Implemented ARK: Survival Evolved

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Ash00182, Jul 4, 2015.


If there was to be a ARK server would you play on it?

  1. I have the game/plan on getting it and would love to play on a MyM server

  2. I would buy it if there was an MyM server

  3. Ive never played the game so this doesnt interest me

  1. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Put a sign at your house saying "Gone, mainly PvP, please leave me alone" and that will be apart of the event. You're not to raid other people that have that sign next to their house, as well as people that put that sign down, are not to raid other people too. :)
  2. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    Problem is there's no way to stop them from doing so, and on a non-whitelisted server, griefing is going to happen. I mean, it happens on our MC servers even with out rules but we have measures to stop it from happening and to find the person responsible post-grief on MC, on Ark we have no such thing.
  3. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Ash posted a link to a plugin which prevents griefing and will protect you home while your offline too
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  4. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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  5. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    However even with these plugins the thing that players probably care more about is that thier Dino's are not killed - the plugin cannot protect them.
  6. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    It doesn't take much to build a small structure to hold them while your base is still protected.
    Mijikai likes this.
  7. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    Just to note, that PvE in ARK is very boring end-
    Building a big base is useless, and I'm also pretty certain that you have a dino limit of how many you can have tamed at a time (not 100% sure though) - not to mention that once you've done everything (which can be done in literally three days) it starts to get boring, because you just.. have to start over again, or stop playing.

    This is the main reason I play PvPvE because it allows for me to fight others/raid others as well as be raided yourself, for the chance to have to start again, but with a goal, to raid the person that has just raided you :)

    Sure PvPvE may not be for everyone, but without PvP on ARK, I don't think it's that fun and neither do I think it's attracting, especially since if you watch all the twitches, it's a majority of twitch streamers being on PvPvE not PvE.

    Building a structure for dino's doesn't take long at all.
    If you take myself for example, me, Benny and Ash are all playing on 102, and we're currently in the works of building a base, since they're new to the server. (I've basically done the house on my own, not going to lie, as they don't play as much as I do) but regardless, we're already onto Metal structures after 3 days (that's really boring, considering when people are working together, it's easy to farm materials) - what do you do when you've completed all of this and your DINO is basically unkillable.. gets to a point where you either stop playing or restart ^^'
  8. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    So if we were to have PvPvE with these would it be better?

    • # amount of base protection before it can be griefed
    • reduce the time of taming
    • reduce the amount of damage that a structure can take
    • increase the dino difficulty slightly by .1 - 1 depending on what is wanted
    would this be better if we were to have a PvPvE server?

    Also if you go up to a group of dinos that are on neutral, once you attack one, all of the others will attack you making it harder to even kill one
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
    Mijikai likes this.
  9. 123hotdog1100

    123hotdog1100 Well-Known Member

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    What if your donater do you get any perks i know im lat on this topic just got the game and wanted to know
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    At the moment not and probably never.
  11. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    I'd like to get back into Ark at some point, but for me the grind on normal servers is too long as well as being discouraged by the PvP factor (I like having a laugh with my friends building to endgame and having some fun with big builds, as I do on Minecraft).

    How many people still play the server?
    TheDrunkSquirrel likes this.
  12. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    Do you have to pay for the game, to be able to play on the MyM server, and are there other sites then steam to buy it?
  13. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Yes the game is not free and I think aim not sure.
    I also agree with ak[DOUBLEPOST=1439855393][/DOUBLEPOST]Any chance of the server getting multiplyers and PvP turned off?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
  14. DirtyDave30

    DirtyDave30 Well-Known Member

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    The player base is growing on the server. New people coming - which is nice! :)
  15. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The harvesting level is at 5x currently and taming is at 3x , it will remain pvp though just so that if players want to fight they can, its not forced upon anyone
  16. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    It will be forced if someone attacks that person lol. No one is just going to sit there and let someone kill them....

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