For approximately 24 hours the server has been responding slowly. This is for all players (confirmed in chat). TPS is fine (not seen it drop below 17.5 minimum and is currently at 18.5). Personal network pings seem fine, and FPS is normal. However, there is a significant pause between action and consequence (eg between breaking a block and said block appearing, placing cropsticks and the cropsticks appearing, clicking a chest and the chest interface appearing etc), and this is across dimensions. Possible link to recent hardware changes during downtime?? many thanks EDIT : i should add that this behaviour is completely out of character for the regrowth server as things were fine until yesterday
you just descriped what happens when there's low TPS, so i find it hard to believe it isn't tps spikes
I'm used to low TPS spikes on DW20, this seems different. It's constant lag and yet reported TPS is not dropping below 17. you may be right, but seems odd as I've seen TPS lower than 10 on DW20 that wasn't anywhere near as bad.
Constant lag. TPs is currently 18.5 so no obvious issue there. Just opened my seed analyser as a test and counted 3 to 4 seconds before interface appeared. Tried it again, instant, so intermittent results.... possibly spikes in that case but its not 1 minute of fine then 5 seconds everything stops, which is what I'd (perhaps incorrectly) term a spike. Just asked on chat and 6 out of 11 reported lag issues with chat, blocks, etc. I think the others are afk.