Done WTB staff?

Discussion in 'Regrowth' started by MrsFaithfyre, Jul 20, 2015.

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  1. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    I've been on regrowth now for quite some time. When I first joined there was a mod on every now and then. And now none. Is this server that boring that none of the mym staff want to play it?

    There's been an influx of new players lately and chat is getting a bit colorful at times. Aside from the normal users reminding people of the /rules and chat etiquette because we feel it necessary, its not our job.

    I understand when you've reached a certain point in a modpack it becomes old and boring... but with a server community like this where people are coming and going regularly we need moderation here.


  2. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Just to note;
    Server Status - MineYourMind 5.0

    Regrowth states that a staff member was last online 7hours ago, which is better than most servers seen there.
    Are you sure it's not just your time-zone, as most Staff vary?
  3. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    I'm EST. I'm on from 7am til bedtime usually off and on all day/afternoon/evening. In my time here I haven't seen a consistency of staff.

    You're the one who told me to make this post over a week ago. The first time I explained the situation to you.
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    I understand, I'm only asking, considering a Staff member was online 7hours ago.
    Last time I suggested a post, was because there were no Staff found for a few days, but this time after looking, it shows 7 hours.
  5. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    Okay, so a mod was on 7 hours ago. That does not invalidate my initial request of Regrowth needing more staff more often. I'm just a messenger. There are quite a few people on the server who feel as I do. Whether or not they will post is up to them. I can only offer my perspective.

    But thank you for letting us know when a mod was last seen. At least they exist still.
  6. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Or maybe more players from Regrowth server should apply to moderator.
  7. Nezraddin

    Nezraddin New Member

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    While I'm not sure if the mods really feel like not playing regrowth for a while (I mean you cannot force them to play a modpack) I have to backup GamrMom in the statement of mods rarely be seen.

    I'm not sure if the time it missing, but seen on when I started playing here and actually saw one every 3 or 4 days, now for a long time I havn't seen one myself when playing.
    Maybe it's just a matter of the timezone and all the mods are out of our timezone at the moment, but between "a mod was online" and "a mod was avaible to talk to/say something" is a difference I think. Like the last time I have seen a mod in my playtime was when the server was blocked for all other players (maybe some maintenance thing or so or they had to fix something), as soon as the server was avaible for players again the mod was not seen anymore.

    So the status-list of when a mod was online might be missleading, when the mod only was there for a short moment to fix something.
  8. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    If you see helpful members on the community I suggest you strongly encourage them to apply for Staff position. Any rule breaking or anything can be reported via /ticket and a staff member will handle it. Please include screenshots in the request for help.
    chugga_fan, ItsNora_ and Mijikai like this.
  9. Lady_of_the_Lake

    Lady_of_the_Lake Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree with this too; i am online on and off during the day but the last time i have seen any "official" activity was when MrWisski
    helped with the guestbook issue last tuesday. I know u can't force admins etc to play regrowth but a periodic "official" flyby of the eye in the sky might not be a bad idea.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    they have console open almost 24/7, trust me, when something goes wrong, admins find it
  11. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We do that a lot actually. However Sr-Mod+ all join silently and leave silently...We are like ninjas ;)
  12. Lady_of_the_Lake

    Lady_of_the_Lake Well-Known Member

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    @LucidTheStick I know you do that Lucid but sometimes it's good to be seen too.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Encourageing players to apply for a staff position would be great. All staff members are in their position volunterently therefore they can and should play where they like. As forcing them wouldn't be fair and would decrease the amount of active staff even more.
    I know it is not optimal but we believe in quality rather than quantity and therefor many applications get denied during the process based on interaction with them, complaint and ban records and staff feedback.
    LucidTheStick likes this.
  14. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure it could be added to my routine to check every now and again.
    profrags likes this.
  15. Lady_of_the_Lake

    Lady_of_the_Lake Well-Known Member

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  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    It would be intresting if their was a group of official problem solvers for each server who are not as powerful as staff but still can take the role of solving small glitches and misunderstandings that do not require commands or the consol to solve. Each modpack could have its own group consisting of regular players who get on frequently anyways. Then people wouldnt haf to call on full on staff members for small problems as often. (Though staff could still check in often too);) It could be a good role for people who want to help the server but don't want the responsibility as a full staff role.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
  17. Darkcrafter92

    Darkcrafter92 Well-Known Member

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    Honnestly, you don't really need that. Any problem can be resolved by creating a ticket or calling in a staff member on TS (if any is on). :/

    PS: note that even if you give someone that power, eventually, he will end up doing all he can possibly do on the modpack and end up switching modpack and once more, there won't be anyone to solve problems.
  18. metalobism

    metalobism Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see players helping eachother when it is simple misunderstandings and such that way some of the burden is taken off the staff. If it is a question about rules or helping a player learn a more efficient way of using something to make their base lag less, I gladly take time to help them. Even if a question about a certain rule is asked 50 times a day (which happens alot on modpacks with new people joining) I calmly answer the question and go back to what I was doing. If the issue requires staff intervention ./ticket and ./modreq are always there for a player to use.
    PS: if you feel the staff aren't doing a good enough job don't complain about it, apply yourself to make a difference in your community (and probably learn the staff are working alot harder then you think)
    Ladysarajane and LucidTheStick like this.
  19. Darkcrafter92

    Darkcrafter92 Well-Known Member

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    I completely aprove what metalobism said and if ever someone has a simple question that they think doesn't belong in a ticket due to i don't know what reason, simply message me on the forums so I know what to do and where to go to help you (if I can) or aks other staff members if ever I can't hàdle what you need me to do by myself. Sadly I'm on vacation for 2 weeks so I won't be able to really help someone In Game but if somaone has a question about commands etc... that doesn't require me on the server, i'll gladly help.
  20. metalobism

    metalobism Well-Known Member

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    on a side note you should see staff on more often now that Metalocorp is expanding to regrowth.
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