Decided Against Youtuber Rank

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by doogie205, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. doogie205

    doogie205 New Member

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    I (Doogie205) am a up and coming youtuber (Diamond Doogie 205) I have lots of views for starting 3 weeks ago (1k+ views total, 50ish subscribers and 300+ views on a single video) I would like to ask for there to be a youtuber rank on "Agrarian Skies" I ask this because I wish to be your official youtuber and to sponsor you guys and hope you sponsor me, I will make regular series on your game as well as on others so please, let me have this rank to signify me working with you and you working with me!

    (What will this entail might you ask) Well, I hope for this to entail that anytime I upload a video (based on your server ONLY (or maybe more if you'd like)) that I get to post the link to my channel in your virtual world, this has an upside for you guys as well, I will put in my minecraft videos (EVERY WHERE) your IP address for your server and give a brief description about it! I will do more if you ask and also put you on my banner :D I am willing to negotiate anything listed anywhere and give you more details if you'd like! Thank you very much and I await your response!
  2. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    Currently we do not have a youtuber rank nor a stramer rank (twitch etc). Also why do you want a rank that will not affect anything regards to gameplay than that some players will try to annoy you because you have that very title? I will leqve this to the higher up staff as they have more control of it, but I doubt it will happen.
    BetaPetey and BookerTheGeek like this.
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    First I would like to point out that while we do have a url filter in place to stop players from posting random links (mainly to stop people from advertising other servers).. this filter does not actually apply to links so you can already link your channel or latest video in chat if you want to just don't post it more than like once an hour as per our no spamming rule! ;)

    Second, like tonalom said, if we did give you a special title prefix like Youtuber-doogie205 or maybe a suffix like doogie205[►] etc it is possible that you would start getting some players deliberately trying to troll you in chat to embarrass you in front of your viewers, so I don't know if that is something you have considered and would still be okay with?

    Anyway that's just my personal opinions, any actual decision making is up to @Slind/@LucidTheStick, but whatever happens I wish you good luck with your channel :)
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Where is the benefit for the network, for the average player?
  5. danielpmc

    danielpmc Well-Known Member

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    i think its a good idea as i think more people would notice youtubers and streamers.
    (im also a youtuber and a streamer)[DOUBLEPOST=1438776589][/DOUBLEPOST]
    what do u mean by this quote "this filter does not actually apply to links so you can already link your channel or latest video in chat" does that mean server chat? or a nother chat
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
  6. BladeRavinger

    BladeRavinger New Member

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    I too am a youtuber / streamer. i dont get tomany veiws but i dont post minecraft videos, being staff restricts how much time i can spend recording.

    but being so noticeable in chat, i wouldnt like it. i troll people on CS:GO while streaming wouldnt want to be seen as a youtuber to get the " are you recording now?" halfway trough a recording or the gennerall trolling
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    The in-game public chat on each modpack.
  8. doogie205

    doogie205 New Member

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    Thank you for all your replies, but honestly I would want people to notice me, ask me questions, IF they joined the server through my channel I would want them to know who I am rather than someone who has a similar name (I.E Doogie101) (HAS HAPPENED AND MY TWITCH IS DOOGIE101) but I would also ask for a slight advantage (I.E. Perks, or a warp ect.) I wouldn't demand it but, I would like it. ALSO the people trying to troll me thing, That in particular doesn't bother me, I have told people I am streaming and others that didn't support me (like trolls) tried to mess with me, I just end up keeping a level head and ignoring them, nothing bothers me TO much (Hate comments, trolls, and ect.) I wouldn't mind JUST being recognized as a youtuber, but I would like a little extra perks or something in regards to me also advertising the server (I may even make multiple series an build a community around the few servers!) I could do giveaways not only off of my channel but also upon the server, I think it would benefit a lot (Something I'd recommend in the "Youtuber Kit" if you were to make it would be something or a few items that I could give away every once in a while or if I don't get any responses also use for my own good like DIAMONDS or something I would most likely help out the starting out players rather than donaters or like a high up rank you know) If I was not granted the youtube rank I do not feel I would be obligated to post my youtube links in chat without a staff member wigging out on me and I myself wouldn't advertise the server upon my channel either (BUT like I said I will even go as far as to putting the server IN MY BANNER! This would probably if I got a kit in my rank OR a negotiation was at hand in which I would be required to have the rank and so forth)......... I hope you take all my points into consideration (As my channel grows more minecraft viewers will see your server and especially since I declared my minecraft would mostly be modded so those like me who are ready with the Top 3 launchers can just hop on and plop in the IP and play along side me!)
    Thank you for your time ~Diamond Doogie205 Signing out![DOUBLEPOST=1438781535][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW if this Youtuber-Doogie205 was red I would like it more than doogie205[►] this haha but currently I like the play button more and if you made a rank would wish for BOTH OR just the play button (
  9. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    It would not be red if this was done as red is the color for our admins and higher, it would more likely be a color we aren't already using
  10. doogie205

