Implemented AS1 Status of Questbooks

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Leglerm, May 3, 2014.

  1. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    Hey all,

    i know there is an issue with the books at the moment and the admins and devs do the best to fix it.
    I even dont mind rollbacks but yesterday it got reseted which i am even fine with then.
    But then this morning a rollback to the day before and then at afternoon again full reset.
    Which drives me a bit crazy since i all ready hand in some quest over and over.

    I know "free rewards" but for the hoarding and flowing quests or higher tier thaumcraft and and and...its a pain.
    I know also this pack does not even need the book to play but its the book which makes it so popular.

    So my actual questions:
    What is the current status of questbooks?
    Will they reset over and over?
    Will a full reset prevent corruption of the files?
    Is there a update in sight that fixes the resets?
    And why does it not happen on the AS2 server?

    If there is even a answer to these questions it would help all players to understand whats going on and stop a bit of the pain to see resets over and over again.

    Btw: Don't think i am mad at the team :D u all do a great job on solving this issues.
  2. hannes3510

    hannes3510 Well-Known Member

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    It's been looked into for real.

    The problem we are currently facing is that we dont get assistance from the mod developers.
    So the devs and admins have to figure it out all by them selfs.
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    The quest book is now on temporary banned (I forgot to do it yesterday). As long as the devolper of th HQM mod don't fix this issue we will not unban it.
    It makes definitely no sense to rollback the quests every time as it is again broken after a while.

    The Agrarian 2 server will also get the problem if it reaches the same progress.

    The main problem is that all data get saved in one file which you can't open/edit, I still don't understand why the dev. of the mod don't save the progress in the player files. Which we can edit and delete without of loosing the progress of any other player.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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