Done Update to Banned Items DW20

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by Jasonbc, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. Jasonbc

    Jasonbc Active Member

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    8:07 PM
    Ok, so I'm used to using IC2. I know in IC2 I can get the mining laser, and mine much faster, giving me some good ore output and really ramping it up so I can go do things I would like to learn, like Botania, and Thermal Expansion, etc. Knowing I can get to the mining laser, and the items equivalent lets me not struggle as much as I learn the ins and outs of the new systems. But guess what? No mining laser. Says its banned. But I specifically asked while a mod was on, and was instructed to view the /banneditems list and if it's not on there, should be ok. It's not on there. It's not ok. I'm frustrated because I just spent all this time, all these resources with this goal in mind to continue ramping up. And now I'm at square one again. If nothing else, please, please, please, update the banned items list so things like this don't happen to new people on your server like me. I can understand some of the reasons for it, but the frustration of knowing that people that know Thaumcraft, or Botania, or any of the other mods can make a pick, or device that allows them to mass mine in their claim, while the mod I chose to follow has something similar, but is banned and not mentioned anywhere before I started on it, is really upsetting.
  2. TMG_r3v3ng3

    TMG_r3v3ng3 New Member

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    If it isn't on the main banned items list it normally means its just banned in the over world. Try using it in the farm world hopefully it works
  3. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The mining laser is banned in the overworld, if you go to the farmworld you should be able to use it there
  4. Jasonbc

    Jasonbc Active Member

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    8:07 PM
    After testing it, it does work in the farmworld. Unfortunately that's not what I wanted it for, not to mention the difficulty in swapping worlds back and forth to recharge the power on the devices. If I was going to mass farm I would have just gone straight for a quarry. But aside from all that, the fact that we're being told to reference the list by mods, and people who have been on the servers for a fair amount of time, and the list is incomplete and misleading, is problematic for new players on the server.
  5. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    The banned item list is for items that are banned for all worlds and you cannot use them no matter where u are.
    But for some items they are banned in the over world and not in the farm world shouldn't need to be added to the banned item list as that would just confuse people and make the list A LOT longer. But if you ever do find an item that is not on the list and no matter where u are you can't use it make a forum post and it will get added :)
  6. Jasonbc

    Jasonbc Active Member

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    8:07 PM
    Ok....maybe a separate list for banned over-world items at the start of spawn, and a reminder to look at them before accepting the rules? I know it sounds nit picky, but seriously. There was a lot of time and energy and resources wasted making the machines, items, etc. to get to that point just to find out it was a completely fruitless endeavor. It would be nice to avoid that for people in the future.
  7. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    I wouldn't say your resources are wasted, you can still use the item just not in the way you wanted to. It's better then it being fully banned
  8. Jasonbc

    Jasonbc Active Member

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    8:07 PM
    I mean....really...its a laser. It's banned on the overworld for being able to get around the grief protection which I understand...but in actually mining, why would I need to cut one straight line like 27 blocks long unless I was carving out a room? It's super inefficient for actually mining anything, but great at carving out a square room at dimensions divisible by 6 or 27. Long range that bad boy for the length of the room, short range it for the roof, and you have a room in like 2 seconds. But who wants to blow 27 blocks long to get 2 pieces of ore? Not to mention if you angle it up, you're shooting holes diagonally through everything. Good thing is, I think IC2 has a drill or something I can make that might work out ok.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    2:07 AM
    Just make an filler then.

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