Monster+ Clarity

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Ipozi, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    As we all know, Monster+ is for donators as they are the only ones who can claim land. Over the past few days there have been a few non donators coming on and living in M+ just because they aren't kept out and claims really don't matter. This is starting to be an issue for a number of reasons, tps drop, people getting pissed that they realize they have to start over because nothing was said to them about M+ being donator only and people getting pissed at the donators for letting them know this simple because the sign on the portal says "You must be a Tier 2 donator to claim land" (or something along those lines). There is absolutely no mention that _only_ donators can/should be living on M+ which is causing quite a bit of confusion and animosity among different players.

    Here's what I've come up with:
    • Some kind of in-server notification that a player is not a donator and should not be living on M+ (similar to the forum/vote/market/premium notifications(
    • An 'invite-only' system where donators would have to send an invite to a non-donator who wants to come on M+
    • Not allowing non-donators to build. I understand the need to go somewhere else when M2 is down, so leave M+ open and only allow non-donators to mine to their hearts content.
    • Just in general having more awareness about the differences between M+ and M2, currently it is not common enough knowledge to keep non-donators out.

    There are undoubtedly many more solutions to this than what I've come up with so feel free to share your thoughts/opinions on the matter. Also, if I've got this dead wrong, feel free to let me know!

    - Ipozi
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    A lot of the suggestions you made have been discussed already in a thread about this matter in the monster staff section but we've yet to come to a final decision.

    For the time being, non-donors are allowed to explore M+ if they want to, though I do like the idea of a periodic notification to remind non-donors they have no right to actually live and build there unless living with a donor in their claim... What do you think @SirWilli ?

    I'm not sure I like the idea of not allowing non-donors to build at all though, unless we can get a decent invite system in place for donors to grant "approved access" then it would mean the non-donors would be unable to gather resources for their donor partner(s), but again, the specifics of such a system are still being discussed.
  3. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    I am very glad to hear this!

    Like I said above, allow them to mine but not build (if at all possible, or build only on a trusted claim) that way bored people can come do something productive if M2 is down or if they're helping a partner :)
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I don't think our plugins would support that, being able to break blocks and being able to place them is the same permission, so I don't think you can have one without the other...

    I don't really see any issue with non-donors being able to build though to be honest, cause it's only when you start placing down machine blocks and other tile entities that you start to affect CPU usage and obviously that is ill-advised without the ability to protect those machines inside a claim, so once we get the point across that non-donors can't claim, then I don't think that is likely to remain an issue for long.
  5. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    11:12 AM
    I fully understand your point, however for the most part the players on M+ aren't going to be going around griefing (from maturity, having paid, being respectful, or a billion other reasons) and add to the fact that unclaimed land is still 'owned' by whoever placed the blocks there and anyone who griefs runs the risk of being banned. This kind of defeats the purpose of blocking claims because non-donators are safe in the knowledge that M+ players are probably not going to grief and will most likely be banned if they do, so what is the point of not living on M+ regardless of being (un)able to claim?

    Edit: The more I think about this the more it seems a possibility so I'm just going to throw an idea out there, what about allowing grief on unclaimed land? It would fix the sense of security non-donators may be having, and the vast majority of M+ players either have enough claim blocks or know how to secure their land.
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Well they still take the risk that other non-donors who come onto the M+ server, and might not be as mature/respectful/etc could grief their stuff, but that's beside the point, whether it needs to be made clearer or not, the fact is that as far as the rules go, being able to claim somewhere and being able to live somewhere are exactly the same thing...

    Trying to have a server intended primarily for donors, but were their non-donor friends can still visit them or even live with them, but then also trying to enforce the fact that non-donors don't have any automatic right to live there on their own is very tough to balance, but we are always working on it.

    One thing I will say, is if there is ever a situation where a non-donor starts to build nearby to a donor without first asking for that donors permission, the donor would have every right to ask them to leave (ideally by placing a sign in the area they started to build in asking them to do so, since we can verify how long ago it was placed), and if they don't comply within 7 days, then you can ask a member of staff to remove their stuff for you.
  7. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    Alright, that's quite a bit of helpful information, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this! Thanks a lot

    - Ipozi
  8. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    The problem is the people on M+ who have donated are nice awesome people and respect the server, so they don't raid unclaimed land. So with that people feel comfortable building unclaimed land (for now).