    doogie205 New Member

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    purple? haha jk um could it just be the play button then?
  11. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    Adding a rank like this may be a good idea in your eyes but in my eyes i see it as a bad one since
    1. People will request the same rank
    2. There is no benefit to it just a rank name
    3. Its just a title and you don't get anymore perks then you already do
  12. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    While i do like the idea of a Youtuber/Twitch rank, it's seeming like you only came to get perks seeing as you don't actually have any videos on our network, you also only have 5 hours total ontime over 180days of joining. Maybe if you had more ontime and video's on our network we may have been more open to the idea. We also probably would only give a title and maybe an extra home or two but it wouldn't contain much other than that.
    BetaPetey likes this.
  13. doogie205

    doogie205 New Member

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    I would be okay with that! and haha that 180 days was from my old computer which literally right after I started playing on the server my old computer stopped working I am sorry and will be on quite often haha that was my pc dying and so I didn't have any old servers, I didn't come here just for perks I just thought for advertising your server you'd give me a little extra stuff to help me do like give aways or something I do not need that stuff by all means, I will take the rank just for the title because I wish for people to ask about my channel that way I can advertise you, as much as you advertise me :p thank you for your time and sorry if you believed that I wasted it
  14. danielpmc

    danielpmc Well-Known Member

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    i have 5videos of mym to be uploaded
    a awsome suffix
    a kit containing:
    coal, wood, tools, and a sword called &4&o&lYoutube Sword
  15. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    We understand that you may have been uploading videos of the server but even if the rank was available you most likely will not get anything extra so there's really no point in making another rank that just says Youtuber. When people are just going to bother you about it and try to annoy you and there's still nothing extra. That's my point of view on this idea is it going to help anyone at all really?
  16. danielpmc

    danielpmc Well-Known Member

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    it would look cool
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Youtube rank = Does not exist.

    This has been brought up many times, and the general thought is that it would serve no real purpose.

    What I can tell you is:
    • No real point other then self gratification.
    • If it did exist there would be no extra perks.
    • 99% of major youtubers on servers don't use perk, considered cheating.
    • Causes people to want to grief you cause your on youtube.
    • You don't need a tag to record videos.
    • If we did have the rank, their would be a high sub count and view count requirement. Also we would need to see that you have been posting regularly for quite a while. Most likely 3+ videos a week for over 6 months with 90% of the videos being QUALITY videos on our server.
    • If it ever does come into existence, it would not be something you can ask for.
    That last one might seem a bit odd. The reason for it is that if you would qualify for the rank, we would already know who you are to offer it to you.

    I hope this explains the thought process behind the denial of this request. If you feel we have missed something extremely pressing as to why players should have this rank, please feel free to post it here.

    This is in no way attempting to discurage you from making videos of you playing on our server, just an overview of our thought process.
  18. GoldenPalladium

    GoldenPalladium Honestly, I'm pretty much dead.

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    Though I'm not a staff member, I would like to put in my opinion.

    Many people don't understand exactly what it entails to be a YouTuber. By the looks of both of your channels, it looks like you guys are in the developing phase. This server would love to support you guys, but many would want the same benefits. Since a "YouTuber" has nothing attached to it, meaning no clear cut definition, there's no easy way how to say no to a person. Many would feel like this system would be unfair. If there is to be a system like this, you would need a lot more than 50 subscribers, and no perks would be given to you. The server has more than 150 people on it, at any given time. Heck, I have almost that many, and I've never posted a video! So I do hope you understand that in the beginning, it wouldn't really be supporting the server. More like the server is supporting you.

    Again, take my opinion with a grain of salt if you want, but I'm just gathering information from this thread to work towards a solution. Thank you.
  19. saberthrow187

    saberthrow187 Member

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    I think a server youtuber is a good idea in some places but over all it really isnt. i find that youtuber kits seem to be more common on factions and is to just kick off the youtubers progress and give them some means of defense. Whats the point if your not being hunted? also i think its not something for smaller youtuber channels. for reasons being people constantly asking for it cause they have a small channel and so your not annoyed cause not all YTers are ready for hate both from their channel and trollers on the server. also i dont find why you'd need a youtuber rank if its just a survival server. are you going to have constant interaction with players? i see on fractions you having it for people to recognize you and join you or fight you. i see on mini game servers the same and perks to show them off to the public. but a normal survival server i see no point. other than self advertisement i see no real point. we arent getting much advertisement from small channels it only really benefits you. if you have something that might change my mind im all ears.

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