Implemented Pixelmon Market

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by brownjackus, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. brownjackus

    brownjackus Active Member

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    Local Time:
    2:35 PM
    Hello everyone! I believe this question may be direct to @Mijikai. Wanted to offer a suggestion in regards to the "destiny knot". Could you make it available through the market place? As far as price for it, considering for the last three weeks my real life brother and our two real life friends have 50ish master loots home pointed that we teleport to daily and have not received one I would have to say 10,000 mym life a master ball for it? It seems so rare. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
  2. Krill13

    Krill13 Active Member

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    2:35 PM
    I agree with the fact that destiny knots are just so rare.Several people are even offering master balls and such.I'm not even sure if destiny knots are meant to be this rare.
  3. RazorZ32

    RazorZ32 Well-Known Member

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    2:35 PM
    I also agree with this.
  4. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:35 PM
    Added to the market with the price of 10,000.

    Thank you for reporting this, I believe I saw people with this issue a while ago, but I believe someone finally found one.
    Marked as implemented
  5. brownjackus

    brownjackus Active Member

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    2:35 PM
    Thank you @Mijikai. Much appreciated. Ill be more active on the forums. I know that we have a growing community however unfortunately they are not active on the forums. Ill try to motivate them to be active here but in the meanwhile ill do my best to express the communities suggestions, issues, and concerns. On a final note after browsing through all the forum posts for pixelmon, I can tell you that this is talked about actively in the server but not on forums.

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