    Just sayin', if it's unclaimed, it's unclaimed ;)
  9. AtroCty

    AtroCty Member

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    As long as there will be some kind of invite system, I won't have a problem to banish/cut the rights of non-donators.

    I donated to the server since I acknowledge all the work you're done here from Admin-to-(former)Admin.
    But I started on the Monster+ with some friends, who didn't donated, and it would be a pain in the *** if we have to start all over again...

    But again, the performance on this Server is still bad from time to time...
    cbrozak likes this.
  10. slyder5649

    slyder5649 Well-Known Member

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    Although at first I didn't agree with the points made to prevent non-donators from joining M+. I have been seeing more and more players unwittingly join M+ without knowing that the server is strictly for donators. They move to get started and are dismayed when they realize they cannot claim.

    Is it possible to have an earlier warning for non donators on their first connect?
  11. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    That is what I really don't want to happen, have people join and not realize it's solely for donators and then leave the server/community because they don't want to move over. This is detrimental to the community as a whole because the player base will not grow as much as it could be and it generates a certain level of animosity. I also agree that it wouldn't be beneficial to anyone to pseudo-ban non donators (e.g. requiring an invite) but getting clearly defined information concerning what each server is for being prominently displayed would definitely help the situation, if not come close to solving it completely.
  12. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    So I should say up front that I am a relatively new member and donator too this community, having only been around for about a fortnight. For the purposes of helping you skim read I make the argument against having non donators on the server in the following post.

    Given that this topic relates to donator status, I figured I might as well share my opinion on why I become a donator. While premium/donator status comes with Power Armor, Kits, and other accessories, I primarily made the decision to donate for the same reason I always support server providers. Which firstly is to financially "do my duty" and support the server in some small part, but secondly to ensure that I can leverage the system to gain the most stable and enjoyable connection possible.

    Ultimately I enjoy the community, with both the donators and non donators, and believe that both these groups play a vital role in the success of the community. Where I draw issue in this instance however, is that the monster+ server does not appear to be able to manage the number of people that are currently using it. As I write this post, the server is sitting on a 3.8 TPS, and it has been moving around this margin for the last 30 minutes. Granted that this is not likely to be the sole result of an influx of people, I am also looking at a server player list of 3 to 1 in favor of non donators. Furthermore this has been an issue that's been ongoing for about a week (see my post on the support forums if interested).

    Now in a perfect world, if the server was working correctly and I didn't experience block lag, I would be all for non donators on the server. But this simply is not the current state of affairs, and I feel very strongly that until this issue is fixed, the responsible thing for the administrators to do, is ensure that the enjoyment and stability of the donator server is maintained for donators.
  13. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Actually this is incorrect, when you bring up the player list with the tab key (or whatever you have it set to) for some unknown reason only some of the players who ARE donors actually have a + next to their name, if you do /list it shows something completely different, see pics:
    2014-05-01_22.30.45. 2014-05-01_22.30.50.
    Notice the difference?
    When viewing the player list in chat, it suddenly becomes apparent that EVERY player currently online IS a donor!
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
  14. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    Ah it does indeed, how odd, well with this in mind consider my argument nullified
  15. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    @SirWilli told me in teamspeak that he is doing something for today only that may be affecting the tps somewhat, but the main problem is that all the donors who moved over to M+ have all built large, elaborate setups using various mods, all of which can cause lag, and it has got to the point where the server can no longer cope with the sheer amount of work that all the donors are now expecting of it..

    We have these two lines in our server rules for this exact reason, and while yes, donators can expect far more leniency that non-donators in this regard, perhaps we have been too lenient up to now.

    I mean, I hate the idea of having to go around telling the people who have made generous donations to MyM, that they need to scale back on their builds, especially the ones who have invested a lot of time and resources into making the really awesome, but really laggy stuff like reactorcraft systems, but the fact is that on M+ right now, there are 4-5 players who's individual bases are able to drop the tps by several points the moment they are loaded, and that is not sustainable, especially as more people donate and move over.....
  16. zim3442

    zim3442 Well-Known Member

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    Well tps is 2.9 atm something seriously needs doing, everyone on the server has been "generous". The concept of knowingly letting people build stuff that can break the servers play ability like this hurts everyone.

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