What is the best armour you can possibly make In AS?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by sin_samsonsin, May 5, 2014.

  1. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    1:23 PM
    What is the best armour it the game? Also please tell me Diamond Armour with Prot5 </> Runic Armour with energetic? (I got 10 heart canisters and 3 yellow heart canisters.) if the dim armour is better with other enchants to please tell me the best combination! Thanks for replies!
    Last edited: May 5, 2014
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:23 PM
    Moved to Community Talk.
  3. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    2:23 PM
    Full diamond set with random lvl 30 enchants works fine for killing a wither.
    Just grab 2 enchanted golden apples with you and you are fine.
    I don't see point in going after anything stronger unless you are at the point where runic or bound armor is easy to make.

    And keep in mind: void kills you no matter what pants you wear.
  4. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    1:23 PM
    I have a solution to the problem with the void, I just want the best protection as possible. Like when you have to make cursed earth god armour is something to have in mind. Anyways I want to know what the absolutely best armour/setup is as I want as much protection as possible
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:23 PM
    take a look into bloodmagic
  6. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    1:23 PM
    That's the exact direction I looked after I checked out the spotlights. Thanks for confirming![DOUBLEPOST=1399395139,1399376680][/DOUBLEPOST]Im making 64 self-sacrifice runes now :D
  7. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    7:23 AM
    Wrong. Bound armor from Blood Magic upgraded with a specific sigil will protect you from void damage.

    Personal opinion on that is one of two options:
    1. A full set of bound armor from blood magic upgraded with your choice of sigils. then go stand under an XP shower and upgrade your armor with ArsMagica2 XP infusion. That with a VERY simple blood magic potion of absorption and reciprocation will make you invincible. Also, with the potion of reciprocation, most mobs will kill themselves when they hit you.
    2. Full set of KAMI armor also upgraded with ArsMagica2 XP infusion.
    With the blood armor, you can also use vanilla enchants for further protection.

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