Claimblocks for Ontime??

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by therealdopey, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Viaurora

    Viaurora New Member

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    Local Time:
    4:21 PM
    Heya guys/girls, I like the idea of claim blocks, I always vote when I'm on so I get the default 500, I also spend much of my in gamecash on extra blocks. To me, whether you have donated or not really isn't the point, where you can say protect a ship, citadel or even city which you spent weeks building is!.

    --Edit-- Woops forgot about the donation based claim blocks purchase ability. With that you can basically get as many claim blocks as you want or need. If you carn't afford that and have item(s) worth purchasing well mym cash based claim blocks aren't really hard to get, just time consuming. Thanks for the reminder there Chaos
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
    Bastian_76 and therealdopey like this.
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    8:21 AM
    Here's the thing, the system we once had where you would get some claimblocks/myms every X hours was back when there was only the one vote site.. now that there are 5 vote sites if you take full advantage of voting then you can get far more claimblocks/myms than you ever could under the old system even if you were logged in for 12+ hours/day so the old system just isn't needed any more.

    If you really need lots of claimblocks and the ones you get from voting aren't enough then you have the option of buying them with myms that you can get by selling stuff to other players on /market or via trades in chat etc, or you can even donate and buy several thousand claimblocks at once.

    I really don't see any good reason to give away claimblocks to people for free just for being online for long periods of time.. if anything that would reduce the incentive to keep voting every day.
    Viaurora, AlphaRue and Bastian_76 like this.
  3. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    1:21 AM
    Another reason why I would be against this is it would give players more of an incentive to break our "No AFK Machine Rule" so
    not only are their farms/(whatever you AFK for) working, but they are ALSO getting Bonus claimblocks/mym
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    9:21 AM
    This would be a bit of an overkill. From voting for a week you can have close to 1000 blocks or so. On most servers i can acquire close to 20k in the first day the server open just from selling items.

    While i can see why you want blocks per min, this would also enable people to "abuse" it to get money.

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