[Closed] MyM | Ark Survival Evolved

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ash00182, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    9:50 AM
    then i vote for a fun server:) more xp, more harvest, less food/water consumption..

    i have ground my way to level 74 on hardcore server and softcore servers, i had the most fun on the softcore settings. i didnt have to be afraid to loose everything to ants all the time, and since it is pvp and raiding it is such a joy kill to find your stuff offline raided when you spent hours just to get a few pices of metal..
    i say easy come easy go.
    also if the server is to hard it will scare off new players.. they want to be able to get somewhere so they can compete with high level players rather fast or they'll just go somwhere else.
    chaosblad3 and Rebelborn like this.
  2. DirtyDave30

    DirtyDave30 Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see the leveling made easier. It is the most grind part in my perspective. I personally don't think the harvest rate is that bad? A touch less food/water need would be nice also. :)

    This might be a dumb question but, is there a way to turn off harm to your own dinos? I keep killing my own dinos when they are attacked by the bugs...makes me sad :(:bigtears:
  3. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    the harvest rate aint that bad thats true:) the most pressing thing is the water/food consumption..
    it has to get lowered. it is unnatural to eat as much as our characters do atm, if this continues we will be playing ARK: obesity evolved:p

    and please update the server:D

    im not sure if damage to own dino can be turned off.. i dont think it can, but i may be wrong.

    best to do if your dino is attacked is to get on another dino to save it. i dont think one tame dino can harm your other tame dinos?
    Rebelborn likes this.
  4. DirtyDave30

    DirtyDave30 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the tip Dizzy, hopefully that will work, tho when I'm out and about I normally just have 1 dino with me. Maybe i just need to be more accurate - though the bugs/ants are annoying! But they add a different element of danger for me to the game.
  5. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    yeah the ants are a pain.. i hate em with passion:p i want bug spray, i want it now:D

    try to tame a few "escort" sabretooth tigers. they can keep up with any tame dino and they eat ants for lunch

    and @SirWill update the server please:D i need to se if im raided:p
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  7. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    yay:D thank you very much sirwill:D[DOUBLEPOST=1439210467,1439205091][/DOUBLEPOST]any word on getting the food/water consumption down to a reasonable level?
    Rebelborn likes this.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    3 bottles and 2 stacks of meat always kept me safe, I don't understand why it is different for you.
  9. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    thing is that after i move around for 3-5min im starving and thirsting.. i live in the mountains so its cold and my consumption goes up alot. i have to eat 8-10 times a day and i must drink even more. it's just not fun to have to manage my food more than anything else..
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    ahh thats a bad place to start. You should start at a beach were it is warm and mostly friendly.
  11. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    we did start at the beach. leveled to 25 and moved to the mountains:) now we are farming metal to expand and build a sea fortress:)
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  13. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    It's running at the default of the game, remember that if your in hotter/cooler climates then you will have to eat/drink more if your not protected well enough. I've never had any issues with having to eat/drink a lot because i always stayed in a normal climate until i had armour suitable for the hotter/cooler area's
  14. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    i agree whit Dizzy on this. i dont have to eat 8-10 times a day in any other games, if not a food/cooking sim tho
  15. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    Now that I play on here ( off and on cause of the grind...) I can input my thoughts ^_^. Currently resource gathering isnt too bad, if there was a way to make it regen back faster ( trees,bushes,ect) then it may be easier. Also I have done a little sp play and discovered that farming takes irl days to do, if there is a way to speed that up maybe that could help out. I have not really got that far since I cant seem to level up any more ( takes me an hour to get a level, maybe because I don't hunt and kill things... idk)

    So my thoughts in a conclusions setting are
    faster regen of resources
    faster crop growth
    faster/more exp gain

    Though it may be because im not really sure how to play and I dont know what to do lol... A storyline for the game really needs made so they can do a "how to play" tutorial.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Go into a cave. If we increase it caves will be really op.
  17. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The regen of stuff is natural and is based on whether there is structures near too, if theres a structure within 50 meters or something then no crops will regen there.

    The resource gathering was increased the other day by me to make it a little easier, i also increased taming speed by a tiny amount too.
  18. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I have not been on that much, so like I said I have not really leveled up, I have not been able to leave the beach area im on. I moved a little more up a hill than on shore because a giant gator came and ate my old house lol.
    I knew about the buildings messing with resource growth, I didnt know if there was a way to make it so that things outside that came back faster or not. It may be that I dont run around all over ( I walk... looking over my shoulder at all times.... lol) But I have not really had issues with food, then again I also dont have tame dinos yet and I only gather resources near me because the forest raises the death rate XD
  19. xXxNahanxXx

    xXxNahanxXx Well-Known Member

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    As for XP, Last night we discovered the new alpha raptors increase your levels by 2 if you kill on. Being level 59 and still getting 2 levels a kill at a high level doesn't call for a XP increase. Also I'm withdrawing my difficulty increase since we lost a level 87 bronto to 1 raptor. I fear the Alpha carnos and Alpha T-Rex may be even worse. So I guess what I'm saying is the challenge is back =D
  20. AlphasOmegas

    AlphasOmegas New Member

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    Im totally going to join someday
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