My Suggestions for Monster+

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by AtroCty, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. AtroCty

    AtroCty Member

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    1:17 AM
    Hey guys,

    first of all I appreciate all the work here done by you!
    I just want to give you some sort of feedback and suggestions that may be useful for you (or not ;) )

    • Make random teleport function avaible in Nether / Twilight / The End
    • One public Portal to "The End", since the portal is only avaible for some certain players
    • a detailed list of banned items in the Forum, so we can quickly find the banned item (Still don't know if Personal Anchors are banned or not, or just the Chunk-Loaders)
    • PvP-Arena!
    • Make a Chunk-Loader in the Twilight-Forest / Avaible it in the Chicken-Chunk config (/home command doesn't work if noone is in the TF)
    • Ban the pump entirely, just availble the Ender-Pump (Not sure if it's already like this)
    I'll add more to the list as I just saw the current time. :eek:

    Best regards

  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:17 AM
    2. Not needed, you can craft one.
    3. The ingame command shows all banneditems and also that "Any ChunkLoader" is banned
    5. You mean one chunk loader in the Twilight that the world is loaded?
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    12:17 AM
    Wait, what?? Obviously you can craft portals to The Nether, Twilight Forrest and The Promised Land, but since when can you craft a portal to The End?

    I did track down the coordinates of the Stronghold with the naturally spawned End portal for you Atro, it's at 1207 42 -92, when I found it, the area immediately around the portal was claimed by ipozi but I've forcibly unclaimed it and sent him an ingame mail telling him to keep it publicly accessible.. I may even open up the area and made a proper access shaft to get down to it and then /adminclaim the area when I have time.

    How about this, you build a suitably awesome looking PvP Arena, and we might consider turning it into a forced PvP area :p
    As far as guidelines, i would say it would need to be clearly marked as to where the forced PvP area starts (fighting area would need to be a rectangle/square shape), and should have a structure surrounding it that is non-PvP like stalls for people to watch the action from without being in danger themselves and some rooms for combatants to get ready for battle etc.

    While I do agree that the Enderthermic Pump should be the only pump usable in the nether, since the config is set so that the Enderthermic can only be used in the nether, the BC and/or IC2 pump must remain usable in the overworld else it renders Oil a pointless resource with no way to drain it out of an Oil Well, not to mention removing one of the few easy ways to clear out the worldgen pools of Liquid Poison, Sludge and Sewage etc...
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Since Monster is alive or have they removed the recipe? There is/was a recipe with magical crops.
  5. AtroCty

    AtroCty Member

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    1:17 AM
    Well, if NO chunk-loaders are not allowed (though personal world anchor doesn't count since they only count as long as the player is online), then there is no way of making a complex machine ?

    Also, I didn't know you can make one via Magical Crops, will have a look on that...

    And yes, I mean a ChunkLoader. But IIRC there is a config possiblity in ChickenChunks on keeping a world loaded - just select DIM7 (Twilight Forest) with it.
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    I think you're missing the point, chickenchunk chunkloader are not completely banned, they are just restricted to tier 4 donors and above...

    And just to clarify, the way we have the config set chunkloaders work the same as personal anchors where the owner has to be online for them to work anyway so use of personal anchors will not be allowed as an alternative.

    As far as far the TF issue is concerned I've never had a problem using /home to get to TF even when noone else was there but I can try testing it when I get back from work.
  7. AtroCty

    AtroCty Member

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    To TF:
    Had multiple times "invalid world", whcih implies that the world isn't loaded yet.

    Some other Suggestions:
    • Make it possible to buy Crystals for self-made Portals, since MystCraft ages are banned, and can't afford them naturally
    • Remove the block-limits of Elevators from OpenBlocks (There is realy no real reason to keep them, it would allow better organizing in making buildings, easy to setup)
  8. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    7:17 PM
    The _only_ reason the portal was claimed was to prevent anyone from making The End unaccessible like in M2 (where I believe it's been destroyed), I've said publicly before that I've got a Vanilla portal claimed and am leaving it open to anyone (I'd even give them a ride there through the portal in my base). The claim did not prevent anyone from accessing The End through that portal (I tested it to be sure).

    If you could admin claim the area that would be great (and definitely put my mind at ease)!
  9. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    My main concern was that people who located the portal via eye of ender would end up directly above the portal chamber and due to the full vertical area being claimed would find themselves unable to dig down to it, or if they dug down the side of your claim, unable to dig sideways into the chamber... As i said though I'm planning to make a proper entrance leading down to the chamber and you're more than welcome to come and help me :D also ill probably need you to move your current enhanced protal frame so its further away from the chamber as once I admin claim it you won't be able to flip the activation lever to trigger it.
  10. AtroCty

    AtroCty Member

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    I also would like to know what you thing about these.
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    We did actually add mystcraft crystals to the market at one point but I think a crash happened shortly after which erased them from the market and we forgot to re-add them, so Ill see about getting them relisted later on tonight.

    As for elevators, I'll see what the other admins think, but I don't see why not.

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