MMORPG group

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by RomaDaddy, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    So I am thinking either Neverwinter or [everquest2(this got left out...)-edit] for the group game, now we just need either a time where more than one person is on or to add each other to steam so we know when some one is on. Whos down for this?
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
  2. RaZzorShine

    RaZzorShine Baka

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    I never felt neverwinter for my kind of playstyle and there should be a poll not a single mans decision ^.^
  3. cynii

    cynii New Member

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    you really should try runescape hardcore ironman, only one life and you have to grind it to get all your stuff. You can play f2p and p2p for full benefits.
  4. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I am looking more for the RPG aspect of things not the grinding... I want a story and to need different classes and races for situations. If you want to join me on the two i mentioned let me know, I am not doing a poll because this whole post was about ME finding a group to play with not finding a overall accepted game in the MyM community. :pompous:
  5. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Selfish roma
    RaZzorShine likes this.
  6. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Mabinogi: Fantasy Life | Official Landing Page
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  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    WoW is now free to play, you can buy time with ingame money.(never got into it)

    Mabinogi is an amazing MMORPG[DOUBLEPOST=1439135275,1439063323][/DOUBLEPOST]Planet Calypso you can make real Money in this game. the economy is based on the Dollar.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1439136761][/DOUBLEPOST]while all above is true.
    I think Skyforge is currently the best F2P MMORPG out.
    Very nice Action controls that you can use a Controller with.
    My favotrite MMOs are DCUO, Tera and mabinogi but i feel this will out shine them in the Long run. Im a "fool" for Action combat
  8. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    Skyforge is still a little too beta for my taste, once its polished up I may go back to try it out.
    WoW would have you needing a group doing nothing but grinding gold for hours at a time just to afford one persons month of in game time...
    Mabinogi was always a little to cartoony for my taste ( reminds me of when I was 12 and played FlyFF XD )
    and I tried Planet Calypso and its one of those games that if you don't invest money into you don't really make anything worth while with out a dedicated group doing it ( just like the in game to game time system on any other mmorpg)

    Whats the max group size in game?
    How many races are there?
    How many clases are there?
    Is there a story line?
    How interactive is the enviroment?
    What is the overall goal?
    Is it PvP based/driven?
    Are classes/races balanced to FtP players?
    Is FtP limited on race/class/equipment/quests?

    These are just a few questions I ask while I test a game for grouping up in, not all things will be what I want but a majority vote always wins lol.
  9. Varrek88

    Varrek88 Active Member

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    I know its all ready been said but I played about 9 hours of TERA and really enjoyed it!
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    APB reloaded
    H1Z1 (when it goes F2P)

    @RomaDaddy Once you get stared in WoW it doesnt take a Long time to make enough Money to buy time, it is later game when it is easier. Planten Calypso you make Money playing so you dont need to spend any, like wow it is later game this is possible.
  11. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    later game is the issue, I am a casual player I like talking to every npc and doing every quest optional or not... you cant do that with games that only want you to grind to late game to do PvP related end game stuff ( since no game seems to be able to have an end game not revolving around pvp >_<)
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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  13. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    how long has it been around? I have been on 3 pokemon online games that never lasted more than 2 years lol
  14. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    Well it has probably been mentioned before but old school runescape is still one of my favorites, you got everything from quests to flipping items for cash or even farmin (some of the things are pay to play) I think you could have fun with that
  15. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I was a beta tester for RS or RS Classic as its known now, I was a member for a while and it looks like nothing has really been added content wise in a long time.... its all just graphics GUI lol

    I have given up on getting a group together for now, not enough people want the same things as I would. Seems like more and more people just want the PvP and dont care about overall arching story, character creation customizations as well as roles, and the PvE enviroment...
  16. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    The reason I like RS isent because pvp or pve or quest i like it beacuse you can skill and do excactly whatever you feel like doing, if i feel like earning 100k from woodcutting i can do that or i can just go and kill some dragons. I can choose whatever i want and it gives me a nostalgia feeling as i played rs for a long time ago, back in 07 or 09 when it was RS and not OSRS
  17. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I like that its free form as well, I just dont like that there is not a race or class system and that most of the useful skills are memberrs only ( hunting, summoning, herbology, ect.) I would play it if they would release more for free players. They have had the same quest line up for free players since I left in 08...

    I would like to get an Everquest 2 group maybe, its pretty free form as well but has the quests and story line that im looking for. Anyone can do any profession and gather things and there are a lot of customizations for race and class.
  18. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    They have acually implemented a voting system for new items etc, and btw rs3 has a new skill
  19. FranCawl

    FranCawl Well-Known Member

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    I know that for Roma at least, Skyforge is too beta (is this the way to say it?). But just for those interested, or for the future, I wanted to give a short feedback on it from my side~ If you are interested, read it,if you have questions just ask~

    First of all, It is a game, based on instances and dungeons a lot. The standard one being 1-3 man, the advanced one 5 man and later on 10, in special pantheon (the guild system there) ways and global events, there are several groups that need to work together. Progress is fluent. There is no direct player level, but a prestige system. Prestige is calculated from your stats, weapons and skills and equals your progression. There is a main story, that is pretty interesting thus far (TERA's is muchmuch worse in my opinion). Following the mainstory you are lead through several smaller 3 man dungeons and every few steps of your main quest, you get send into a region, that get gradually bigger and give you a pretty open worldy feeling. And in this game you can't cash really. It is in no means p2w and even pay to progress is limited. That is because there is a weekly limit. At first it is lower, but if you gain prestige you get a greater Limit. Casual players don't have to worry about ever capping out (except maybe the first two weeks) and hardcore players, hitting all their limits still get rewards instead of the currencies that you can't get anymore, so it's still worth playing.

    The gameplay is fun of the game and it feels pretty dynamic. Bosses do have interesting and fun mechanics. As for the 5 man dungeons, they can be pretty hard at first, but if you have some good people, those can also be mastered. These are way harder than other games, thus far. Actually the whole game is hard, with the difficulty rising as you progress.

    Playing with a group is not really a problem either. If you create or join a pantheon, you can level it up by constructing buildings, unlocking more features. Those can be special items, stats bonus, new instances and more. However to do this, the members have to donate money and complete ressource missions with their order (The order is actually a small people managing system, where you send adepts on missions and wait for their return to get, or not get rewards). And playing in the group together is a good and easy way to progress and because of prestige scaling, even higher and lower prestige members can play together without any mali. Additionally one person can't stray that far from the group with their prestige, because sooer or later, they would hit their weekly limit and the others could catch up.

    There are in the moment 13 classes and all of them are free. You can switch classes at any time. In the beginning you get 1 supporter, 1 tank and 1 DD as a class and once you reached a certain prestige, you can progress and unnlock any other class you want! All the classes feel different, all the classes are different. There is no real bad class since all of them have strength and weaknesses. (Oh and there is no healer class, wich makes fights much more interesting)

    I didn't even know if you read this far, but if you did... congrats! I just wanted to explain this game and show what I experienced in this week. Even if this is not a game to be played here, I still recommend it to people who like some challenges and a fun game.
  20. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I will go back to skyforge once its a little more stable, if I can get a good group to "guild" up with then it might not be as bad. I still have it downloaded and installed so if we get a group set up for it I may go back to it even while its a little unstable server wise.

    Whoop de do, they have one new skill in... 7 years? No thank you, they used to be driven to bring new and fun things to the players, now they are like most other companies and all out for the money.

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