had kids and could pay for them monthly, but now I cant use them because all my premium stuff is locked lol.
  8. FranCawl

    FranCawl Well-Known Member

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    Well, you can still /use/ the stuff, but once you take it off you can't re-equip it with the stats :p
  9. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    im more trying to find groups of people who want to get together for the RPG aspect of the games. I would love to find a group of people willing to go from lvl 1 characters to max in a RP setting ( as in we TS or game chat like we where the actual characters) I have not found a good group for it since back in 2002 when I played RuneScape (beta or 1 what ever you would call the version lol)
  10. FranCawl

    FranCawl Well-Known Member

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    Oh yeah... Good old Runescape times~

    I don't know exactly how good the game itself is, but it does sound promising. The game goes into open Beta tomorrow and it's name is Skyforge... maybe that would be something
  11. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I will look into it, seeing as how it needs 2GB ram and half a GB GPU though... that may limit others from joining me. Plus it needs 20GB HD space.

    After I DL it and try it out ill post the results if its worth more delving into[DOUBLEPOST=1436976017][/DOUBLEPOST]They are currently in CLOSED beta, but after reading and researching... seems like a freemium game to me...
    I will try it again when it launches to OPEN beta tomorrow.

    Any one else have suggestions or ideas?
    I dont really need a new game more than I need a good RPG group for the games lol.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
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  12. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    So far the concept of Skyforge is pretty ok, though I hate that they put you into a video for every npc then you have to press space bar in the conversation for the single choice they give you. Why they didnt just make them keep talking or not a movie I dont know. Combats strange as you cant attack unless you are actually targeting an enemy ( no super fast combos on groups unless your swinging your cam around like a maniac. Character customization is so-so but you can change to another class in game at any time (which is a pretty nice feature) Chat is spammed with spanish on a constant basis though....

    Also they straight up stole glados's voice from portal for their "tip" npc...
    FranCawl likes this.
  13. FranCawl

    FranCawl Well-Known Member

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    All of that, I can relate to. combat as a mage is a bit easier if you are dealing with groups (many AoE's) and for singletargets there is always the lock on
  14. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    So I can add WoW to the list of games I can play, but only if people play on a private server where I play now ^_^ Only because its free to play off a private server rather than pay 15 a month that I cant afford.

    I installed this private server version of WoW because another player said they would not mind playing on it with me. So if you have an idea of a game ( and my hard drives are not full...) im more than willing to DL and try them out so long as they dont cost money to get and or play. So far only 2 people have come out and said that they play MMORPG's and I know there has to be more than 2 RPGers in the community. So... come out, come out, where ever you are... my fellow RPG fanatics! ^_^
  15. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    I know you said this:
    But I really think ESO is worth buying if you get the free cash at one point, or have money to spend a game on ^^
  16. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I alpha tested and started to beta test ESO, never will I go back to the game that destroyed ES for me T_T
    Unless they made MAJOR improvements , there will never be a time I spend money on it.
  17. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Well, it has been a year ;)
  18. Brandon764

    Brandon764 Well-Known Member

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    I am surprised Guild Wars 2 hasn't been mentioned yet, unless I missed it. Either way, I'd strongly recommend that.
  19. Ksparlor

    Ksparlor Well-Known Member

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    I've taken to playing Entropia Universe when I have free time but gotta say its not for everyone.
    Its very hit or miss you mess up your first day and you'll have to pay for ingame credits. I've been playing a few weeks and haven't put a penny in yet, thanks to the help of mining and my guild mates.
  20. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I will not pay for a game anymore, there has not been a worth while release in a long time that I would pay for (other than the fallout 4 pipboy edition that I didnt get >_<)

    I played it, no community help at all and the fact that I NEED to spend money irl to progress is keeping me from ever going to a game like that again. By need I mean to say that unless you spend money for gear and ammo, your doing nothing in the game except trying to farm... wait for it... gear and ammo...

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