Quest book Issue

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Auonddon, May 3, 2014.

  1. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    Good Evening my fellow Mymions,

    Based on discussions with staff,devs and players alike we have come up with two solutions to this issue UNTIL the actual problem is solved by the creators of the mod. I would appreciate the entire Agrarian communities feedback on this as you are the players.

    This is for BOTH Servers.

    1) We temporarily disable the quest books

    2) We keep them as is however, we will not continue too roll back the quest file when it resets you.

    (Putting the quest book in a book binder and accessing it, we believe will prevent the crash upon opening the book from happening. This is not for sure yet however.)

    The other reason you would crash from opening the questbook is the wrong version of Agrarian OR the wrong version of HQM (Hardcore Quest Mode). Too fix this either

    A) download/use the MYM launcher.
    B) HQM is 3.3.1

    Please only choose one of the two options to comment about all other posts will be deleted. I'm sure there are other solutions and possibly even better ones but at this juncture this is what we are proposing.

    Thank you for your continued support.


  2. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion we should go with Option 2. The only people I believe will/may suffer are newer players. I'm sure we can manually fix it for them until they get a foot hold within their islands.
  3. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    Wouldnt be the same without it.
    Just another Skyblock. :-(
    Also we havent had a crash on 2 yet?
  4. Flutterer

    Flutterer New Member

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    I would prefer to keep going in the quest books with the hopes that they don't get reset. however, the main reason for this pack is based off of those quests and it would be a sad day to have to keep starting them over and over again. especially for some who have reached the point of the hording and the fluids. Though I understand that there can not be exceptions to the rule when it comes to rolling back someones quest book if it were to be reset, I however will not continue to play the pack if I should have to start all over again with my quest book. It's one of the main reasons i'm still playing here and im quite far into it.
  5. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    As hard as i dont like to play with a bugged version/reseting books and prefer to wait for a fix.
    But i also think its hard for new players to get started.
    I only need the book to look at the numbers i need for fluids or materials :D
  6. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    The options 1 and 2 won't help us, let me explain why.

    I am fairly sure I know the reason why the book gets reset on AS1 (and why it's been fine on AS2 so far).
    It is the number of players. The mod authors have for some unknown reason chosen to use 10 bits to store the number or players (and teams) in the save file (1024 as a number).
    In the latest working backup of AS1 the book stores 1015 players. Once it goes over 1024, it still saves them all, but the number of players gets overflown, stores only the last 10 bits, effectively voiding the saves of 1024 players.

    Because of that, rolling back does not solve anything. Complete questbook reset would solve it only until we hit 1024 players again and then we are back where we are at the moment.
    Even when we allow the book to be used in book binder, which isn't actually that hard to get, HQM still saves all the new players. So the quests get reset even though new players might not know how to use the book.

    The only solution that doesn't involve HQM devs fixing the issue or us patching the mod ourselves is to limit the total number of different players allowed on a server.
    CruzBishop and knoxz like this.
  7. CruzBishop

    CruzBishop New Member

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    I vote for #2. I'm happy to be punished with multiple quest rewards :p
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Do you know if the entry is generated on player join or questbook use? If on questbook use we could make it greylisted. (Sign up on the forums in order to be able to use the questbook..)
  9. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    Looked it up, players are added to the list on joining server.
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  11. CooperTheCr33per

    CooperTheCr33per New Member

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    About how long until the quest book is activated again? If it doesnt then i would like to know.
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    you won't have fun with it, it keeps bugging around as we hit the 1024 player limit and there is currently nothing we can do. Only possible solution for you would be our whitelisted server:
    Agrarian Skies+ Launch | MineYourMind Community
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I had to delete the quest file because of instant server crashes but forgot to run /hqm enable. It should work now, sorry.
  14. bailett

    bailett New Member

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    If it is inevitable that the quests will be reset continually, atleast make a claimable kit to help players who aren't established not get utterly screwed and stuck in the water.

    Best example is the starting string one. It takes ages to grind that much string when you are just starting out, why not make a claimable kit that will give you the components of it claimed every X days or whenever the quest books explode? This isn't going to solve everything but atleast bypass the some of the hardest grind to take the pressure off of new people and especially those with multiple people on their island. Doesn't even have to be the string itself, maybe even just cotton seeds or whatever, IMO.
  15. Crusading_Beef

    Crusading_Beef Member

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    Good day~
    I have a question pertaining to AG1's issue with questbooks, and more specifically parties. I had a party called "Potato" and when Questbooks were reset we all lost our parties (supposedly), but then as I was murdering mobs I got a notification that my "Party Level" had gone up. I took a quick peek and it seems my party still exists, but for some reason I'm no longer in it.... Also we can't create any new parties.
    Out of curiosity does anyone know when there might be a fix for this?
    Thank you for your patience,
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    It is known that the party system is broken atm and @JasonB42 is working on it.
    Crusading_Beef likes this.

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